In your own words, explain what "left wing" and "right wing" mean

In your own words, explain what "left wing" and "right wing" mean.

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Person I agree with, person I don't agree with.
You can pick which.

from what I've seen,
right: know how to fend for yourself, tradition persists for a reason.
left: gibs me dat, cracka

they don't mean anything. just more bullshit.

Second this, it's really only the huge difference between the two sides. But I'd like to add instead of just nigs, it's progressives in general. Just look at any riot. It's leftists doing it. Niggers and "anti facists"

Right: economic freedum
Left: Not so economic freedum

one side hates cumskins, the other hates niggers.

Right Wing: Traditional, cares about family and maybe religion, strong mindset

Left Wing: Very tolerant, progressive, treats everyone equally but acts like everyone is different

Right: equal opportunity, no guarantee of outcome (natural)
Left: More than equal opportunity and try to guarantee outcome regardless of input

Right: Less federal government, more states rights, smaller, less-wasteful bureaucracy and regulations
Left: More federal government, more regulations, larger wasteful bureaucracy

Right: Preservation of traditions, religion, and culture
Left: Complete destruction of tradition, religion, and culture if it has anything to do with white people

Right: positions based upon facts (even if it's hard truth)
Left: every argument comes from a foundation of emotion rather than logic

Think of them as rivals.
They're both fighting for something pointless.
That's why there's people like us who don't give a shit and just let them battle it out just for me to get some reality entertainment.

Division of political wedge issues where political parties strategically placed themselves on polarized view points of an issue to gain support from those forced into thinking there are only two solutions to a social problem.

Right-Wing: the West and its eternal fasces
Left-Wing: the International Jew

right wings are more free in regards to speech and guns
left wings are more free socially as to what they want people to be able to do but recently have been attacking the fundamentals of free speech by stating that free speech and hate speech aren't the same thing

I honestly just care about freedom for all us to do nearly whatever we want

Right-wing: always right
Left-wing: left reality long ago

Left: total equality
Right: total hierarchy

right wing means you serve the billionaire globalist elites and mega-corporations

left wing means you serve the workers and the 99%

Left wing: atheism and paganism
Right wing: Christianity

i essentially agree with everything except the last part.

The Right is very antiscientific in regard to Fossil Fuel/Climate Change/etc. Biology, pretty based, but other than that

Right: Tradition, Nature, Retaining individualism while working as a defined group
Left: Progressivism, enforced equality, the Masses and destruction of collective identities

right wing - jews
left wing - jews
Screenshot my post in a datamining thread

Holy fuck, pic saved

All there is to that spectrum is
Right wing = centralization
Left wing = decentralization
There is still a spectrum
Right is shit like monarchy, the Magna Carta decentralized from true monarchy into feudalism, American Revolution and system of government is further decentralized, etc.
Leftism isn't about power over others, that's what rightism is about, leftism is actually the opposite. There can be a mix between the two such as with the French Revolution Nationalism was considered left-wing in opposition to globalist monarchs or how America had nigger slaves after gaining independence.
The political left-right spectrum originates with the French Revolution, the right were royalist while the left were the revolutionaries who wanted a devolution of power from the monarchs, there's also how the US Constitution is supposed to limit the government and spreads the power of the government out in 3 branches and federal vs. state.
States' rights is a mild left-wing concept, but has been hijacked by "the right" which are really just Jews confusing the public at large to become intersectional and side with other "right wing" or "left wing" ideas as a divide and conquer tactic.


Right wing: "Freedom!"
Society should respect the rights of the individual.

Left wing: "Justice!"
The individual should respect its duties towards society.

Right: Traditionalism, Nationalism
Left: Progressivism, Internationalism

Right wing: Enlightened, civilised, law and order, beauty, harmony, peace and vigilance. Responsibility, justice and virtue. Hope.

Leftwing: degeneracy and retardation, anti-life, hatred, ugliness, uncivilised, soullessness, death and suffering. Envy and jealousy. Fear and loathing.

It's mainly an economic thing.

People tend to confuse the right and left wing labels with the conservative and progressive ones, which are cultural.

Today we see right wing and conservative as natural allies. Same for left wing and progressive.
But, screen cap this, soon enough we'll be seeing right wing progressives and left wing conservatives.

right - individualism
left - collectivism

Two retards of the same coin. Both think they are superior to the other. Both are insecure and fucked up people, except one side is nicer than the other, and therefore more easy to talk to.

left wing = "how can we continue to keep the niggers under our control?"

right wing = "how can we get the niggers under our control?"

>can handle mean words

at this point right and left are good and evil.

didn't always used to be like that.

Left wing is the power center of a system along with the lower pawns that it commands. Right wing is the middle that threatens to potentially usurp the power, whom the left attacks with the lower pawns. So the left wing is the top and bottom, right wing is the middle.

So today in America, the left is the "elites" along with niggers and trannies and Mexicans and degenerates and so on. The right is normal white people.

Right wing is order, left wing is chaos.

Are you completely retarded? You have the facts so ass backward, I don't think there is any point in spelling out your misconceptions. Perhaps it isn't your fault since progressives have done such a whitewash job on their own guilt, I suppose I can understand how one may be confused.

Left = total government control of all aspects of life. The state is all powerful, collects massive tax from citizens and resdistrubes wealth as the state sees fit. Think: Progressives, Fascists, Nazis, Communists, American left.

Right - power, sovereignty, rights focused on the individual with the state serving only limited functions, and only at the consent of citizens, who in turn have the right to terminate the functions of the state if they fail in their limited responsibilities.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is spewing propaganda and fake news. The left is guilty of numerous atrocities and the loss of countless lives. Don't believe anyone who claims the state knows better than you when it comes to your own life.

Right wing = hierarchy
Left wing = equality

Right wing=small government
Left wing=big government

Right Wing
>I care for my family, traditional values, the Republic, and a belief in a higher power.
Left Wing comes in two flavors
>I hate myself, my family, and will go to any length to undermine the system I hail from. I will never cease in my self-loathing, nothing-is-sacred crusade to annihilate my own kind.

You know thats a dude on the left. He's not even trying to be a trap.

I can only tell you my definitions since the words "conservative" and "liberal" get stretched out and abused worse than an old whore's vagina. In the broadest sense, the word liberal refers to the political family of ideologies that follow from what is now usually called "classical liberalism". Liberalism started as opposition to monarchy and a hereditary class system, stressing social and political equality and self-determination. In modern (American) parlance, liberal refers to some variety of progressive-liberalism or so-called left-liberalism, the other major branches of liberalism being libertarianism (liberalism for the autistic) and conservative liberalism, which is probably what you think it is but we'll get to that shortly.

The main opponent of this ideological family today isn't monarchy or dictatorship or anarcho-capitalism, none of which are practical in the modern world (although sillier cons continue to think otherwise), but managerialism, an ideology that developed from the 20th century onward with the advent of mass society and global commerce. To complicate definitions, no one really thinks of himself as a managerialist and the term isn't even that widely used, but it is essentially the concept of rule by expert managers who see themselves as comprising a hierarchical structure required by the scope and complexity of modern civilization. While managerialists often express allegience to some form of liberalism, actions speak louder, and recently they've been prone to voicing explicit anti-democratic sentiments due to the difficulties they've had with the nominal democracies beneath them. (Brexit, Trump, rising nationalism, etc.) This makes them anti-liberal in practice, a return to the idea that people don't know what's good for them.

Getting back to the term conservative, it is not really the opposite of liberal, because it is not exactly an ideology but a kind of philosophical temperament. There aren't concrete political aims connected to conservatism other than the maintenance of social and cultural continuity--with what, varies. If you believe in the basic concept of democracy and equality before the law but wish to preserve cultural traditions and maintain a stable society, you would fit into the "conservative liberalism" category above, or what we would ordinarily call just "conservative".

"Cuckservative" was a term coined to refer to people who called themselves conservative but assisted, sometimes openly, anti-conservative managerialists. This included supporting military adventures that led to worldwide instability, dismantling national boundaries on people and trade for the benefit of global commerce, and "liberalizing" social behavior as part of a definition of human beings as individual consumers with weak social characteristics. Cuckservatives, while nominally supporting conservative social values, were in fact obliterating them in the name of managerialism. Cuckservatives came to their perversely anti-conservative views through a complex series of changes, but Jews were definitely involved.

This isn't a perfect explanation of terms, but close enough for our purposes.

here is an example.

Left wing: Predisposed to majority of america's cultural currency but unaware of its coming out of fashion, very entitled, and more then happy to use force to move any topic their way.

Right wing: Half entitled by certain libertarian circle-jerks and half wary by the growth of communism/nationalism, very sporting of debate but to a degree (muh guns and Jesus perhaps), very cautious but seemingly steady on tendencies.

Nowadays I thing they mean shit thanks to the media and retards using them as buzzwords.
Though originally right meant less government while left meant more government

Left is pro-cuckoldry
Right is anti-cuckoldry

More state influence and less state influence (on the economy)

the fucking colors are backwards

Left-wing: some flavor of marxism
Right-wing: everything else

heads or tails

Can someone tell me about welfare? Can you actually have 5 kids and just get huge checks for the rest of your life? Don't they have a cutoff point or something? I'm all for helping people who legit need a hand and get fucked over by circumstances, but I find it hard to believe you can just be a welfare family forever

>thats a dude

Reformists vs traditionalists

Left is cancer, right is a lesser cancer.

I mentioned the spectrum's origins in the French Revolution nigger. You're the one with the backwards labeling.
>Think: Progressives, Fascists, Nazis, Communists, American left.
>left wing
>acting like there was anything remotely socialist about the Nazis or Soviets
>Communism= stateless classless moneyless society
>the state is all powerful
Everyone who isn't a retard knows "right" ideas are just corporate shilling, unless you're advocating for actual supremacism, slavery, monarchy, etc. you're not true right wing
And economics transcends the left-right spectrum, it's a very recent phenomenon for people to act like economics can be on their own in political views but it's nonsense. Wealth redistribution happened in right wing societies, look up Red Toryism or the ancient palace economic system, it's become a buzzword. The spectrum is purely about the distribution of governing powers, that's all.
>leddit spacing

Left-wing: Nationalisation of wealth
Right-wing: Privatisation of wealth
I don't think social/political issues fit the winged dichotomy

"Left brain addicts and right brain addicts, both bound to the Bird of State and hence the mechanism of control."

On one side, you have the cowards, the order-takers, the authoritarians, the reason-above-all people and on the other you have the heavily religious and/or spiritual with full-on passive thinking. Getting caught in either is a trap, just as the Traps of the Past and the Future.

Just starting to get into politics after being mostly apolitical
Aren't American and European "left" and "right" different" ?

>right wing progressives
>left wing conservatives
Stalinists, Nazbols, Strasserists
Both of those groups already exist.

Left wing: Whiney liberals dissatisfied with the world
Right wing: Yesterday's left wingers.

Right: What we've got works and has worked for civilization for hundreds of years so let's not fuck it up

Left: Progress no matter what that "progress" is, keep changing things, slippery slope more like slip n' slide yeehaw hail Tzeentch

Actually painfully true

rightie tightie leftie loosie.

Do libertarians even have a cultural agenda?

Right wing - I want to work for shit.
Left wing - someone else should work so I get free shit.

Yeah, freedumbs n sheeeeeiiiiit

Collectivist, globalist, pro-faggotry, pro-feminism, socialist (including natsoc and fascism), anti-family, anti-Christian, pro-any religion not Christian, anti-protectionist, anti-gun, traditionally liberal

Pro-Christian, Individualist, Pro-family, anti-faggot, anti-feminist, protectionist capitalism, anti-non-Christian, pro-gun, nationalist, traditionally conservative

cuckoldry, closet leftist

>left wing
People who wish for the destruction of western civilization
>right wing
Those who don't

>spot the lolbergtard

And finally, pragmatic conservative:
>>Do any disabled people actually use this building? How much will it cost? Are we setting a precedent for disabled access to every building?

Or basically what Thomas Sowell has been saying for ever; figure out the gains and the losses and assess each project from the perspective of a trade.

Stop being whiners you whiney crybabies

Left wing- those adhering to, from one degree or another, the tenets of Socialism.

Right wing- those adhering to, from one degree or another, the tenets of Capitalism.

These apply mainly for the USA.

Left: good intentions bad results
Right: bad intentions, good results

>bad intentions
Haha, what?

Economically speaking at least. Abolishing minimum wage for instance. So maybe i should say “bad” intentions. Greed vs growth

Abolishing the minimum wage is a good thing though, it combats inflation and forces people to work for better pay rather than rewarding bottomfeeders. You're eating up a tad bit too much lefty rhetoric bud.

Real libertarians are for individual rights.

That's pretty much what progressivism is.

>Left wing
Those losers in my class who never did any homework, went to disco parties and smoked drugs everyday, but still somehow expect as much salary as me 15 years later.

>Right wing

Left wingers believe in individuality via increased government support (nanny state) right wingers believe in the collective/family unit ie race,family etc and want a place where heritage is celebrated and values dictate how the nation operates

You are conflating classic liberalism with the garbage that passes for modern liberalism, aka progressivism. The problem with considering left vs. right a spectrum is the extent of polarization in modern society. Stating the right hijacked classic liberalism is in essence an argument of semantics. The left has long ago abdicated any allegiance to classic liberalism. Nazi is a contraction of National Socialists, so I'm fairly confident they had socialist ideals at their core. Rather than the state owning the means of production, Hitler merely instead "commanded" private industry to do the states bidding. In fact, the entirety of German society was re-purposed to serve the state. If that isn't socialism, I don't know what is. Communism also has a great deal more in common with socialism than republicanism, since you like the concept of a spectrum.

I think most libs don't understand that conservatives have a different sort of compassion.

Libs will consider the short term compassionate act as the most virtuous options. Whether on the subject of abortion, refugees, welfare, homosexual acceptance or many others, they consistently choose the option that alleviates suffering in that moment. The moral option is the one that minimizes short term, quantifiable hardship, for them.

But the moral action has to be based on the long term impacts of that action. It's about making difficult decisions in the present for a favorable outcome in the future.

That's what I think is the fundamental distinction between the left and the right, different definitions of what is it means to be good.

>so I'm fairly confident they had socialist ideals at their core. Rather than the state owning the means of production, Hitler merely instead "commanded" private industry to do the states bidding. In fact, the entirety of German society was re-purposed to serve the state. If that isn't socialism, I don't know what is
Holy hell, nice jewish koolaid there bud.

Right Wing
>humans are inherently self interested; therefor, society should be structured in such a way to either stop this or take advantage of this
Left Wing
>humans are inherently selfless; therefor, society doesn't have to encourage greed or use force
Of course there is the standard "right=capitalsim, left=communism" or others, but in my experience this is most accurate.

What are you smoking? Progressives argue for the good of the whole subverting the rights of the individual. Progressives are the Borg.

Progressives want less laws and more freedumbs so that fags can get married and trannies can mutilate themselves and kill themselves 4 months later. Lolbergs want the same thing except their reasoning is "muh freedumbs n shiet, stop obbresin me you statist gubbamint".


I don't drink Koolaid, just ingest historical facts. We can argue about definitions but the behavior of the fascists and Nazis is well recorded.

You don't know how to respond to posts properly and your arguments are based off of literal nonsense with no basis in reality. Please bitch about the Holocaust already so I can start laughing at you.

Meaningless buzz words designed to lump many separate political factions into a couple of groups and divide nations into two distinct parties to allow for easier controlled opposition. This makes it easy for even the most brain dead sack of shit to make a quick decision and vote, which changes fuckall. The kikes would prefer not to waste shekels on 3+ political parties. Those terms are used to dumb down politics to a level which the average pleb can understand, which makes them feel powerful. They are easily manipulated through their own hubris.

how the division should be:

right wing: don't spend money because that's wasting resources

left wing: spend money, because otherwise you're wasting opportunities

how it exists in US:


left wing: hey guys let's be nice all the time always no matter what anyone does, unless they're "Bad Guys" in which case we should unite Dumbledore's Army. Then we can punch whoever we want.

Basically, I think you're all awful, and will continue to be awful, and it's my duty to render everyone's stupidity obsolete by contributing to technological advancement that simultaneously obliterates any incentive toward abusing the flawed nature of government or business for obscene personal gain, as well as shattering the superstitions and shit-tastic cultural vestiges that have held back humanity for thousands of years.

Right: Rebelling working class slave
Left: mentally ill debauchacrat

faggots vs faggots

The left-wing and the right-wing function as a false dichotomy of culture and value. The right-wing wants to uphold traditional values to maintain a sense of culture and identity. The left-wing, alternatively, believe that culture and values are inherently meaningless and should be abolished.

>le "too smart to have an opinion" face

right: rural and suburban retards
left: city people

smokescreen that trapped normus' mental facilities

using republicans as left wing and right lul

It's 2017

Left: Suicidal
Right: Homicidal

Choose wisely goy.

Right wing means you want a certain group to have a monopoly on political ability

Left wing means you do not want this monopoly

Left: anarchism
Right: authoritarianism