New Arc?
New Female Antagonists?
More Boy characters?
More Fanservice?
How do we make this great again?
funny how you completely left out the cracking humor and godly cliffhangers
we have enough material for S2 until the 2nd prison break
It doesn't need a S1.
The anime ended before manga went to shit.
Bring back the bromance of the boys. That was a big part of where the heart of the series originally started. Now Kiyoshi hardly interacts with them anymore and andre is a villain. Also give them funnier jokes the bottle rocket isn't funny and they have been milking it for way too long.
I think the shitty calvary Arc will actually be way better animated as opposed to reading it in the Manga...
But to OP, to make the Manga great again we need to get this Arc over with, simple as that. Also the setting needs to be back in Prison, we need new girl antagonist bc the ASC has been trash to say the least. And new boy characters added to the school wouldn't hurt
more hana and lesbian sex scenes
Just give me season 2 which ends at Kate burning his Mari stuff.
Agreed, the cavalry arc is destroying the appeal of the series. Not sure about new boys addition, but Hiramoto desperately needs to introduce some interesting new elements/events in the next arc, or the manga will go downhill. He should jump to the t-shirt contests arc already, and go from there.
More Hana
I want the badass sexy VP back
S2 with no Calvary ARC is better than S1(first half of the manga)
This. It's no coincidence that the series took a HUGE dive once she became Moeko (i have no issues with Moeko btw). The VP was Hiramotos most iconic character that easily had the most charisma out of the girls, Moeko just can't compete. Hopefully VP will return within the next 5 chapters.
Get all the guys together and united again. Fuck you Andre.
Definitely needs a new arc.
Make Meiko normal again.
Male transfer student who could either join the group or somehow be an antagonist, but a new guy would change things up I think.
Last but definitely first in importance: MORE FUCKING HANA
1. Make the boys Men
2. Dominate the stuck up bitches into submission
3. ????
4. Profit.
Agree. Hiramoto could've made Moeko a completely new character, he didn't have to kill off Meiko to bring her into the story
>muh sub fantasies
Grow up.
Meiko is actually almost bottom tier for me but she was a lot better before she was changed. Chiyo and to a degree Hana (at times) already have the moe stuff locked down and they're better at it.
Bringing meiko back would have her dom the boys again in one way or another and I have no interest in seeing the first arc again.
Nah bro, at this point Meiko being a dom to the boys would only happen for comic relief, remember Meiko was the first girl of the USC that was starting to grow fond of the boys
>Reads manga
>Posts on Sup Forums
>Tells other people to grow up
You're hilarious.
Why doesn't the Art look like this anymore?
Pretty much. I doubt her schtick as the original dom would go away but it would probably be focused on whoever the next antagonists are. I can see her acting strict and cold to the boys with some humorous whipping or the like from time to time but I don't think she'd ever be hateful to them again.
why no one mentions the art?
took a great hit since the starting of the current arc, I suppose the lack of assistant is the main cause
The art was so good in the past. This makes me feel like it's being rushed so the art had to be simplified to what we see now.
I feel like OP's line of thinking is what kills series and makes them jump sharks. We need this current arc to end. It's moving way too slow for its own good. It's not nearly as powerful as Kiyoshi's x Hana's scenes.
Also, I think the USC needed more development, as a whole? I know that Mari wants to save the USC, but what about the others? Hana really only wants to help Mari as does Meiko. The only one who really cares about the USC is Mari. Even if she loses I feel that she might be better off.
At the end of the day I just don't find Mari to be as compelling of a character as either Hana, Kiyoshi, Meiko, or Gakuto.
Yeah Mari's character is being a spoiled sheltered rich girl that has a vendetta against men unless you jump through flaming hoops to gain her slight trust..
Not much is interesting about her.
the gags in the cavalry arc battle aren't bad, it's just that it keeps EVERYONE together in the same spot, which severely limits any sort of narrative creativity
the arc definitely needs to end, dude just wrote himself into a little corner for now
The thing is we don't even really understand why. We know that her dad is the way that he is. It worked when she was the main villain, but as a protagonist? Not so much. I know that she knows nothing much about boys or men, but it's not as if she gets flustered around them, or anything. It's like WHY is the USC existing so important to her? Just to get one over on Kate for what she did to her and Meiko?
That's not a good enough reason.
Actually, just to expand on this I feel that even though we barely see Hana she feels way more complex of a character than Mari does.
On one hand she's doing all of these really perverted things, but she's still really innocent, not understanding what she's doing. Also, she's doing all of these things in order to rid herself of Kiyoshi, but her feelings for him are growing stronger and she keeps coming back to him. Her outside actions aren't matching up with her inner desires. That's considered a complex character. Add that to the fact that she has a reputation to uphold and can't be caught breaking the USC's rules and Mari's trust.
This is why her scenes are so intense. Not only is she having issues facing her desires, but she has a lot to lose, too.
Meiko, while not as complex as Hana does everything for Mari's approval even when she may not agree with it. She loves Mari and would do anything to protect her and even put herself in harm's way to make sure that Mari is safe. Mari's approval is what is at stake for Meiko.
As for Mari, I know that she doesn't want to lose the USC and she doesn't want to lose to Kate, but why? I know that she's willing to use people and put herself on the line to obtain her goals, but I don't know why she wants this so bad. This is bad for a character that has turned into a protagonist. I don't understand what she has to lose from the USC disbanding. Pride? Her ability to be with Meiko and Hana? I just don't get it and I feel that it's affecting my enjoyment of this arc. The best part of it was Kiyoshi dying though.
Go back to the school part where the boys try to meld with the female students via clubs or something else.
Chairman will dismantle the prison since he just had his flashback about his time in actual prison, and what it probably does to people.
Too soon for new boys to throw unneeded NTR into the story, they haven't even hit winter break
The Prison will stay, it's the main gimmick of the series.
Not if it's ending.
>I feel that even though we barely see Hana she feels way more complex of a character than Mari does
that because everytime Hana appeared she had major development
not even the supposed main love interest had it