Let us end this age old discussion here and now Sup Forums. Is it 3 or 4?
Who was right?
If it includes cleavage, that's 4.
There are actually 7
>both eye sockets
>Breasts, if they are big enough
Fatso from Shieldbro proved they can have a lot more than seven huehue
Someone should post that holes doujin every time this gets asked.
Pores all over the skin
Then how about handjobs? And foot jobs? Arm pits? Hair??
>no nipplevaginas
Disappointed in you, user.
that makes 5
Sauce on the top image?
Please don't try to summon that. That's a meme that's better off dead.
A girl can handle 17 dicks at once.
5-hair/back of head
6-7 ears
8-9 feet
10-11 armpits
12-17 hands (3 per hand)
(Note, freaky Medusa girls can handle additional dicks with their hair.)
Now I'm thinking of John K. Pe-ta
>3 per hand
The urethra is a hole so the bottom one is right
You made me think of that one manga with the fucking girl with holes all over her body, which she would stuff things in. Fuck you user.
Stretta a best
>Pores all over the skin
But no back of the elbows and knees? user...
Yea, that one. Fuck you, user.
>The eyeball
I'm curious but I don't think I'm ready for it
It's been so long.
It's already over.
obviously the fourth mouth is not for fucking, so both statements are true
Theres a doujin out there were a dog full on fucks both of a girls nipplevaginas. Would recommend 8/10
you forgot the bellybutton
There it is
I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing that again, thanks Sup Forumsnon
Want there a story about an old couple who was infertile and it turns out the guy was literally fucking her urethra hole his whole life and neither of them fucking knew.
Maybe if you have a little golf tee down there.
I'm usually pretty freaked out by that whole tryptiphobia shit but this barely even grosses me out for some reason
I remember that, the wife said it was extremely painful the first year or so then she didnt mind it as much anymore.
>no nostrils
>no ears
>habing a migrobenis :DD
2 more to add
>the wife said it was extremely painful
For her
found it oh and the correct answer is the volume of your dick/the surface area of the woman + volume of internal organs of the woman.
Jesus fuck
in unrelated news
>Binkan is becoming canon and has a canon name
What is even going on anymore
H-holy shit, stretta hentai ova? Welp, I know what I'll be fapping to for the rest of my life.
Was Ruma a mix of Succubus and Snake Girl?
That's ages old user. Accelerando also got one
I know, I just don't go looking for hentai of doujins I've fapped to. I was surprised that Brandish had one, too.
>Forgot belly button
How can you forget the most important of them all?
>>Breasts, if they are big enough
Nigger those tits would have to be huge. Really huge, I don't just mean cowtits I mean she's have to be a few dozen meters tall.
>counting holes
The human brain can only handle at least 2 cocks.
Adding more will have the same performance and might even lower it if done aggressively.
Learn to cock scheduling you fucking faggots.
They're both wrong.
Nostril left
Nostril right
eye left
eye right
behind ear left
behind ear right
armpit left
armpit right
hand left
between each finger (5) on left hand
between each finger (5) on right hand
hand right
nipple left
nipple right
mons pubis + labia minora and majora
foot left
foot right
back (lower)
back (upper)
behind the knee maybe?
Oh shit, forgot that you can put your penis INSIDE ears too. Then there's the inside of the cheek left, then right, under the tongue, down the throat if you want to shove more dicks into your mouth too. There's also the arms too. The anus can take more than one penis, so does that mean it's more than one pussy?
Three per hand, but not multiple dicks in the vagina or ass? Step up your game.
>freaky Medusa girls can handle additional dicks with their hair.)
It's either around a dick or in a shota's butt.
sauce on top anime??
How dense can you be? Its 3 for fucking, 4 in general. Theyre both right, love wins.
I've got a vacancy in my cock schedule for you if you know what I mean.
I'm sorry, what is the name of the book at hand? Image search only gives identifies toilet paper.
Weebs are unironically breeding.
How do you Ironically breed?
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the
anonymous image-board culture!
Once you're done making your point, you leave the baby in the dumpster
>anonymoose is leejun xD
You must be underage to have not read the manga by now.
10-hair/back of head
11-12 ears
13-14 feet
15-16 armpits
17-18 elbowpits
19-20 kneepits
21-26 hands (3 per hand)
That's 26 dicks MINIMUM.
Any more than 3 dicks at once and you're hitting diminishing returns on how well she can handle each dick.
Source : been to an orgy.
Vagina have three more holes inside it
> Willingly participating in more cocks than girls orgy
WEW lad go get tested for the Gay.
Sooner than that.
If the guy in the back gets going in his own rhythm, I have difficulties swallowing the front one's thing whole - especially if the idiot starts moving with a different timing.
I guess that problem can be alleviated with communication and training, but then again that's true for any number of dicks.
So what is the 4th hole?
>multiple dicks in the vagina
Not everyone has a nip smal dick
>I guess that problem can be alleviated with communication and training, but then again that's true for any number of dicks.
Yeah but difficulty for synchronous dicking increases exponentially with each dick. Less is more, better to dedicate more attention to a couple than half attention to dozens.
It's not gay if we're really good friends and say no homo when dicks accidentally touch.
How would I know?
It's right behind the knee cap but you have to look at just the right angle and you have to believe its there.
>sexualising the reimu
Hell, I never knew they made an anime out of it.
My soul is broken
The doctor can make more holes.
Ah, I remember seeing that the first time.
Funny how it does nothing to me now.
>not sexualising the Reimu
You're missing out.
Dicks have to be attached to bodies, otherwise you might as well be fucking dildos.
It's hard enough to get a girl in position, you can't give up the elbows and knee bars.
>that fish
>reaches inside her own ass to give the guy a handjob while his dick is in her vagina
His grasp of anatomy is so fanciful.
>"you're fucking my womb!"
>"you're fucking one of my fallopian tubes!!"
>"you're literally dickpunching my left ovary!!!"
Why stop there?
>nobody posted that torture scene from mnemosyne