What does it feel like to subvocalize when watching subbed anime?

What does it feel like to subvocalize when watching subbed anime?

I feel like it would really fuck you up since your inner mental voice would overlap with the japanese audio.

Tangentially related, It's really, really nice to be able to watch monogatari and catch basically all the dialog without pausing.


But this is a question about anime, and a serious one at that.

Books do not have coinciding audio with text.

What I thought you always had to sub vocalize to read it

Infinite jest anime adaptation when?

Subvocalizing is the trademark of a pleb reader

I don't subvocalize when I read, unless i choose to do so (i.e. for academic work or something else of merit)


I've been watching things with subtitles ever since I was old enough to have the mental agility. It's hardly an issue, once you get enough practice it's basically invisible. I still hear the japanese audio, my brain just converts it into a language I can understand.

No, it just makes speed reading harder. However, if you're a good enough reader you may subvocalize even when skimming a text.

Who the fuck subvocalizes while watching?

I don't even need to look at subs anymore, which is sad because that goes to show how repetitive anime language is.

>you are now subvocalizing manually

fucking subbies

How horrific it must be to be forced to subvocalize Sup Forums shitposts and other internet garbage



>speedreading your anime

The poster is referring to OP's image, which is of Thomas Pynchon, a novelist.

You guys will be elitists about anything.

No idea, I'm not a pleb. Didn't even know people actually do that. It's the mark of a slow reader.


The ultimate shibboleth of a subhuman

>not learning the language and watching without subtitles

Ironic you post a reaction image from the ultimate anti-subvocalizer show.

Fuck off, /lit/.

I'm a little skeptical as to how you could even know the word subvocalize without knowing that people did it.

>/lit/ is literally objectively quantifiably superior at watching anime than Sup Forums is

can't make this shit up

But I subvocalised your post, and this post as I'm writing it, and I'm not a slow reader.

I subvocalize in spanish while reading english subs of a japanese cartoon. Have no issues at all

How can you be better at watching something than somebody else? That makes no sense at all.

I hear the Japanese voices speaking English. It's great. Foreign dubs just don't do anime justice.

Kyouraku Shunsui and Yamamoto from Bleach come to mind (one of few pleb manga/anime I enjoy, but fuck you if you don't like that I like what you don't like, you vermin shitter), and the English dub just ruins the characters.

Hearing Yamajii's deep old man voice is amazing compared to the English voice sounding all senile and high-pitched. I can easily imagine Jap voices speaking English without accents.

>creating an even shittier dub than a dub inside your own head

Subbies have their own internal baby-tier voice overlap the Japanese audio

>he STILL has to read out loud in his head

Literally a child, or an amerifat

>read out loud in his head
I don't think you understand words.

I can read with my mind. Checkmate, nerds.

I don't have to, it just happens sometimes whether I like it or not. Sometimes it's just mumbling and only certain words are spoken fully.

I'm pretty damn good at thinking/speaking and listening at the same time. Sometimes I say the Japanese as I hear it while still reading the subs.

What the fuck is subvocalization

When you read this post, chances are likely that you "speak" inside you mind as you read, an internal voice.
Some of us who aren't retarded can read with and without doing this.

What percentage of people subvocalize

>this thread
I only make little voices in my head when I read manga, it's fun imagining what a character might sound like and helps me not speed through the thing and miss small details

My internal voice is "blank", almost silent, if that makes any sense. It might be more appropriate to call it transparent. It's very different from when I'm, say, recalling a song, or line from a movie.

You might have dyslexia, user.

Do you dream with sound or are your dreams silent?

>thread about anime

>b-but my manga
sasuga, subbie.

I can't really choose when I do and don't do this.

Everyone. It's an evolutionary response, if you have truly, never ever subvocalized, you're a vegetable.
If you seriously never have a thought to yourself involving words that are read, or if you never think a thought involving original sentences that you don't speak aloud, you may very much be retarded.

never reply to me again fuck face


How does that work? Pronunciation is tied to vocalization, we learn to read after speaking and not the other way around. How do you comprehend the word in your mind without 'speaking' it there.

I haven't worked in 6 years

You can look at a word and comprehend the meaning it conveys, that's why you need to practice and be a good reader bud, because you have to stop vocalizing the words and simply interpret them.

Not sub-vocalizing is good mostly for speed reading.

This thread is fucking with my head

Works pretty well once you've written a thousand pages or so of serious writing and read a hundred times that.

Subvocalisation is a trait of bad readers.

They have sound.
I read manga in the voice of the characters, if I've watched an anime before.

I'm not dyslexic, it's just that I can read text without subvocalizing it.

How can you read badly? So long as you can parse the meaning put forth by a text what else is there to it?

And that's fine, it's something that you learn, not something you're born with.
Entirely cutting off subvocalization is impossible anyways, it takes a level of effort.

So long as you don't move you lips, tongue, jaw, and / or throat while reading, you're good. That's the sign of an actual retard.

>taking over 2 minutes to read 8 words
as expected of the subvocalizer

It's amazing how so many people are unaware that that subvocalizing is a plague and a hallmark of plebeians.

>And that's fine, it's something that you learn, not something you're born with.
>Entirely cutting off subvocalization is impossible anyways, it takes a level of effort.


I never, at any point in my life, had to exert any effort to not subvocalize.

It is the blessing of being a ""late talker"". My brain properly developed the skill of reading, instead of simply using an ersatz "speak the words to understand them" method which subvocalizers use.

The point of reading isn't to parse meaning. The point of reading is to connect ideas, that means cycling the ideas in your working memory with your deeper memory during the entire process.

When a good reader reads, he does not think about what he is reading, he thinks about the relation between what he reads and his other thoughts, it is an act of synthesis not comprehension.

Back I my anime noob days I watched a few dubbed episodes of Full Metal Panic and this one girl had the most horrifically grating voice. Somehow it got stuck in my head like a bad song and every time I read a manga with teenage girls in it I kept hearing them speak in that voice. It was awful.

So you're retarded?

Not everyone is a primitive EOP like you. I can't count how many times I was about to say a word in English when I realized I'm not sure which way it's pronounced or where to stress it.

I lost.

bravo Sup Forumsnons!
you really like to be elitists about everything
even about the little voice that retards use in their head
you have ascended to a new level to elitism and thus created a new level of pleb-ism.

>taking 10 minutes to read 7

This thread is incredibly stupid. I wish for every single one of you to kill themselves trying to prove you are better a eating cock than your friends or something like that and choke in the process.

>not raw

you mean when you imagine hearing the words in someone elses voice? who the fuck would do that when watching anime? My mind was able to synchronize the subs with the audio after only watching a few minutes of the first anime I watched subbed.