Should fat fags have to pay for 2 seats on an airplane?
Should fat fags have to pay for 2 seats on an airplane?
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Logically, yes. They're taking up two seats.
they should walk
Yes. This shouldn't even be controversial.
Isn't weight a important consideration in air flight?
Like when they set the number of seats the expect each to be able to account for one normal sized adult
what happens the day when a fully loaded passenger plane stalls and every dies because the average weight per passenger was way higher then what the engineers imagined?
How the fuck did he even fit through the door to board?
jesus christ americans have let themselves go
what a sad country
if they take up 2, they gotta pay for 2. they must suffer the consequences of their choices.
Hey that actually is a good idea
no, I think all seats should be big enough to fit the fat assholes and the rest of us can be comfortable in a large seat...
They should not be travelling. They should not have jobs. The only thing they should be doing is losing weight and if they can’t do it in their own, the state should take legal protection of them and force them to
Watch the obesity epidemic disappear
You insensitive bitch. Most people with weight problems don't choose it. A lot of them have thyroid conditions or something like that. I hope you get AIDS or something.
it's mandatory for airlines to have a lube dispenser to help squeeze beautiful plus-size Americans through the door now. many airlines are also making the door twice as wide to avoid getting sued for not being plus-size-accessible.
Fat people should pay twice for anything and everything. There needs to be a fat tax that's like 99% so fatties are forced to starve until they turn into humans again.
Yes of course, if they use extra fuel why should additional overheads be subsidised by the rest of us? We already subsidise their additional healthcare needs with the nhs
He's a big guy.
They already pay more than twice the normal person for food.
They already do
A crash like that allready happend once.
>"Although the pilots had totaled up the take-off weight of the aircraft before the flight and determined it to be within limits, the plane was actually overloaded and out of balance due to the use of incorrect Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-approved passenger weight estimates. When checked, the National Transportation Safety Board found that the actual weight of an average passenger was more than 20 pounds (9 kg) greater than estimated. After checking the actual weight of baggage retrieved from the crash site and passengers (based on information from next-of-kin and the medical examiner), it was found that the aircraft was actually 580 pounds (264 kg) above its maximum allowable take-off weight with its center of gravity 5% to the rear of the allowable limit."
No. They should be made to take a sip or boar instead of flying
funny how you don’t see overweight people in war torn African villages where food is scarce despite obesity being blamed on a genetic lottery.
Fuck, LOL
No. They shouldn't be allowed on the plane.
Should tall people not be allowed on planes since there is no leg room for them?
Yes. Fatty gets two meals, win-win
>Most people with weight problems don't choose it.
The crew consisted of Captain Katie Leslie, aged 25, who was the youngest captain flying for the airline (for just over 3 years)
Women drivers, no survivors, literally!
>t. amerilard
This type of text overlay video is the kind you always know is propaganda.
I think scientifically they should measure your waiste or shoulder to shoulder and base on how many x inches they take up they should be charged 15 to 25 more dollars per x inch
>where else
>hold on, mom
>puke before reaching bathroom
Give me a (you) if you agree
No, they should be shipped as cargo and sit in the hull of the plane.
If they occupy two seats, then of course.
That's one giant dude
On a positive note : they'd also get twice the food. So they'd have no reason to complain.
IDD why the fuck do I pay $50 more if my luggage is 1 kilo over, while some fatty 2x my weight casually strolls on and pays the same price.
I grew up in the seventies. Food was plentiful, junk food wasn't, fatties were few and frowned upon.
Being tall isn't a choice like being fat is.
>Work for airline
>Learn that the policy is that they must buy another seat if their body extends more than 1 inch past the arm rest into the next person's seat
>Have to tell a passenger that we're sorry, there's nothing we can do, this man's blubber only engulfs the armrest +1 inch and no more so he is entitled to sit next to you
Whats crazy is if you look at freak shows from the early 1900's the 'Fat Man' looks like an average American now.
This is the best answer, some extra leg room would be nice too. These seats are built for manlets.
No. They should have to pay for three seats so nobody has to sit next to them.
>Chair collapses under her enormous weight in salon.
>"I don't need to lose weight, I need to open my own salon for other fatties.
They let 22 year olds fly planes? Wtf
Stop being a lazy fat fuck. Eat less and drag your ass around the block a few times. It’s not fucking complicated.
dude there's 10 year olds that fly planes as a hobby
what's the point of spending over an hour a day doing your hair, makeup, nails, waxing/shaving, eyebrows, picking the right outfit to still look like shit because you cbf to exercise and eat right.
>don't choose it
Sitting on your ass all day stuffing your face is a choice you moron.
They have that. It's called first class. Nobody is going to pay for that
It's easier to do those things then to work out and it fills their vanity urge.
Also : people who have to endure the travel next to such a stranded whale should be given gas masks to endure the rotting stench of that grease-leaking carcass.
Fuck off back reddit.
Its up to the airline to decide. However, if I ran an airline I would say yes- they are talking up two seats, each of which could be sold to a different customer.
t. fat fag
How the fuck? I'm a lazy fat fuck nearing 380lb and I still can fit in an airline seat without hanging out like that. I ideally try for a window seat so I have the bulge of the airplane to squish into but I don't hang over the arm rest holy shit.
>my "medical condition" is being a lazy sloth like fuck that can eat an entire large pizza and play vidya games 8 hours a day
I'm obese but I take only one seat in airplane :^)
checks out
They should also be forced to pay extra based on their weight. You pay for checking in a bag based on weight, why not sell tickets based on weight?
Samoan Air charges by weight
>American Tracer
>my sides
Of course yes, you pay for space not presence.
If your fat ass needs two seats then you pay for two, who fucking told you to eat that much ? The Hitler in the closet ?
No. They should have to fly in cargo hold.
Fat people shouldn't be allowed to fly, period.
Let them walk to their destination, however far it may be. Perhaps then they won't be such fat pieces of shit.
They should have to walk.
Isn't that canada? Can't see the plates, but I seem to remember that from the last time it was posted around.
>chairs can only support 800lb load
jesus, when will these small fats stop co-opting the BBW movement... what if some large fats want to feel pretty huh? fucking bullshit. you can't be all inclusive until you include EVERYONE.