I need new memes

OK my supply of memes have run out and i need some more

Other urls found in this thread:




I made a couple of surreal trump memes duiring the campaign but they never took off








If real, I'm more convinced then ever he's an android. I'd feel better knowing he's an android


I'm willing to entertain the Cuckerberg fb posts, but this can't be real


I just deleted my Sup Forums folder and my porn folder. I need to get one of those browser site blockers for Sup Forums because just like drugs/alcohol/porn the internet plays off of your reward center in your brain. mind over matter. I've deleted fb and insta this is the next thing


It's real, but as a consolation I can assure you that the people saying those things don't actually believe it.

They're doing the "fake it til you make it" trick and hoping it works out.






Puerto Rico mayor








I get the feeling these are the same type of people who actually enjoy the paperwork portion of DnD.

They also wear complete costumes and fully get into character. I bet some are quite entertaining


Get some new SHITTED memes for cuckposter repellent.


Dumping Zodiac Adventures

It's mighty cold out here, Dahnald.

I'm on a mission to locate the fabled Antarctigates. Legend has it that the very secrets of true conservatism lie beneath these frozen sheets.

My journey ahead is perilous, Dahnald. But I will march on, like the penguin towards distant mountain peaks.

Wish me luck, Dahnald. I'll let you know what I find.

Is this real?

Dahnald. I have news.

My latest expedition to Antarctica turned up dry, except for a single artifact that suggested that the true secrets of conservatism lie in several places around the world.

One of these places is in the vast deserts of Africa, Dahnald. I'm on my way to find the legendary Saharigates.

I'm at the edge of the desert now, Dahnald. I can see the long and lonely inhospitable miles ahead, alone. With nobody but me and my single camelegate.

Ill be going now, Dahnald. Stay in touch.

My latest jaunt across the deserts of the Sahara have brought me east, Dahnald. I now unwittingly find myself in Afghanistan, a troubled land. But it holds promise.

I managed to get with a ragtag crew of Marines in this tank, Dahnald. Together, I hope to find the next clue in my quest that leads me to the mythical Infidelegates.

We trudge forward into battle, Dahnald. I don't know what lies ahead, but with 120 millimeters of high explosive shellegates in the main gun, nothing will stand in our way.

I'll give you a sitrep once we get to the LZ, Dahnald. Zodiac 1, out.


I'm getting closer, Dahnald.

Closer to uncovering the secrets of true conservatism. My forays into the frigid plains of Antarctica, the searing deserts of the Sahara, and the unforgiving battlefields of Afghanistan have all led me here, Dahnald.

I'm in Brazil, and I plan to locate the fabled Amazonigates.

It's no easy task, Dahnald. It's only the third day of my trek in this wet wilderness, and I was attacked by tribal spearmen and shamans seeking to part me of my souligate. I was thankfully able to hold them off.

I've become a hardened warrior over my journeys, Dahnald. Armed with the bare necessities, I managed to adopt the tribe's method of camouflage by smearing swamp paste all over myself. Not to mention my history as the Zodiac Killer. Now, as I await my prey in the depths of the lush undergrowth, like Predator, the last thing they will see is the blur of my Forbidden Technique.

For now, I trudge on. I'll let you know what I find, Dahnald.

This is it, Dahnald.

I have searched several months in pursuit of true conservatism. Journeying to the icy plains of Antarctica, the searing deserts of the Sahara, the unforgiving battlefields of Afghanistan, and the damp quagmires of the Amazon, I got closer and closer to my goal.

And all the clues point here, Dahnald. Off the pristine coasts of the Canary Islands, I am going to obtain the fabled Atlantigates.

This will be the most difficult foray of my quest yet, Dahnald. I don't expect the sunken skelegates that guard the inundated hallways of the forbidden city to give me an easy time. This is why I have enlisted 12 of the nation's best and brightest Navy Seals to accompany me on my journey, all who have been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda with over 300 confirmed kills.

We'll get the job done, Dahnald, and I will return with the secrets of true conservatism to spread across the dimensions.

But for now, Dahnald, it's my turn to jump. I'll let you know what I find.


Ted went there so search for the secret chamber of the pharaoh, where the pharaoh stashed all of his porn

Just three days until the righteous return to the Berenstein dimension is complete, Dahnald.

Now comes a crucial fork in the world line, Dahnald. But luckily for all of us, I was able to obtain the fabled secrets of the Atlantigates on my final mission of the pristine coasts of the Canary Islands.

True conservatism, Dahnald. I now wield its immense power.

I was able to transcend this universe and create a skeleton dimension -- a skelension, if you will, Dahnald. In this so-called "skelension" I was able to spawn infinite copies of myself to spread the teachings of true conservatism to civilizations previously thought unreachable, across the vast expanses of space. These true conservigates, as I like to call them, will be our prophets on the most far-reaching missionary mission yet.

This is the priesthood rising, Dahnald. To lay claim to the distant galactigates by teaching them the meaning of true conservatism would mean that the power of the stars lies just within our reach. But Dahnald, this bright future is conditional upon the inauguration going without fault. Handing over a cabinet position would also be preferable, but I have grown beyond the need for such petty desires, for I have a greater purpose to fulfill.

The powers that oppose us threaten everything we have worked for, Dahnald. And this is their last chance to deny us the future we all deserve.

The time of prophecy is upon us.Only you can redeem the delegates, Dahnald, and restore balance to the realms in which we reside.

Make it so, Dahnald.

Switching to rare Teds

they probably also enjoy dicks in their asses.

Ted posters are the unsung heroes




Your whalecum



It is well known that 3.PF is the most degenerate playerbase of any rpg.

How do they do "mental gymnastics" to get out of that one?

Jesus fucking christ

GG Jews, GG


At least Pence killed them with a ca legal Thompson.


This shouldn't have gotten me over a year after skelegates, but it did.




How could it be fake?


i see what you did there

you're here forever famalam


Jesus Christ that was retarded



delet this







>black privilege










Is it just me or is Ana Kasparian getting fat?





It's game over, Dahnald.

The NFL is in sudden death.






If Chad comes for my mom I'll rip off his testicles and make a bola out of them.