Crimea quits without a single guy being killed

>Crimea quits without a single guy being killed
>Woaah fuck Russia fucking barbarians sanctions incoming
>Catalonia wants to quit
>can't quit and is getting oppressed by cops hard

Hahaha nice democracy

Other urls found in this thread:

>chechnya tries quitting
>gets bombed to rubble

>>chechnya tries quitting
Yeah and rebels in Libya and Syria wanted democracy against their bloody dictators right, hahahahah what a retard.

Subhuman muslims deserve it.

>Crimea quits without a single guy being killed

You can read about it in Wiki.

Proofs of living bodies?
>During the Russian annexation of Crimea from 23 February through 19 March 2014, six people were killed. The dead included: three protesters (two pro-Russian and one pro-Ukrainian),[5][6][7][8] two soldiers[9] and one Crimean SDF trooper.[

>>Crimea quits without a single guy being killed

Is that what the average russian really believes?
i bet you also think that the ukraine army shot down that airliner.

look at map and read the news dumbass

those are totally two different regions and two very different conflicts

Crimea =/ Donbass

> Is that what the average russian really believes?

> i bet you also think that the ukraine army shot down that airliner.
People here do.

But there was no any resistance to pro-russian forces and "gentle folk".

they did it not in first time

>look at map and read the news dumbass
>those are totally two different regions and two very different conflicts
>Crimea =/ Donbass

These two are very much related to each other, and only a cuck like you can think that they arent.
You probably also think that the fact that 1 out of 2 women an sweden getting raped is also completly not related to the army of shitskins in your country.

Russia dindu nuffin
we wuz third Rome and shiet

German media was talking about 2 people if I remember, one of those had a heart attack.

>chechnyan terrorists invades theatre
>takes civilian hostages
>russian police gases terrorists and civilians

Lesson learned here:
Liberals want to sell you into believing that "might isnt actually right" Truth: It is.

Biggest guns/power/money wins.

RU can snatch Crimea cause they have the military plus the nukes. Catalonia has shit, they dont even have the right to vote on independence. Thats why they get their asses kicked and russia not. You may not like it (if thats the case, you're a liberal fag that lives in denial) but thats how it is.

>Crimea = Donbass
Swedish (((education)))

Fuck off. Castellans are whiter than cuckalonia and Ukrainians are whiter than Russian chink mongrels. Go eat a dick.

So what? Your media also was talking about russian hackers n' shiet

i remember that.

>police: we have a hostage situation, hundreds of children are still in the theatre.
>spetnaz: no problem, we need some gas and hundreds of bodybags.

Is it better to surrender to terrorists and complete their demands?

I know, such a bullshit claim. Our MSM was talking about facts without proofs.
That's why I wonder what really happened.
I have family in Crimea and they are pretty happy now under russian "occupation". Now they have a better medical treatment at least and less electrical power blackouts.

>chechnyan terrorists

Wasn't that actually a false flag opp?

Also Russia is way better in everything else than this corrupt and bankrupt third world shithole Ukraine... i wouldn't complain either

What are you talking about?

Catalonia needs to form an army

pretty much sums it up.

>i bet you think the ukraine army shot down that airliner

its laughable that you dont.

>Trust me goys, you live in a democracy.
>Okay, so we can vote to leave your state?
>HAHAHAHA no and if you try we'll use force to keep you in, we are all Spaniards after all

I'm glad so see another sane German thinking this way about Russia/Ukraine. Everyone I meet and talk about the Crimean crisis obviously had only Bild-Bildung.

Top fucking kek

And now russian OP explains to me why it is illegal (and punishable by prison sentence) to even talk about secession in Russia.

Yea, I don't know why they are not resisting to opressors. Even a bunch of Molotovs will be pretty cool.

Russian FSB planned and orchestrated the attack to drum up support for the second Chechen war.

wel, the reason for thinking this is that only the ukraine army had air capabilities, the rebels only had AA that they recieved from the ruskies.
Why would the ukraine army start shooting down planes when they now that they are the only ones flying up there outside of commercial traffic.

>muh falls flag...

Are you also thinking that CIA did 9/11? All consipiracy teories are retarded.

Do you have a paragraph about this?


Stay in your backward shithole and stop shitting all over this board.
I can't wait until the last one of you dies of aids and alcoholism desu.

I'd say the situation with russian bombings is way more unclear
>Guys from FSB actually were caught red handed by local police
>said "it's just a drill, bro"
>police was not warned about that "drill"
>confirmation of their words came from Moscow only several days after
>initial (although disputable) analysis of found substance showed it's RDX

>Implying that other parts of the UK are not also riddled with incest.

As least we also have the motorbikes.

Tbh no country really allows parts of it to just leave. Not Russia and not anyone in the West. Democracy is a scapegoat to take over other countries and gain new land and resources, nobody would actually practice what they preach when the secessionist movements show up on their land.
Crimea, however, is definitely Russia and fuck Ukraine.

>Is that what the average russian really believes?
>i bet you also think that the ukraine army shot down that airliner.

Well we are not brainwashed gypsies like you.

m8 you're not part of the UK
You're a colony
Why do you think you have a different flag?

sure ivan, keep drinking your vodka and praising putin, i'm sure everything will turn out fine for you.

Crown dependency actually. Its much better than a colony.

Colony implies you could move here, which you cannot. We dont take Pakis.

Penal code, art. 280.1
Public calls for actions targeted against territorial integrity of Russian Federation
Part 1: Public calls... — up to 4 years in prison
Part 2: Same, done via "internet" — up to 5 years in prison

Now ofc you may say it refers to "public calls" and it makes it a reasonable limitation. But Part 2 is a game changer. Under Part 2 you may be prosecuted for REposting something on social media, if court experts will decide that the content calls for borders to be changed """illegally""". And now should i tell you there is no LEGAL way to secede from Russia?

>We dont take Pakis.
not for long

You've been reading too much wikipedia, which is edited by Russophobic left wing retards. The apartments bombings were an inside job meme is literally the Russian equivalent of the bush did 9/11

>radical islamists invade
>yeah sure lets give them some of our land
fucking hell, london deserves to be the bomb capital of the western world

>Fuck off. Castellans are whiter than cuckalonia and Ukrainians are whiter than Russian chink mongrels. Go eat a dick.

Why are you so upset though?

Being "white" doesn't help them at all, they are still just a bunch of plebs being oppressed by the police.

talking about it and animating through actions are two pairs of socks.
There are plenty russian talkshows talking about that russia shouldn't hold crimea anymore.
But still thanks for the source, it's always better to learn about such critical things.

Those things come from actual sources tho. The only question is "was it really RDX, or sugar?"

>And now russian OP explains to me why it is illegal (and punishable by prison sentence) to even talk about secession in Russia.

But it's Russia and not a part of """Western World""", you don't expect us to have democracy.

And Catalonia is European and is a part of EU country Spain. And yet their democracy crumbles and they suddenly have no rights to vote and decide their fate on their own.
Same as Scotland I guess.

>Russian FSB planned and orchestrated the attack to drum up support for the second Chechen war.

You confused it with 9/11 when USA orchestrated the destruction of twin towers with Saudis just to invade Iraq.

Actually they were let go, but than they decided to grab some more land and only after that did they get bombed.

cyka blyat idi nahuy balalaika nasdrovia cheeky breeky pidor

Spain is a monarchy. What democracy you're talking about lol? Steklomoyem objebenilsya?

Britbongs Btfo!

Calm down poortugal.
Honestly I can't even remember a single meme about you and your """culture""" because you are such an irrelevant non-country.

>Spain is a monarchy. What democracy you're talking about lol? Steklomoyem objebenilsya?

After the return of democracy following the death of Franco in 1975, Spain's foreign policy priorities were to break out of the diplomatic isolation of the Franco years and expand diplomatic relations, enter the European Community, and define security relations with the West.

If only your education wasn't as shit as your beer.

t. alberto barbosa

Also we wrecked 'em in Guerra Colonial.

>I can't even remember a single meme about you and your """culture"""
>posts a meme about Portugal

How much does your sister cost? I have 10 euros and change, is it enough?

European Union= no democracy, no free speech, governments against Europeans
Russia= no democracy, no free speech, but government's pro-Russian
This sanction thing's engineered by the Globalist mafia. Crimea's Russian majority. Catalonia's Catalonian majority but the EU's on the Spanish government's side. Europe is totally controlled by these Soros style figures.

I had to google that "meme" about your dogshit country because your irrelevance doesn't help me to remember a single thing about your god forbidden place.

Keep your money for yourself, 10 yuros must be your yearly income.

>We dont take Pakis.
Them fighting words!

There is a specific act against secesion in the constitucion. Do you want Bavaria independent or Scotland independent
If no that makes you a hipocrite

I wish theyll ban russian ip's from posting once again.

>Do you want Bavaria independent or Scotland independent

Why not

I'm actually for independent Bavaria and Scotland. Let each people decide their own fate.

Also, Russia, that does not include foreign interventions. Just mentioning.

>votes no to bombing syria
>bombs syria
>complains that people leave

relee mayks mi fink famalam

What about Chechnya and Dagestan?

>you also think that the ukraine army shot down that airliner.

most Ukrainians started to think that also after the 'impartial' investigation where all the information was supplied by the SBU and all the photos 'digitally altered'

>paceянeц вepит, чтo кpым нe oккyпиpoвaн
go watch kiselyov, vatnik

If we flood the board with enough anti-Putin/Russia material do you think we can get the Russian government to ban us and rid us of Russian posters?

That's actually a really good idea user
We should deffo do it

>What about Chechnya and Dagestan?
What about them? They are okay with Russia.

Cuckhole refugee who lives in Russia talks about "occupied" Crimea. How ironic.

>If we flood the board with enough anti-Putin/Russia material do you think we can get the Russian government to ban us and rid us of Russian posters?
>That's actually a really good idea user
>We should deffo do it

No one cares about "anti-russian" content, we have our own Russian Harkach filled with it and you're not even close to it.

Start with posting CP - now Sup Forums can get banned in Russia.

>ты хaхoл гыгыгыг
A typical russian behavior. I actually was born in so-called "kaliningrad".

> I actually was born in so-called "kaliningrad".

Typical poor provincial retard.

>No one cares about "anti-russian" content
keep telling yourself that when you're using Turkmenistani VPN's to post your edgy shit

>keep telling yourself that when you're using Turkmenistani VPN's to post your edgy shit

Newfag, please. We have 2ch hk/po/ filled with cuckholes and libtards shitting on Russia 24/7 and no one EVER banned the access to that imageboard in Russia.

Wanna hear a joke actually? Ukraine itself banned the access to Russian internet and 2ch hk despite having shit ton of cuckholes there.

i need a vpn to access ok and vk now. most businesses in ukraine used them, so it forced people to use vpns overnight. mental really

One is occupation the other is secession.
You would better talk about Ukrainian seperatists.

yep, both countries should belong to their rightful owners.

Catolonia in Spain and Crimera in Russia

>"boohoo, ebil russians are hurting my feelings in 4chin"
Go cry to your daddy, limp-wristed western cuck.

>two pro-Russian and one pro-Ukrainian),[5][6][7][8] two soldiers[9] and one Crimean SDF trooper.
Wait so most of the killed were pro Russians?

It certainly weren't the hohol democratic EU puppet corps , certainly it was the ebin russkies that kill their own just for fun hmmmmmm

Really maeks u zhinc

>One is occupation

Poor catalons

You really are retarded are you?

>Crimea is overwhelmingly Russian and historic Russian land forcibly added to the Ukrainian Soviet Republic
>Literally unanimously voted for pro Russian presidential candidate s in all previous elections
>Literally have their own parliament
>Parliament unanimously decides the hohol hunta illigitimate which it is
>Referendum results are overwhelmingly pro Russian

The eternal baltnigger with his eternal Russian asspain

>butthurt belt flag is getting mad


That's the right way to do it. Never negotiate with terrorists and show all terrorists that taking hostages is pointless. Hostages are not useful if their lives are not valued.

If crimean people would chose to suceed and make there own state like Catalonia i would be for it.
If France anexis catalonia and takes it i would be against it like russia did with crimea.
Which is why Ukranian seperatism would be a better comparison.

The vote in crime was during a foreign ocupation which makes it questionable.

>"If crimean people would chose to suceed and make there own state like Catalonia i would be for it."
But they're not allowed to join Russia if they wish it to be so?
This makes no fucking sense. You're just a retarde baltnigger being butthurt at Ivan just for the sake of being butthurt.

I'm beign oppressed!!!!!

how do you want to prove that nobody was killed you retard? expecting proof of non-existence is retarded tier logic and I am not surprised it comes from a land down under.

>If France anexis catalonia and takes it i would be against it like russia did with crimea.
Nice analogy seeing as that could literally never happen. And seeing as Spain wants to suppress the right to vote from catalonians by sending the police to beat down people trying to vote it would be actually a good thing if someone else was there to guarantee the safety of the catalonians while they make their democratic decision.