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Girls und Panzer
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I want to go to a soapland with Aki and Nina.
Is privacy really that important?
I want to be debriefed by Kay
How high are you today, Mika?
Mikko's ass 200% not allowed to have for a cute boy like her.
Thought I'd have another go at doing some Typesetting
I want to bury my face in that and hope it smells.
You aren't so bad. Play a bit around with tracking and leading though, it looks to me as if you are using default for now.
Anyway, here is the final version of LA2 Ch10:
Mega DDL:
With this I can call myself part of /ak/. Huh. Will probably typeset the next chapter(s) as well, depending on whether I learn of the right fonts in time.
Above the clouds
>Can't wake up.jpg
>tfw no Mikabros to watch Moomin with
Mika makes me feel funny in the pants.
I want scans f/a/mily
That's something normal
Don't do this to me while I'm at work.
>their school uniform is a hoodie
>their tank uniform is just a sweater jacket
Is Keizoku poorer than Anzio? At least they have proper uniforms and coats and even hats.
Her body is straight up banging 12 on a 10 scale.
Sorry, I only have these lewd Mika pics on my folder.
Did you listen the audio drama?
It didn't mention anything about Keizoku as a whole, only that Mika and her lolis are wandering hobos.
There are other Mika pics beside lewd ones?
Goddamn Shimada genes. Predator eyes combined with hot bodies is a lethal combo for any man.
That's OK, they're the best ones to save.
I can't believe she's only supposed to be in high school. Senshado sure makes them grow up fast.
I really like the theory that she is actually long past high school age just trying to get by pretending to be one.
If you had a night with Mika where would you TULTA?
>Somewhere else?
>everyone's faces when the Mika and Shimada thing is just a red herring and Mizushima was rolling along because it was fun
Was this ever translated?
Added to main /ak/ repository. Someone else put the link, I'm busy now.
Shimada genetics > Nishizumi genetics
They just don't want to be such military otakus like most schools.
If Mishuzima play along, maybe someday he will say 'well, why not?'
They sure are enjoying it
Me too. Plus it makes me feel less guilty.
Yeah, some days ago
Alice looks like a demon of some sort.
>yfw it was supposed to be a huge plot twist in S2 but people figured it out too early, and the pissed writer changes Mika into the long lost elder sister of Miho and Maho instead
>Is conscience really that important to masturbation
Maho is euphoric.
I want Shizuka to get in a bad tankathlon accident and spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair getting pushed around by Rin.
Is consent really that important?
The Shimada are genetically predisposed to be gay to the Nishizumi
>tfw you can easily have sex with Mika just by that exact sentence
watching and being watched..
I want to be Aki and have Mika ravish me as I'm telling her to stop.
Delete this
Really, Aki should not be that sexual
I want to be loaded by Shizuka!
No matter how many lolis Mika steals it will never replace Alice.
She has to try, sisters can't marry sisters
Rin pls
What does Miho's panties smell like?
How should I know? I'm not Maho. Unfortauntely
I shall make sure you'll never know
My cum
Ask Yukari
Yukari knows. Ask her.
>not Jeep
One job, dumbasses. ONE.
>Having sex with your wife who is pretending to be your daughter
Why are GuP families so fucked up?
Nope, she is just reimagining her school days.
She was in Ooarai?
>Always advance forwards, never backwards
Sounds more like Shiho was the proto-Chihatan baka.
Why else do you think she is wearing the Oarai school uniform?
Where did this pairing even come from? I see it a lot on danbooru.
Nah, she probably went to Kuromorimine since that school belongs to the Nishizumis.
Quick post more rosehip
Older sisters with family issues.
Nope, just has a strong tradition of being asociated with each other.
Details unknown.
Well, we do know Shiho was in her youth KMM's senshado team captain, but we don't know if the asociation betwen Nizishumi and KMM comes from that (KMM is asociated with teh Nizishumi style because its teh former school of the style's head), or the other way around (Shiho went to KMM because it was asociated with her family style).
Well, that was the essence of the blitz. Their panzerkeil tactics also serve to constantly put pressure on the enemy with superior firepower until its backed out into a corner, basically choking the enemy to submission which is very favorable considering they mostly field heavy tanks with sloped tank destroyers protecting the flanks.
Is Shiho a closet pervert?
All Nishizumis are.
Are all the boy schools on carriers as well?
Do mixed schools still exist in Gupverse?
Carbon coating has to come from somewhere.
But that's getchan
Saunders maybe.
All schools are in carriers. OVA 3, m8. OVA 3.
But on map Anzio and some other schools homeports are situated in ground, not on seashore.
No input on the Maginot chapter? Does that mean there're no mistakes or lines that need rewritting, at all?
Also, another web4koma. 3 left.
Boys schools are flying carriers.
This kills the Chekov.