Only the best
ITT: 10/10 MCs
The coolest battle shounen MC when I was a kid.
She's so fucking cute.
why do early 2000s anime look like shit so often?
good posts guys, keep it up!
I used to love Seman King, but looking back on it, it was pretty shitty.
post him with OVA wiz
From what I've read of the manga it seems like a decent battle shounen but the anime art looks so bad
Yeah the anime was okay at best, but the manga was pretty enjoyable. A really strong point is that it isn't milked to dead, but actually ended after a single shaman tournament. Ignoring Flowers that is.
She's kind, quick-thinking and capable.
Maybe I'll read the manga again, for old times sake. I actually played the game before anything, not sure how that happend. Damn castlevania rip-offs.
Even best girl is a boy.
0/10 effort. Even Naruto is better than this shit.
You wouldn't mad just because I posted a fact about your self insert, right?
That is an accurate description of Mai and she is a great MC.
I actually enjoyed Flowers, too bad there won't be any new issues.
Kill yourself and fuck off.
I came here to post this.
>being this assblasted
Kys fag
>10/10 MC.
Kids from Youtube here again.
Kill yourself.
Are you suppose to watch that show subbed or dubbed? When in doubt I usually go sub
kys you buttblasted nigga
Fuck off newfag.
And stay there.
Reporting in.
What is some dubbed anime list?
I know DBZ and Yu-Gi-Oh also fit in
Literally better than every HxH character