Reminder that the man who ruined the Church was a literal faggot

Reminder that the man who ruined the Church was a literal faggot

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Which one is this and very briefly what did he do that ruined the Church?

Paul VI and Vatican II

>Hating on based Paul VI
>Who took the reigns after John XXIII did Vatican II
>Which really doesn't matter because the (((Church))) was already ruined by (((Alexander VI)))
Popes suck

Literally 99% of Bishops, then and since, and 4 subsequent Popes, not only signed on to his reforms, but expanded them into entirely new sacraments, canon law, catechism, and so on. The Church is dead. Time to move forward.

If Paul VI was so liberal, why did he write Humanae Vitae? The Catholic Church's teaching on artificial contraception is bald.


Without Vatican II the Catholic Church would have lost the younger generations.

the man who ruined the church was named "Adam"

in your image is just another prominent puppet of the adversary

>implying the Church hasn't lost the younger generations

Catholicism is a fuckin joke

>a literal faggot
you mean "liturgical" faggot, don'tcha?!

Because of liturgical abuses and liberal heresy the church has lost the generation following the 1960s. But it will survive the modernist heresy like it did during the Arian crisis.

its far, far worse than that

estimates place the number of people killed for nothing more than bearing the testimony of Jesus from constantine to present day at at least 50 milllion up to 100



I think you're confusing this nigga w/Pope Francis.

Fuck you troll.

You're missing the word "not" there.

What the Church did with Vatican II was cave to modernist pressure, that was it, it actually contributed to a massive drop in Church participation among the youth because the ones who would never go to Church still don't go to Church anyway and the ones who would go to Church don't go anymore because it has become so sterile, weak and mundane.

>John Paul XXIII

"Ruined the church" Catholicism has always been a lie!
>daily reminder that Catholicism is not christianity

>Malachi Martin
>Not a Jew puppet

Don't know why the pic is mistitled, I got it from the Pope John XXIII wikipedia page.