Does anyone actually plan on watching this shit? What were they thinking exactly?
Does anyone actually plan on watching this shit? What were they thinking exactly?
>Does anyone actually plan on watching this shit?
Sup Forums
>What were they thinking exactly?
They're just victims of the Berserk Adaptation Curse
At least it has shading this time
Shitty CG is more interesting than a slideshow, and animation isn't everything
There is already a thread up retard
>OP of the other thread unrionically mad about someone else poaching (You)s
You'll all watch it.
Nope, never cared for shitserk and some garbage 3D adaptation is not going to change that, especially with that staff full of hacks.
If you want to support Miura. you should watch this.
But I don't. I want him to starve so he would finally get the incentive to work on the fucking manga.
I'm pretty sure everyone's going to at least try it. Who knows, they might pull off something slick.
wow those graphics are dreamcast tier
I feel like I'll mind it if they don't butcher the story
but I dont pay
>opening scene
>shrill music starts up, bursting Sup Forums's eardrums
>20 fps fight scene starts
>the voice acting has a three second delay
>five minutes of back and forth sword clashing
>but guts can swing his sword REALLY hard
>the sword models clip together and go flying
>guts unsheathes his katana
>guts runs behind him, stabs him in the back
>zooms in on face
>'pshhh, nothing personALE, kid'
>episode end
and then Sup Forums still goes back for the second one
blunder of the century
>muh generals
they're different topics you retard
Of course. How can you shit on something if you haven't even watched it?
>How can you shit on something if you haven't even watched it?
Welcome to Sup Forums, we'll teach you our ways.
because PVs are supposed to show the best parts in order to sell you the product, if the PV looks this fucking disgusting then the anime must be unbearable
Imagine a world where Wit made berserk with the Kabaneri level of art instead of Kabaneri
I'd probably watch any adaption of Berserk, I'm not looking forward to it though.
>implying they wouldn't butcher the story
I'm just going to re-read and play the new game.
That has shading too, you blind retard.
We can't just shit on every show just because it has ugly ass CG in it.
But we can try.
I am
It's Berserk and this is better than nothing or another fucking Golden Age anime
>we can't shit on lazyness and greed just because
maybe if the japanese weren't so fucking retarded with their practices, like not modernizing, not expanding the market globally while still keeping the identity (it is fucking possible) and at least try to have a semblance of quality control, maybe then people would buy anime instead of having it all for free
I can.
It's one of them Sup Forums things that will just keep happening like;
Okada is complete garbage.
nano.RIPE are ear rape
etc etc.
I mean yeah CG could improve a lot to make it less ugly but I'm sure they will in due time.
You'd rather have a good story though before complaining about visuals.