>fantastic animation
>great music
>unique character designs
>sold more than any moe or escapism SOL this season
>this fucking finale, the best since only god knows the last time it was this good
You cannot, you cannot YOU CANNOT argue this isn't the AOTS.
Kabaneri finale
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Okay, that's good and all, but consider Luluco.
Yeah I can. It was shit.
Short anime shit cant compete with the big boys.
>it's shit because I said so
Reddit is going full circlejerk about how shit it is without even understanding a show with essentially the most basic thematic parts that you can have. If you dislike the show you are reddit confimed thanks for outing yourself.
>Reddit hates it
AOTY confirmed
it was alright
>Episode 1
>Ash kills Kabane and survives with the power of SCIENCE and ENGINEERING
>Episode 12
>Ash Kills Kabane with the power of fucking biovirus he hasn't even created and saved by FUCKING MAGIC
So the reason he didn't became Kabane in Ep 1 might be that fucking talisman as well. Fucking ruined his character. Just imagine how much better this show would be if Ikoma overcome everything with his engineering skill and will.
>Mumei gets encouraged and forgiven for killing TWO FUCKING CITIES
>Biba is a childishly evil for the sake of being evil, worst written villain of the year
>sold more than any moe or escapism SOL this season
Kabaneri is SoL, discuss.
So at the end, when Ikoma was on the ground, did Biba shoot white blood into his blue heart?
You are baiting too hard senpai
>fantastic animation
no, only the first few ones
>normalfag tier trash sells well
Man what a fucking surprise.
So, it was basically Guilty Crown all over again right
Just without the jpop or robots
>everything with his engineering skill and will.
I agree. The whole black blood thing seemed a bit tacked on and ultimately pointless. Why couldn't he have just attached the gun to his arm + some sweet engineering fuckery that suprised people and allowed him to get the jump on them?
>Mumei gets encouraged and forgiven for killing TWO FUCKING CITIES
She was manipulated. She's 12.
>Biba is a childishly evil for the sake of being evil, worst written villain of the year
Evil, sure. But at least we saw a glimpse of motive and humanity in him come the end.
Ikoma should have stayed a higher kabaneri.
Ikoma should have died
>White blood made Mumei spew green light
>Kabane dying have ice blue light spewing out
Well shit, I didn't catch that.
Yes, yes. Well said, user, well said, user.
HOWEVER-You are right. AOTS
What I don't get is Biba's plan. So he's butthurt that daddy left him, okay, but then why destroy the city after killing the Shogun?
Nope, Guilty Crown is actual, 100% garbage.
Kabaneri redeemed itself in the finale.
>Kabane dying have ice blue light spewing out
What about Kabaneri?
Reposting because new bread and shit
>Inb4 3DPD
I knew he was good all along
eeeeeeeeeeew get out of here with this 3dpd shit, faggot.
He's just about weeding out the fear and weakness in humanity. He saw the shogunate and the people living under it as flawed and unworthy. The daddy revenge shit was just a by product of his beliefs.
Kurusu better marry the shit out of Ayame.
Also what are the release dates for the two recap movies again?
You have it backwards.
I can say it isn't- this show was mediocre and the characters are boring as fuck. I'm not saying it's bad, but thisn't the be all end all of anime buddy.
Moomay a cute!
This. It brought us some good porn art, and, in my opinion, was leagues better than SnK, but it was still hot garbage at the end of the day.
Honestly, I don't know.
I dropped it in episode 5 because of Mumei. I kinda want to pick it back but when I remember her character it just takes all the fun away from me.
>Biba will never shoot his white stuff into you
Why live?
Worthless slut only good for her armpits.
Mumei is literally worst girl of the season.
I was hoping it be more about trying to survive and find way to live again then getting pink haired faggot with daddy issues who in the end got his way. I shouldn't be shocked japan loves to do stupid shit.
Man, I only watched it for the action since I knew the characters were shit and the show still managed to dissapoint me.
If the characters had been at least mediocre I could deal with it, but they were just garbage.
Takumi was my favorite character and of course he is the only one in the damn cast that dies. Fuck this show.
>her character it just takes all the fun away from me.
Good finale that made up for earlier weaknesses to be honest. I rate it a solid 6/20
I want to make Ayame-sama ____.
Reminder Ikoman is plowing Mumei's tight 12-year-old pussy. BEST end.
I appreciated 3 layers of shading, but it often had the effect of mumei looking glossy
top qts
But he had to die so Ikoma could have his literal 3.5 minutes of doubt, user.
Do you think Kajika had the hots for him with the way she reacted when she found him?
None can withstand the Ikoman rage.
because her retarded ass hogged the spotlight
just let mumei die
How the hell is this a good finale?
It's average at best, the final battle was not that good, only a couple of scenes had good direction, and the dialogue was pretty bad.
The fact that the latest episodes were atrocious doesn't make this one good.
This show was basically one trainwreck after another.
>not liking your girls glossy
homos not welcome
by far the best OST this year yet
Speaking of shading, here's a translated interview about Kabaneri's digital touch-up process.
matte girls are better fucking homo
Look at that fucking ass
It was good.
A little rough in the middle, but no more or less than SnK was.
The ending was much more satisfying than SnK which made it overall better in my opinion. Also left room for season 2 if it were to ever come up.
I've begun nofap in anticipation for the not shit[/spoilers] doujins
Wouldnt it just have been better if ikoma would have died at the end? It felt lackluster.
Neat. Will they add in the touch up to scenes in the blurays?
>this is what mattefags actually believe
They will never be scanned, just like all the good doujins of other series.
Mate, Ayame-sama is just too cute.
I want to pinch her cheeks and hug plushies of her.
It had its high points, but it ruined itself.
Enjoy not being able to use your anime girl in the daytime because of the blinding glare.
The touched-up scenes have been selective so I doubt we'll see more. They might refine the digital processing for some shots in the later episodes since the production was getting incredibly rushed. Kabaneri's finale had dozens of key animators and many other production staff.
>Ikoma and Mumei survived
Fucking bullshit
I feel like Ikoma waking up could have been about a billion times more cathartic. Where was the long hug or some shit.
>Ikoman tap dat ass every night
Lucky guy
Kabaneri of the iron fortress.
>Out SOL the generic SOL shit
>Out cute girled(cute girls, fit girls, moe girls) the generic moe shit
>Actually useful princess character who doesn't take shit
>Literally the greatest main character
>Best action anime all year
>Out manimed jojo
It's objectively the best show this season point blank period. It's weakest point was that naruto shit in episode 9 but it was only bad because it was jarring and came literally out of nowhere, but other than that it was great. If you disagree your wrong and or autistic.
>Best girl's smile was protected
Ikoman is worthy of having wild and rough Kabaneri sex with Mumei.
The ending was cheesy enough as is.
I still liked it though.
Thank fuck. I called the evil dead vibes from the very beginning and getting the gun arm just gave me the biggest sense of vindication.
when will they learn?
When did anisama inject the white blood to Ikoma?
Cheese ending, Biba's White blood asspull, absolutely no fucking risk plus no backlash at all for Mumei after killing pretty much the last of Japan's population.
Since Biba's appearance everything turned to shit
>deserves to live because STRONG
Biba you goober.
>not you're wrong
You had one job.
Wit is so subtle with their sexualizing. It's fucking poetic.
He shot him with it right before Mumei killed him, or it was off screen.
A real hero. A real human being.
He knows he can kill.
Was biba a bibaneri too?
I don't see why people have such a hard time understanding Biba's character. He hates weakness and fear, and he saw the cities the people built, especially the capital, as bastions for the weak and fearful. He wanted people to stop fearing the kabane and follow him, otherwise they were worthless to him and should just die. That's why he fucked with Ikoma by killing Takumi, he was testing him. When Ikoma came back after getting thrown off the train, he chose to fight him to prove to himself that his beliefs were right. During the fight scene, he realizes that Ikoma is stronger than him. He even has a momentary flash of fear. When he goes to stab Ikoma in the back while he's dazed and blinded, he realizes he is acting like a coward. He saved Ikoma because he wanted Ikoma to kill him, since that was the only way he could keep believing that the strong live and the weak die.
So what exactly is the talisman thing? How did it dropping into the water break ikoma out of his daze?
alot of ppl compare this with the likes of guilty crown and attack on titan, calling it shit and what not, but considering it only had 13 episodes instead of 24, i'd say they did a pretty good job putting everything together, it's the hype that killed it, not the anime itself
Which is also why is was so shaken when he thought he'd beaten Ikoma. He couldn't accept that he, a self admitted coward, could defeat Ikoma, a fearless man, as it would disprove his core beliefs.
It's a fucking rock. There is no greater meaning. Ikoma was just baiting because he had finally lost his sight and only had one shot at the kill.
Yeah part of that might be because of preparation for snk season 2 and their OVA later this year. WIT is really overburdened.
>Ikoma was just baiting because he had finally lost his sight
Ah, right. Thanks user.