who's the most despicable villain in your opinion, Sup Forums?
Who's the most despicable villain in your opinion, Sup Forums?
Le Grif.
Your mum for birthing you.
I don't despise anyone.
>Le rape is the worst thing ever
Pic related is THE most evil villain in anime history, and an extremely good written one at that.
The consequences of his actions are realistic in a warfare setting, which makes the whole thing tragic.
10/10 series
Every manga has rape scene nowadays
but did he rape MC's waifu and eat his best friend?
Except modern Berserk :^)
Aji Tae?
Aji Tae.
His death is pretty satisfying.
Not just manga, a lot of other media lately too. Honestly it is becoming a really lazy writing technique to make a character have a giant "YOU SHOULD HATE HIM" sign.
Why many manga Rip-off Berserk
And i'm not happy this ending because mc dead so easy.
Chrollo Lucilfer
Yoshihiro Togashi
All those faggots with flashy superpowers in kiddy manga stand no chance.
This smug faggot.
And Light.
He said despicable villain, not bro tier demon slayer
Torturing children=/= demon slayer
What mango?
Is that fucking Drakengard? Complaining about rape in DoD is like complaining about Hydrogen in water.
I know, just like making a character racist or sexist, which automatically earns him the scorn of every civilized intelligent character who might abide all kinds of fucked up shit as long as it's not based on the ultimate evil of prejudice. Society's morals are all fucked up and retarded right now, we have all kinds of media glorifying killers and assassins and shit but the second a guy gets drunk and smacks his wife he's the lowest of the low, not saying that's necessarily a good thing but it's still backwards as hell. I yearn for the days when admirable heroic men could rape at their leisure and not be slandered about as PROBLEMATIC by everyone lacking context, maybe some day we'll have that back.
Naraku. If only if there was an arch where he was released into modern Japan...
I know it's an obvious one but Griffith is up there. It's not like he's not an interesting character, but holy fucking christ.
Piece of shit.
Source? More ruthless than old school Berserk.
Despite her ridiculousness, Kiryuin Ragyo is pretty fucking vile.
reminder that Munsu never fucked her
and that Sando was also fucked by Aji-tae
Munsu a cuck
It wasn't the rape though, its the fact he betrayed everyone
We saw the fruits of that betrayal in horrifically grotesque detail
And all because he himself fucked up and made a huge mistake, but instead of accepting the consequences when those he betrayed risked life and limb to rescue him, he betrayed them again
He made a stupid mistake and damned those loyal to him to escape the consequences
Hes literally the lowest of the low
That he never fucked One's cute boy pussy was his most despicable act of all. Well, that and the fact that he turns One into a fucking head o' lantern for the sole purpose of spreading the red eyes disease.
The spawn of One(Female) doesn't deserve anything better.
Worst Intoner.
Worst girl.
>Encourages crime
>Supports degeneracy
>Orders demons to tempt the innocent into sin
>Beloved by the god who created numerous country destroying plagues
>Habitually torments the person with the purest heart he knows
>Is slowly making her give into the most primal sin LUST
>Does it all with a haircut that makes me pissed off
Literally the most evil.
Drakengard manga. its shit
Fuck those cunts, they where to good for him. Also Sando is a demon so nothing good was lost.
Gemini Saga.
Not even especially evil or anything, I just really, really hated this stupid cunt
I'm glad you liked it!
LITERALLY predetermined to betray his companions. He was a plaything of fate, and arguably still is. Griffith is a tragic character.
Singlehandedly caused every single tragedy in Berserk as a result of her meddling, her continued cuckolding of Guts, and conveniently is now too mentally retarded to clean up her own mess.
And which are those series?
Oh fuck yes. Hamdo is so underappreciated.
One of the best vocal performances in all of anime.
Now and Then, Here and There.
He pissed me off to no end.
Source pls?
He was definitely excessive in evil but that was also his flaw, not enough depth as a character. I prefer villains to be complicated, messy, with human sides. EEEEVIL characters aren't as compelling.
I never hated a manga character as much as I hated this faggot. His death was great but not long enough.
I was about to post this faggot. His death was pretty satisying.
Can anyone tell me the source pls?
Your mom
Former hero
But it is indeed SAO.
This fucking bitch right here.
This magnificent asshole was the only reason I stuck with the manga.
What? It's all the guy's fault for not realizing the signs of her wanting to fuck.
Yeah, SAO the light novel had such wonderful drawings
This. Her cocklust is off the charts
Shin Angyo Onshi
Your mom
You meant Shit Anshit Onshit
>m-muh causality!
>implying he couldn't have just said no
causality in berserk is a creamy memey; guts is the living proof. griffith a puss
>I yearn for the days when admirable heroic men could rape at their leisure and not be slandered about as PROBLEMATIC by everyone lacking context, maybe some day we'll have that back.
Is the title something about castle and wolves? Wolfenstein?
why doesn't he wear an eyepatch?
Not gonna lie, I hate hate he. I hope she gets NTR'd and I'm not even an NTRfag.
he did in the prototype, but if your eye's gone for good, there's not much of a reason to wear an eyepatch beyond the fashion statement.
>Implying taking virgin women as spoils of war wasn't rad as hell
Only fucking reason to even read the manga. My god he was entertaining piece of shit.
>that disappearance stunt he pulled at the end of the siege
Vice Chancellor guy from Akame along with several of his cronies come to mind
This asshole right here