Red pilling?

Need a quick way to jump start my friends redpilling. hes a good guy but the shit he spews is clogging the toilet






Okay, first you need to get him a little drunk, then your intutive brain takes over. Then watch a movie with him, like Conan the Barbarian (1982). Comment on the blonde women, the black guy with blue eyes etc. Other movies like "Katyn" works great too.


Introduce him to Ben Shapiro's podcast









Empire of dust
Crime statistics
>Cultural marxist
**** Gender
Arab Spring/Ukraine
Open Society
Open The Gates
George Soros
George Soros
The Impartial Truth


I showed Yuri in my history class when i had a vivid presentation about the cold war.


Good user
Yuri never fails, don't know why, even ongoing cultural marxist don't block him off. Still I prefer to start with the deconstruction of the noble savage meme, makes it easier to make someone swallow the JQ better

lesbian hentai for a civil war report seems inappropriate but I can't deny that you have good taste


>next, start rubbing his leg and wait til you notice his bulge growing...

>post yfw you see how much your redpill folder has grown

I am ready to face him once again,