Arguments Against White Male Privilege

I constantly hear that I'm privileged because I'm a white male in the US. I want to be fully prepared when this happens again. So, how do I combat this? What are the most effective arguments to silence my opponent?

I need your help in defeating this witch hunt of social shaming Sup Forums.

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I know this is called something. The
>If you deny x, it is because x exists
trope. can't use a word in the definition kind of thing?

I don't know, why are our politicians so retarded.

Call them race obsessed and racist. If they make excuses for their racism, laugh and call it shitty excuses for racism.

My advice is to fact-bomb them. Keep it brief and have your sources memorized. They're not generally super interested in hearing your opinion

How the fuck did Talcum X get elected Speaker of the House?

White privilege is simply niggers being upset that groups generally earn their reputation

Anyone who talks to you like that is not going to be put off by a reasonable argument. Just slap them.

Just call them Marxists and be done with it. These people don't even know where the term white privilege even comes from.

I just state that my ancestors were enslaved by blacks and muslims.

If that doesn't work I state that black privilege exists and to deny black privilege exists is privilege.

as if your autismal ass even gets out of bed.


The argument of white privilege is so insane and racist on its face. It is intangible, applies not to the individual but to the group (so anytime someone chimes in about growing up as a poor white the response is that their privilege is by being a part of the group, not from their background. This is obviously itself a racist assertion that you exhibit qualities due to simply being a part of your group). It is something that you can never make amends for, as you are always part of that group, and the typical response to "well what do I do about my privilege?" is that one must acknowledge their privilege and seek to recognize their "internal biases". This too is a weasel worded response, as it is not something you can prove to anybody that you have done, nor is it something that even if you did do that anybody would take as evidence that you are somehow no longer privileged or benefiting from it.

It is a racist lie that is literally impossible to reason yourself out of. You might as well try to stop the sun from rising than attempt to engage with any person that uses white privilege as an argument. That way lies oblivion.

This might be the only way you can verbally respond. The idea of white privilege is racist and a fallacy.


Denying God exist proves God exists!

>Shaun King
>White Privilege

What a whitey ass cracker.

>Denying God exist proves God exists!
'Denying' the Holohoax exists proves the holohoax exists

t. Christian brainwashing

You don't have to prove a negative or deny a lie.

Every "privilege' argument is bullshit
>Thin privilege
>wealth privilege
>Able privilege
>Cis privilege
It's all bullshit. Don't argue it, just laugh at the pathetic being standing before you who actually uses that language

Shaun King most certainly keeps his hair short or it would grow into his curly or straighter locks, something no person who is mostly genetically black is going to naturally have.

hard to lose a one man election
its an illogical emotional argument, so you really can't win. my grandparents immigrated from france and my best attempt was dismissing whatever they had to say by talking about how hitler invaded my homeland and persecuted us like jews. they just stopped talking.

>Talcum X

This is true. If I used the twitter I'd taunt him to grow his hair out

He'd just ignore it like the perfectly reasonable requests for a DNA test.

my state sucks. please nuke us.

if you kill your enemy, they win


i miss when politicians just fucked about and hated movies music and video games and never shut up about jag and firm handshakes.

Where's my privilege? I'm tired of working for every damn thing.

Where's my privilege?

Ask them to prove it.

Your picture doesn't even take into account the families that migrated to the US during a boom in the 1880's to 1920's. The point of interest being that was AFTER slavery ended.

The Ben Shapiro argument

Asians make more money than any other ethnic group, so wouldn't they be the real privileged ones?

One man election? Rhode Island? Internet meme man is the winner?

Holy fuck.
We need to push this

I agree, I like this approach as well. Ben Shapiro while being ((())) is super effective at having a fact/response ready for nearly argument the opponent responds with. Normies who lazily throw out "white privilege" usually aren't ready when you come back at them with sourced facts.
I'm going to look more into stuff like this.

When I hear a black talk about "White privilege",
It tells me that blacks themselves see Whites as superior.

*Captcha for this post: Street signs.
Streets named "Crow" and "Shadow".

I thought the constitution says everyone has equal rights to pursue their life as they see it. So how can a citizen exercising their rights have privilege? If anything the people making the accusations are guilty of not exercising theirs.

>not an argument

The Asian argument is retarded straw man.

Whites are privileged not just because of money. They aren’t privileged because of their institutional, legal, and state power apparatus.

The courts, police, how our bureacracy works, etc. all inherently were started for white people by white people and so work best for white people.

Asians don’t always know how to deal with all that.

It is how they blame someone for success they are looking to attack you as a category rather than a person. The whole concept of this being you hold wealth that was not fairly earned this wealth should be redistributed.

This runs into issues first it categorizes all white people as the same and it means to blame all whites for the actions of a few. Look we can call them nigs and tell them to fuck off but to normies it doesn't work. So tell the person you indeed profit from the work of others, those being your ancestors that built up wealth and left it to you. We built these nations these lands to give something better so that ours descendants might enjoy them. Very few were slave owners and these slaves were not captured but bought from other africans. There are more slaves than ever before in human history and most reside in Africa.

Our societies are not wealthy because of stolen wealth but generated wealth, slaves didn't work the coal mines or build the first cities. Slaves didn't labour for hours in factories as children freemen and women did so that they might give a better future. If labour is exploitation to them then tell them they are lacking gratitude and an have no spine. History was made by those who dare.

The concept of white privilege seeks to undermine out past to give an illegitimate redistribution of wealth. If these people want wealth then earn it, there is more opportunity now than ever before in our history. Even better there is even more support, years of affirmative action and welfare haven't done anything a redistribution of wealth won't help were billions have failed. Our privileges are earned and not ill gotten, all of history is conflict and to judge us now on a few sins of our ancestors is to ignore the sins of all others.

Never backdown to these people never give an inch they will take a mile this is just poorly disguised marxism.

Ask any divorced white man about his "white privilege." Especially if he has kids.
Likely he's been assraped by "the patriarchy."

This leaves out the massive amount of whites who hold no privilege at all, whites who now work to get a little more. Whites who are told they are privileged but live in squalor. People who cry about this are racists they don't understand that their view of the world in no way matches reality only that there is no business in protesting the rights of poor white people.

And if they cry institutions are racist remind them of the male suicide rate, divorce courts and finally that those in charge are often the ones you can't criticise and it isn't whites. I get so sick of people crying over how evil whites are they lack even the most basic knowledge of the world we live in.

White privilege is good. Niggers and women should try and figure out how to get it.

"White privilege" just means your parents and grandparents managed to live decent lives so you can have values and a modicum of wealth. Don't deny that, embrace it.

"Yes, I'm privileged. My parents made a lot of sacrifices, and I'm eternally grateful for that. And I'm working hard/studying/etc., obeying the law, and taking care of myself so I can get even more privileges. When I have kids, they'll be even more privileged than I was. What are you doing to earn privileges?"

Stop arguing with women and cucks. Women are basically retarded children that think with their emotions and not logic.

The Jews are basically trying to pin guilt on all white people as neo-original sin (since they've killed the Church and God) so that we voluntarily exterminate ourselves for them.

"We're all one race, the human race, except whites are universally and uniquely racist and evil and need to be killed."
- every Jew on the internet, ever

They would need to drop the victim complex ingrained in their minds and start thinking in the long not short term.

Don't combat it.

Accept that you are privileged and that privilege is worth defending.

Good post

You could embrace it. Really go all out with your 'white privilege'. Show them that they're less privileged pieces of trash and that you don't have to be bothered with them since they are not comfortable in their white skin heterosexual males.


Kek that image

So then there will always be white privelege?

A swift punch to the jaw

You're privileged to be a citizen in a relatively well-off area within one of the world's safest and most prosperous nations. All that really means though is that you shouldn't take life or things in it for granted, it doesn't mean you should feel guilt, shame, or hand out gibs to every foreign mouth out there.

This is just a form of Marxism they want a redistribution of wealth and use whatever lies they want to justify it.

Laugh at them. Don't take crazy people seriously.

It's called a Kafka trap.

I just look at them and say "I wonder if I lived in China, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, India....and was a minority, if I would bitch and whine as much as you are doing here"

>I don't know, why are our politicians so retarded.

>30 years ago we let literal retards have entry level jobs in important offices and branches of government
>half a life time later these unqualified retards are now in leadership positions with their own spheres of influence

affirmative action was a mistake.

there is no such thing as 'white' people. 'white people' is a myth created by jews in the 1960s to give minorities a big target to hate on. This country was founded by englishmen and other western european immigrants. All these groups competeted against one another, and there was no over arching system in place to give them any advantage over each other.

There is no such thing as White Privilege. By definition.

White superiority and advantage, yes. But a privilege is granted. What race granted white people these privileges?

There is female privilege, black privilege and so on.

But white privilege doesn't exist and I've yet to see any proof that it does.

>Denying you're a witch is EXACTLY what a witch would say!


cultural marxism is for useful idiots

wow thats pretty retarded.

>colored people who deny white privilege exists have white privilege.

If you are denying that you are a cuckold, you must enjoy watching your wife have sex with another man.

It's true. White males created a society for white males. Obviously white males would succeed most readily in such a society, while women and other races wouldn't do so hot. The question isn't if it's true, but rather why is it bad?

The real redpill when someone tells you that you have white privilege is to tell them that you are schizophrenic (can't be verified) and then completely escalate the conversation into you being absolutely ass mad they would assume you arent a tard and start to act threatening
I started pulling the schizo card when people say I have white privilege because I actually am but the reality is you can hide it pretty well depending on your meds and severity so they have no way to really tell, and they immediately back off because the oppression totem pole won't let them argue with someone who isn't "normal", I also start to slowly act more and more irate at the accusation at which point if they haven't backed off they will

white mans burden.

Talk about how privileged RICH "white" people and make a casual reference to their (((faith))).

Fuck the white man's burden, I say we leave them alone and just stick to our own kind.

hahah argh i usually pull out cards such as a quickplay but my deck mostly consists of purple trap cards i prefer those just the whole essence and nature of them ymbols of me who i am. A bug master. Not really into bugs, omre like a few pseudo-hybrid homonculus well sometimes I like wizards. Alright, well my favorite card is not even a monster card if i had to pick a favoite monster card it would be Celtic Guardian in defense position. Speaking of which have you seen the new ban lists? I haven't nobody will paly with me anymore so I just stick to reading.

Double down.
Ask them what they think of Jewish privilege.

non-white here.

wtf is "white privilege"

But that's not white privilege, that's just regular privilege

>taken seriously
>65 replies......
>front page........

Nigger how fucking dumb are you.
There was no slavery after slavery ended.
Gas your self now

If privilege is so bad, how can they justify their privileges? Electricity, heating, vehicle access...

Yes you do, because materialism logically denies free will. So you can't assert anything without denying your premise.

This is what I use
I get a lot of
>that is just luck to be born into that family
Respond with
>and you're lucky to not be born in Africa

Still looking for a foolproof way to escape kafkatraps

theres no such thing as white privilege. blacks arent lynched and hung anymore that shit is illegal and punishable. when it comes to slavery thats in the past. my people were slaves to ottomans for hundreds of years. u think turkeys gonna give my family money for how they treated my ancestors hundreds of years ago? lmao fuck no. back then America was fucked up. 20+ million Indians got killed, empires destroyed, people tortured and captured as slaves, it wasn't a pretty history and I'm sure no ones proud of it. whos history isn't dirty though come on.

if you currently live in the us, regardless of skin color we are all privileged. no one in the entire fucking world has the greedy culture that America does. we have 80+ fucking aircraft carriers. as if having a starbucks and mcdonalds on every corner isn't enough you can actually have them deliver the fucking food to your door now. with money you get from government weflfare!! youre a fucking idiot if you don't think you have it easy compared to the rest of the world...

>denying sin exists means that you are a sinner!

"White Privilege" is the same as "White Superiority" except you're supposed to feel guilty and ashamed about it.

The irony of it is that white people in America/NZ/where evr aren't "lucky" to be there, their parents decided to move there at some point.

On the contrary blacks in America are purely lucky that whites landed by their ancestors tribe and their tribe happened to sell their ancestor to the whites.

They are literally lucky, there was absolutely no wise decision making made by anyone in their family

how can you say whites arent privileged when you keep saying whites are the master race

wouldnt it be a privilege to be masterrace?

pol is fucking retarded