A search for 'Verizon' brings up emails regarding plans for installing / extending a telecommunications system at Hillary's Chappaqua residence in order 'that she can become more self sufficient at home'.
The installation appears to have been planned over 8 consecutive days so as not to involve 'a change of teams'. It involved cable laying, cable splicing, installation of equipment and testing.
Could this have been the installation of, or upgrade of, the private server and SAP set up?
Need your help in checking this bois, could be big. Let the digging commence.
meanwhile in the alternate time line where hillary won the election cycle of 2016
Dominic Diaz
Jaxson White
They steal them, ship them, sacrifice and eat them. Translate.twitter.com Look at plane going back and forth between them Once on ground, trucks. Look at Pic related
Logan Sanchez
Self admitted, by Chelsea
Jonathan Clark
>INB4 The State Department is working for the Russians!!!
Ryder Bailey
Burger logic
>Trump increased taxes for me (low/middle class) and his family has connections/financial interests with the russians
"Buh mah emails that some staffer sent!"
Elijah Wood
James Ramirez
Hudson Thomas
Wait wut
Leo Moore
Women should stay out of politics
Dominic Jones
Angel Perez
Dominic Nguyen
Lolita express.
Christopher Carter
Elijah Bennett
and also this: as a result of her farming initiative, orphans and their granny grow marijuana to survive.
Caleb Fisher
What illegal activities did Wikipedia reveal?
Brayden Ward
They count this as a win.
Lolita pic. Epstein used translate.twitter.com.
Camden Thomas
also note that this is the "food security" program referenced in yesterday's initial thread.
one of the foia emails marked classified shows that qatar had $30Bil. earmarked for this Clinton initiative.
yeah, the mango operation is sketchy as hell too. worth digging deep.
Josiah Martin
I Reported to fbi a while ago. This banner appeared. Thats exactly what food security is.
Anthony Rogers
This is inedastimg
Justin Robinson
thumbs up, user.
Logan Bell
Its still up. Too long to be honeypot. They are doing it without consequences. Demoms shall walk the earth. They are literally parading. Remember cern is still working without oversight.
Julian Williams
Bump what's going on
Evan Nelson
Bump as well
Zachary Johnson
From Huma to Hillary: "i am faxing the secure document" From Hillary to Huma: "Secure documents are to be faxed to Justin" FYI Justin is Justin Cooper who Chelsea accused of downloading spyware on Clinton servers.
Angel Martin
>Chelsea accused of downloading spyware on Clinton servers
that's a quote by Doug Band. the very same Doug Band who knows where all the bodies are buried and who could be leaned on by any prosecutor who is interested in justice and the rule of law.
Interest Bump If mueler is an american, he should investigate hrc, if he is not an american, he should an hero.
Benjamin Phillips
what episode?
Evan Martinez
Podesta openly asking people to lie about Benghazi.
Alexander Turner
They're so fucking stupid, I don't think this is a joke at all. Especially considering Obama gave a British pm 25 dvds that didn't work in British region DVD players (Star Wars, ET etc(after he was given an ornate pen carved from the wood of an 1800's slave ship.)) Then the motherfucker gave the Queen of England an IPOD with his speeches on it.
They're all actively out to make us look like extremely dim witted fuck heads. Just reminds me of Hillarys reset button with Russia.
guise- g-g-guise, poor widdle kween chelsea cwibton got held five minutes at an airport and now she is pussyhurt from being treated like the little people.
Dominic Smith
Turn upside-down
Camden Scott
Needing a secret printer
Brandon Gray
Xavier Roberts
Zachary Watson
Hudson Moore
its the gamefreak logo?
Benjamin Cook
Its all a version of the fbi symbols. We are marked or branded as cattle. Certain swirls ,triangles, mean differnt tastes. Look at your kids toys or cartoons. Its everywhere. Educate and love your children. Be their savior. God bless.
Andrew Stewart
Just more larping, these threads are trash
Dylan Carter
In a world that has such harsh copyright laws, why all the similarities. Yet disney has noproblem with this. Same team.
Oliver Williams
Look behind link.
Young boy lover.
Brody Thomas
"take "friend of s" of hrc grid until cdm speaks to her" hmmmm... friend of s means friends w/ secretary. very mafioso-ish. seems to be a politician "favor" situation.
Julian Richardson
Hillary knocked over by a Us Diplomat according to Podesta??
Benjamin Perry
*off not of.
Easton Richardson
Fuck, how bad is the vidya game industry? I see it, on the left side.
William Nguyen
drunk again and had yet another stroke, no doubt.
Oliver Rogers
cdm is obv. cherly d >jic
Luke Moore
Jason Phillips
Lock Her Up
Special Counsel ---> DOJ/FBI/Clinton Email Cimes
Grassley: Two Witnesses Exist Who Testified Against Comey – Say He Knew He Wouldn’t Prosecute Hillary Months Before Probe Ended
Has trump really been that big of a disappointment, vlad?
Kevin Jenkins
Bad, ps4. I was an athlete all my life. Never played them. Do now with little ones. If your letting your children play unattended or use Netflix, youtube, amazon, hulu. Watch with them. Mind altering. Still furious we have to monitor subliminal messages.
Thomas Morales
Are they coming forward? Or did Grassley dig them up. Comey has perjured himself multiple times, on video, but he's still walking free. Disgusting.
Thomas Gomez
Grayson Peterson
Look at that ol' Huma honker there. Holy fuck.
Jacob Scott
That's not abedin
Gavin Watson
Comey Lynch Hillary
all in on it
grassley isn't hedging-he wants Comey (again) & Lynch to testify---this investigation may be dragging out for political reasons (midterms next year) and/or blatant deep state-swamp corruption stonewalling
Comey is screwed on two fronts--the dossier & fixing the Hillary classified material crimes case
--> Special Prosecutor
Brayden Roberts
Actually Legend of Zelda is a way to secretly induct Westerners into Shintoism.
Camden Williams
Go on.
Justin Campbell
listen here kid, there is nothing to these emails and you should go to fucking sleep. it is past your bedtime. let the grown ups do the work here
Connor Peterson
This should be good.
Christopher Murphy
Problem is, the DOJ isn't doing anything or asking for paperwork or indictments. They're all just walking free, letting Mueller run down whatever he wants, while Wray and Sessions do nothing. It's sickening.
Lucas Cruz
I have a hard time erapping my head aroung the fact that this behavior is indoctrinated since kindergarten. Yet we still enroll our kids in it. Then when its too late, we get upset. Teach your children. Dont let them be the next this.