This is a thread for the discussion of all ideologies that promote self-ownership, individual liberty and the natural order. These include (but are not limited to) anarcho-capitalism, paleolibertarianism, minarchy, objectivism and anti-leftism (i.e. physical removal, so to speak). All others are welcome to learn and debate us.
Reminder that this is a right-wing thread, so libertine degenerates ('live and let live' faggotry), open-border advocates and faux-libertarians (e.g. Gary Johnson) are not welcome here - people here recognise that property rights imply discrimination and a return to traditional, conservative values.
Although questions are welcome, many are repeated often, so it is recommended you research the basics first. Nobody here is obligated to debate with you, so try to avoid using fallacies in your arguments or creating unrealistic scenarios.

>Pastebin: pastebin.com/iT0Rw8PT
>Discord & Book Club: AbGmGWH

>The Machinery Of Freedom: Illustrated Summary (David Friedman) - youtube.com/watch?v=jTYkdEU_B4o (Watch this!)
>Anatomy of the State (Murray Rothbard) - mises.org/library/anatomy-state
>For a New Liberty (Murray Rothbard) - mises.org/library/new-liberty-libertarian-manifesto
>Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans Hermann-Hoppe) - riosmauricio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Hoppe_Democracy_The_God_That_Failed.pdf

>Reference - See i.imgur.com/wCIpgNA.jpg
>Torrent - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8d8ec6ef882dee291f119eb69994797574e5d616&dn=Anarcho-Capitalism%20Books

>hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | physical removal - youtube.com/watch?v=LP41IK91_qA
>Against the State - (Hoppewave Hans Hermann Hoppe) - youtube.com/watch?v=HLaqr3QorCw
>I need a Pinochet! - youtube.com/watch?v=zhrYY3ocQ5o
>Drop it like it's Hoppe - youtube.com/watch?v=HPKGgo4kGQM

Other urls found in this thread:



















If anyone has more images like this that'd be appreciated.









Just want to say OP, there's some good stuff in this thread. Curious on your thoughts about McGinnes.


the colors should be reversed for optics.

Also does anyone have any economic redpills? I feel like it's very hard to convince people to support libertarianism if they can't see how government involvement has failed them and they as hell aren't willing to educate themselves.

Hey gentlemen. Here to get feedback on an idea I've been kicking around.
/ncg/ - National Capitalism General
Like National Socialism, without the socialism label, swastika baggage, and dictatorship.
Capitalism, but with Nationalism to prevent (((globalism))).
Like Libertarianism, without the faggots, drugs, and mass migration.

Thread for discussion of the Jewish Question, Race Realism, National Capitalism, Anti-Communism, Fascism, Traditionalism, Physical Removal and Ethno-Nationalism. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda.
What is National Capitalism?
National Capitalism is the recognition that all economic activity is practiced through the reality of capitalism. One cannot choose to participate in capitalism or not, they can only modify the position they participate in capitalism from. In National Capitalism, the nation works as a unit to compete with other nations in the global free market, preventing multinational corps from running the nation into the ground in favor of profits for globalists.
>Capitalist economic systems exist to provide private individuals with profits
No, economic systems exist within the reality of capitalism. There is no 'capitalist economic system'. There is no choosing whether or not you want to be a participant in capitalism. Every time you compete in the dating game you participate in capitalism. National Capitalism is the choice to compete within capitalism as a nation rather than as an individual. Socialism is the idea that you can circumvent capitalism through the state via wealth distribution, which is going to be inefficient 100% of the time, as opposed to the state working to compete more effectively within capitalism, thereby creating more wealth. In a socialist state, steel workers will look to the state for subsidies, in a capitalist one, the state will just help those workers find more competitive jobs doing something else.

McInnes is alright. Another Canuck Conservative. Not really much to say otherwise.

Interesting idea, how does it differ from Right Libertarianism, if there is a difference.

This is basically a fusion of National Socialist views on race and Libertarian Right views on economics, and American nationalism. It is my opinion that Natsocs are only Natsocs for the race question, and Right Libertarians are only Libertarians to avoid the Nazi label and dictatorship.
A good briefing that fails to mention race. Nations cannot be multiracial.
>What about race?
National Capitalism recognizes that real nations can only be made up of a single people. Multiracial societies will inevitably be balkanized by politicians that drive wedges between the groups, this cannot happen in a society with a single-race supermajority. America was explicitly built by Europeans, for other Europeans, as per the views of the founders and the Naturalization Act of 1790. The solution to the race problem is simple, close the borders and increase the White birthrate to 3-4 children per family until the demographics have been fixed. The Black birthrate is already below replacement, and the Hispanic birthrate is plummeting. Shut borders, increase birthrate, problem solved nonviolently.

Have a lot more but don't want to shit up the thread. Will post if I see interest.

I wouldn't shy away from race realism or nationalism, but don't just be a spinoff of NatSoc. Have your own message. I'd be willing to help you out.

And by that I mean don't just be a copy paste of /nsg/

The ideal federal revenue system is through tariffs and the ideal state revenue system is through sales tax.
(Pro-tip: You fucking can't)

What is the NatCap view on international trade? And in terms of
>the Jewish Question, Race Realism, National Capitalism, Anti-Communism, Fascism, Traditionalism, Physical Removal and Ethno-Nationalism.
how would you hope to deal with these issues? Libertarians don't want a state with social regulations as well. How is the state going to help workers? This smells like natsoc wrapped in different packaging to me.



>communism in impoverished Russia would look the same in a world superpower

>Don’t we already have National Capitalism right now?
No, our current system is one of Globalism.
International Capitalism or Globalism: A system where national sovereignty is broken down in favor of international business organizations, meant to serve business interests. Examples of this would be outsourcing, low or no tariffs, the destruction of labor unions, and open borders.
National Capitalism: Sovereignty is put ahead of international organizations, tariffs are applied, and borders are closed. The nation works to out compete rival international organizations and nations, and the profits are kept within the country. In National Capitalism, materialism is not the end goal, the betterment of the nation is the end goal.

>But this sounds a lot like National Socialism.
It is a lot like National Socialism, because the modern understanding of Socialism is radically different from the NSDAP definition. The NSDAP would be radically capitalist by modern standards, slashing welfare programs and creating work for all citizens regardless of demand purely to increase productivity. ‘National Socialists’ should be calling themselves ‘National Capitalists’ If you don’t believe me, read the official policy of the party here: research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/sofortprogramm.htm

Join a terrible discord here if interested: y8kk5p
Basically this is an effort to bring together Right Libertarians and Natsocs, because Natsocs are not Socialists in the Libertarian sense, and Right Libertarians are not Egalitarians in the way Natsocs view them. Neither side disagrees on policy as much as they think, they disagree on word definitions.
The copypaste of NSG is to make the point that you can discuss everything that the Natsocs discuss without the swastika baggage. Copypasting is purely done to foster discussion of aesthetics.

Why wouldn't it? Soviet Russia was considered a superpower. Communism rapes countries regardless of stature.


>inb4 "Not Real Communism"

I'm down for promoting this message, are you involved in discord? we could work on it there and I'd be glad to help you get this thing started.

>Communism rapes countries regardless of stature

Somewhat true but it alway's rebuilds itself.

>inb4 cherry picked images

Yee bud
>Join a terrible discord here if interested: y8kk5p
A huge part of this is taking back the traditional American aesthetic from subversive forces.

Never liked the idea of National Capitalism. To much of its philosophy is ambiguous. Also I dont like associating with anything that has "national" in the forefront. Im a patriot first. I love my home and people without question but to often does "national" become a support of goverment. I dont like globalism so why would i support the stepping stone towards it. ie a centralized nation.

Examples of formerly communist nations rebuilding themselves?

The death toll is actually 149,469,610

Let le triggering commence


Need some educating on Libertarianism lads, I've got a few questions, answer them at will and point me to subsets of Libertarianism that solve these issues if you want

>how compatible is libertarianism really with nationalism and national culture? Wouldn't laissez faire mean there's no reason for businesses to not just import cheap foreign labour in the zillions diluting culture, knock down historic landmarks if its figured out a more profitable venture can be built there, and generally just erode national culture?

>simliar to above, won't laissez faire level old comfy towns as soon as it's decided it's more profitable to have condos there? Is this acknowledged by Libertarians most old and traditional conservative things will get destroyed if they're not profitable at some point, yet are desirable for being aesthetic or historical?

>a celeb working on adverts for a clothes company is filmed saying he believes women are inferior to men. Feminists get mad and start a campaign against the clothes company to have the celeb fired. Should a libertarian criticise the feminists for trying to organise a campaign to effectivel censor the celeb, or acknowledge the feminists have the freedom to express their opinion and try and encourage others to share that opinion with a campaign. If the latter, wouldn't this just lead to effective censorship (as a result of companies protecting their profits), which is what's happening in real life, and why would a Libertarian support that?

>How would Libertarianism deal with national debt? Do federal reserves go against libertarianism?

>does Libertarianism call for any kind of globalism? Is the current kind of globalism going on libertarian in any way, or is it a corruption of libertarianism? Is globalism rejected or accepted by subsets of libertarianism?

Should a libertarian criticise the feminists for trying to organise a campaign to effectivel censor the celeb
Clearly. That's the whole point of a self regulating system. Feminists or some other lunatics spout some nonsense they deserve to be ridiculed, mocked and proven wrong. Freedom of speech/criticism keeps a society informed. People won't become red pilled if we stay silent.
does Libertarianism call for any kind of globalism?
Generally no but there are faux libertarians who believe in open boarders (but protecting your house from invaders) which is incredibly hypocritical since your country is your home as well as your private property you have the right to say you don't want immigrants on the public property you pay taxes for. Most libertarians believe in a proper boarder and limited immigration.


why dont ancaps, white nationalist, pagans, reactionaries, euromuslims, jihadis, black nationalists and other larpers who want their own state follow the Liechtenstein route?
Their constitution lets any commune seccede by a simple majority vote, and the entire country only has 12 communes, teh smallest of which has only 424 people. If you get 425 people to move there and vote for seccession, you get a state
>>Art. 4
>1) [...]
>2) Individual communes have the right to secede from the State. A decision
to initiate the secession procedure shall be taken by a majority of the citizens residing there who are entitled to vote. Secession shall be regulated by a law or, as the case may be, a treaty. In the latter event, a second ballot shall be held in the commune after the negotations have been completed.


Hello I have got a question
If all people are imbued with certain inalienable rights and no one may agress against ones property (be it an object or ones very self) how would one go about protecting these rights, act in self-defence and seek retribution against someone who is significantly more powerful and influential than one self under an anarchistic system?

Hire a private security company or death squad.


A very wealthy man could hire himself an army to protect himself, he could be a client of the security company as well and people might not be able to afford these services
Of what value are your rights if they can't be protected?

How do the open the borders and stop these fucking racists fellow libertarians?

Where did you get my picture?!??!

dont play with my heart, you got proofs thats your nibba?

>people will stop doing business with him because he's dangerous
>no human rights insurer will sell him a policy
>your human rights/aggression insurance will protect you and try to neutralize him because he's costing them money and implicitly threatening their other customers
>he has to be REALLY rich to hire his own militia it's super dangerous work and mercenaries will also be unable to get human rights insurance

Basically it's a problem of critical mass. If the free society gets large enough, eventually it will become fault tolerant in the same way that bitcoin is fault tolerant.

That makes sense
I can apply similar answers to any branches of my initial question so that's about it
