Did I meet a tranny?

>go to Pep Boys for car part
>quiet boyish-faced mexican employee with light feathery beard helps find the part
>he smells exactly like a girl having a heavy period
>I move to get away from smell
>he follows, the odor returns
>me: why does a guy reek like a woman on the rag?
>made point of saying "thank you SIR" as I left.

I'm disturbed and confused. Are there any other possibilities?

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You just met a Mexican, they all smell terrible. Nothing to be alarmed about.

this. beards and dark facial hair are also normal for the women, its probably a young girl who hasn't learned proper grooming

>he smells exactly like a girl having a heavy period
Please elaborate.

>still have faggy woman face
Looks like you can't change your jawline and skull structure.

>he smells exactly like a girl having a heavy period
holy shit i thought i was the only one who knew that was a thing

You know the smell, you just don't know you know it.

Earned your redwings I see. Welcome brother.

Wondering how she got rid of boobs. Doesn't look like surgery but i see no other option.

the scars are in the image tho

I...think I'm going to be ill.

Blood, old blood. Metallic and biological at the same time, like when blood drips onto a hot engine.

Are you 12 years old?

its this. blood has a slight metallic smell due to the iron content

Rachel Maddow... kek

I wrote this for another thread that was bumped off, but you can have it.

Rib removal happens for MtF. Men's ribs flare from the sternum down to around 90°. Women are like 60°. They usually shave the brow ridge of the skull. Round the jawline and chin. Trim the nose. They also trim the ears. They probably do the bellybutton, too. Men have a tight, stretched bellybutton. Women are squishy. Then they can get boob, butt and pelvis implants. Very curvy, and fools most.

Things to identify women: Spine curvy right from pelvis and flexible. Hips widest at crotch and angle in to knees. Smaller average head. Head makes shoulders look narrow. Thinner neck. Smaller average hands and feet. Shorter limbs.

There's all sorts of variance. This dimorphism may be completely backwards for other races.

perhaps he smelled metallic due to working at an auto-shop?

Looks like the French Pewdiepie.



Smells absolutely atrocious, like blood mixed with some musty, horrific grimes smell. Easily one of the worst things to smell on someone else.

According to ancient wisdom, women must remain apart during their uncleanness and then wash before returning to public. A few days after that she's at her pregnancy peak. So abstaining for a few days and then hitting her hard after she is all cleaned up is the best strategy for sowing the seed successfully.

>enforced chastity and then a clean, fresh woman is delivered to you
Wisdom, indeed.

You should never hit a woman

Still has no dick or balls, just steroids to get to below average male strength.

>Leviticus is ancient wisdom
Good goyim. Remember those dietary restrictions too. It's all ancient wisdom.

this it was definitely a young mexican. Sounds like a "dreamer" if you ask me. Make sure you follow them home tomorrow and investigate. You can even find out if they dig through their neighbor's trash or steal from them. You can learn a lot. then you can kill yourself

>only Moses came up with the idea that bleeding women smell bad and are disgusting
Try again - it's a universal custom.

Brother, I've gotten some "war paint" with my ex. It was yucky but I"m an adventurous lover.

Does it smell kind of like bug spray?

>trannies can turn into turbo manlet Chad's with a Test injection

why is life unfair?

I dunno, there's always something off about them.
Can't really tell that it was completely female, but there's something about it that looks like a bitch. I've never seen a ftm tranny that looks like someone I could respect as a fellow man.

Did you fuck it? I know you did!

it's their mouth and eyes, they always look feminine.

It smells like fish and iron