
What wish do you make?
and how does it go wrong?

I wish to be unable to become a witch.

But i am a dude and do not have any major emotional problems, so i doubt Kyubey would make a deal with me.

If it does happen, i would take over the world.

I wish for kyubey to let me become a magical boy.



I wish for infinite energy in the universe.

There. Problem fucking solved.

A grief gem. Similar to grief seeds, it would allow me to absorb the despair from soul gem, purifying them and counteracts the grief in my gem. All while granting me temporary use of the other persons abilities.

My gem doubles in the darkening rate so I need to purify it much more often.

>I wish for infinite energy

I would like some coffi

The post is also mine.



I wish for Incubators to feel emotions. They're all narcissistic psychopaths and milk magical girls like never before.


I wish I didn't get pimples

I wish my wish wouldn't be granted.

I wish to marry best girl, Homura Akemi!

>They're all narcissistic psychopaths

But being a psychopath means you don't have emotions

The Sun explosion! Because fuck the Solar system. HAHAHAHA *villains laugh on background.

Start suffering again !

I wish to become a cute magical girl!

the power to defeat any boss in a video game on the first try with ease

Just make it so my soul gem can never be tainted and I'll gladly become a magical girl (male)

Let's assume you're a girl. You grow a dick.
It doesn't work well at all.

You don't have infinite magical potential.

Concentrating that much despair would probably blow up in your face.

How much coffee?
It turns out to be really shitty coffee.

The sudden, radical alteration in the Incubator psychology causes a total collapse of their society.

You could have wished for something better and simply healed your pimples with magic.

She divorces you.

Not much that can go wrong here.

People only end up liking you for your cuteness.

The non-boss enemies become impossible for you.

Not possible.

>She divorces you
I'm surprised you didn't go with the obvious "She regularly cheats on you with Madoka and never acknowledges you, let alone lets you touch her."

That's exactly why she divorces. It's not cheating if you're not in a relationship. Although if the paperwork was at a standstill, then that would be applicable.

I wish for prophetic powers. Messing up wishes is exactly how you get a bunch of angry magical girls who want to blow up your society, so don't.

That's way too easy.

I wish for Hibike Euphonium yuri threads on Sup Forums to be forever haunted by ACK and Mugino at the same time.

Crack-kun replaces ACK in equal autistic strength and somehow makes the fan base worse.

I would wish for Kyubey to become my willing sex slave.

You forgot what goes wrong.
Because you are unable to become a witch, all the negative energy is transfered to those around you, eventually turning all those you value into witches that you must kill

The downside was you got exactly what you wished for.

I wish for tripfaggotry to be a bannable offense

Lawnchair, Apple, and the rest will continue shitting up threads expect now we can't filter them out.

You faggots are forgetting you can't just wish for anything, as shown by Kyubey saying "with your power you could make any wish come true". That implies it's limited by your power.

I'd just wish all the incubators extinct. I'll take one for the team and become a witch (warlock?) but fuck you cunts this ends now.

>I'd just wish all the incubators extinct.
Implying you would have that power. Most faggots on this board would be Sayaka tier at best.

Incubators aren't powerful, nor are there that many judging from Rebellion. They also die very easily, hitting one with a baseball bat is enough.

If you're powerful enough for him to bother asking you for a contract, then you probably have that power.

I think the universe would be infinitely hot, or become a giant black hole or something along those lines if it contained infinite energy. Or if the universe is infinite in size then the rate of entropy would also be infinite, so eventually useable energy would disappear.

Your soul gem would still be able to be destroyed. If you wished for that Kyuubey would make sure that the first witch you ran into was strong enough to kill you.

We would just namefag instead.

Now I need to think of a wish for myself. Give me some time.

I wish to become an extremely cute girl.

Downside'll probably be that nobody I knew recognizes me.

I wish for eternal summer.
You already know how it end

Death and damnation to Homura forever alone.

It can't go wrong, any cost is worth sending her to hell. Madoka agrees.

>Incubators aren't powerful, nor are there that many judging from Rebellion
It was never implied that the entirety of the space faring Incubator race was present at the isolation field. user said make them extinct. If you just wanted to kill them, you don't need a wish. They would also probably convince another meguca to kill you.

>They would also probably convince another meguca to kill you.

Witches dont exist
Didnt you get the memo?

I'm pretty sure Sayaka killed those guys on the train AND beat the cock.

Wish for being with my waifu always

>girl comes to you almost every day when you are bedridden
>finally become healthy by miracle out of the blue
>short after said girl said something related to just that
>go with some other random slut

Sayaka may have passed up on the opportunity but that guy is a massive faggot.

>UROBUCHI: Guess I bullied Sayaka a bit too much (LOL). But then the reason why I do not feel that sorry for Sayaka is this thing, that I just do not feel that even if she hooked up with Kyosuke that girl would really be happy ever after. Most likely Kyosuke is a guy who will stand her up in dates and go to practice the violin, I think.
>UROBUCHI: But also for Kyosuke, a man who could not notice that "Hm? this girl seems to have some feeling for me..." even after so much self-sacrifice from her is simply no good. (LOL) - You Are Not Alone series guidebook


>tfw Sayaka was best girl but got it the worst

Fuck you, you ugly Jap.

>Implying Sayaka can beat that which she cannot obtain

I'd ask for an Ish Wish Dish so I could wish for fish with just a small swish of my hand.

Shut up Kevin.


>In a different setting Sayaka loses her Soul Gem in a fight against Charlotte and ends up in it’s stomach. If Sayaka’s Soul Gem is not found within Day 13 (of the game’s time) it would be found a day later by an exhausted Kyoko, but by then Sayaka’s body would have already started decomposing. Kyoko doesn’t have enough magic to preserve Sayaka’s body and hunt and fight witches at the same time, so Sayaka’s body rots as the days passes. When Kyoko finally finds Sayaka’s Soul Gem, she passes out from exhaustion. While Kyoko is asleep, Sayaka wanders off unaware of her current condition. When Kyosuke visits Sayaka’s home and he gets to see Sayaka alive in her rotten body, he calls her a monster. Meanwhile Homura, Madoka, and Kyoko, realizing that Sayaka is gone, they decide to go to Sayaka’s home. They girls find Sayaka but by then she is already in a broken mental state and she becomes a witch.

Holy fuck I didn't know that happened in the PSP game.

Entirely Homura's fault.

Literally my greatest wish in life is to be a magical girl.

The decomposing isn't canon.

Nobody said it was, dipshit. It was however, a scenario written for Sayaka's route with Quartet's supervision and Urobuchi even contributed to the script. Butcher gets his jollies from using Sayaka as a punching bag.

Cool your beans, I know how much of a punching bag Sayaka is to Butcher.

Index 3 and/or Tokyo Ravens season 2 get made

They don't get a certain singer to do their theme songs because they couldn't convince her to come out of retirement.

Reminder that they already have canon wedding dresses.

Stopping you people from creating shitty daily threads consisting primarily of image dumps about an objectively bad show that aired five fucking years ago and you people stop being a carcinogen towards Sup Forums by doing the former.

Okay I have thought of my wish. I would wish to have Sakura-chan's abilities (and rod and cards and things) instead of having my soul transformed into a soul gem. Would that wish work?

If so I don't see a downside. I wouldn't be able to turn into a witch and Sakura-chan is very strong.

But that's a funeral dress.

I understand that Urobutcher thinks that completaly happy endings are unrealistics, but I feel that he exaggerated the other way with the last twist of Rebellion as it was a contrivance that verges on plot hole just to enforce a worse ending than Godoka taking her to yuri heaven after foiling the Incubators' plans

I see summer newfags with their shit taste is here.

As expected of Reddit trash.

>eternal summerfaggotry

no it doesnt you retard stop learning psychology from tv/movies

You mean pic related don't you?

>trying this hard to fit in Sup Forums

>trying this hard to fit in by repeating what others have replied with to your own posts

>trying this hard to fit in by repeating the repititions of replies to what others have replied to with your own posts

Beng smart. too smart and figure it out and go mad

>Funeral dress
I bet you believe that.

What is the greatest "tragedy" in the series? That Madoka is required to take on the eternal burden of relieving the suffering of magical girl alone. What does Rebellion in essence do? Make Homura an equal being to Madoka and relieve her eternal burden for the time being and have Homura do it for her. Madoka WILL have to go back though. The best possible ending in the future is that they can share that eternal burden together. They're both going to enter concepthood and have their existence erased next film because that's the only way for the series can end that resolves the major issue of Kyubey learning of the truth behind the LoC from Homura. It's the only way for both of them to finally be free from his grasp.

Guys, QB's wishes don't operate under Monkey's Paw logic. It's not like your wish is guaranteed to be subverted into the opposite of your intent in the most horrible way possible. The problems mainly arise when people wish for something without considering the consequences, or wish for something that's different from what they really want.

Fuck off Reddit.

Excuse me?

But for cosmic balance it is required for the wish to cause enough grief equal to the benefit gained

Yeah, when they turn into a witch and start spreading despair. Not necessarily the direct results of the wish itself.

Kyousuke is a massive faggot even towards Hitomi.



Stop bumping.
Face it, it's dead.


If energy was infinite, the universe would never stop expanding.

Line all the tripfaggots who infest Madoka threads against a wall and have them shot

I'm going to wish for this too.

i wish for the tripfags to become immune to bullets

I want Homura to be my wife forever

She'll cuck me with Madoka. Still not bad.

My wish was granted first, sorry to break that for you

Too bad, they are shot by poison injection.

I wish for all 5 of the magical girls to be happy. It's all I want.

It goes wrong by:

Them happy but hating me leaving me alone to become a witch in despair and solitude. But that's ok. It was always going to end that way anyway.

They shot you and your friends with arrows.

Absolute omnipotence.

actually don't have friends, only you guys

i wonder where these frames come from

>all this samefagging

I wish to become an attractive human female approximately 18 years old who is extremely healthy and of sound mind.

As far as kuuby is concerned yanderes are of sound mind