What is the best anime and why is it still, 9 years later, Gurren Lagann? Will it ever be knocked off the top?

What is the best anime and why is it still, 9 years later, Gurren Lagann? Will it ever be knocked off the top?

Gurren Lagann is shit

Kill la Kill surpassed it

the first 7 episodes are
then it's insane

The only true answer. You have to bait harder OP, god I fucking hate summer.

But summer loves TTGL

It already has been knocked off, with one punch.

Nah man, we just, like, need some more Kiznaiver-type series am I right?

I dropped it after 3 episodes, maybe I should try again.

Everyone actually likes TTGL, it just became too popular for the wast populace of fedora tipping gentlemen

How can I like it if I never even finished it?

It was never any good.

Everything from the beginning to Lordgenome is god-tier. Then after that it's the usual Gainax bullshit.

Episode 11 to Lordgenome has tons of bullshit too
Only the episode with Kamina's death was God tier.

I have a theory that Gurren Lagann was so good that it left its creators unable to properly make an anime anymore.

makes sense

How could you enjoy that. It was just 10 episodes of the same thing.

>S2 when

It ends perfectly. It doesn't need a s2.

Because 9 years later, you're still underage.

Highschool spinoff then?

I know it ended well, but it was so enjoyable overall, I just want to see more of the same characters and situations in general. Maybe some kind of "The missing years"? covering the timeskips? All chibi comedy sketches? Even more of those parallel work little self contained bits; I don't care, I just want more.

>He's not young at heart