Who would you follow, Sup Forums?

Who would you follow, Sup Forums?

>not lazying around
You're on Sup Forums, not /fit/.

This comparison is dumb, Sinbad never betrayed anyone loyal to him.

Sinbad a million times over.

ur mom into the bathroom

>Both leaders who command vast armies of people
>Both charismatic as fuck
>Both seen as the absolute pinnacle of everything a man should be in their respective verse
>Both cucked the MC in one way or another

At least sinbad wont sacrifice me and everyone loyal to him to become a dark god.

One will plunge me into an abyss of darkness while the other will just make me a poorfag.


Just be the side character with comfy life user.

Neither. My loyalty is to one man and one man only. Pic related.

I'd rather follow Alibaba.


San... I mean, Kouen.

A better question would be Sinbad vs. Iskander.

Iskander jobbed

I will follow king ali to the end!

Is Sup Forums not watching the Sinbad anime? It's pretty fun. Though I guess some people are waiting for Netflix to put it out.

Why do you want to die?

Griffith, I guess. I don't even know who the other guy is.

I'd follow Sinbad, at least I know he won't sacrifice me to rape monsters.

He fucked over Aladdin and Alibaba though.

Iskandar is a retarded weakling that has delusions about conquering and shit.

Sinbad would wreck his ass.

the gay one

the one that isn't a rapist

So neither of them?

What a shitty choice on both ends. At least pick people that are convincing in commanding loyalty. Reinhard Lohengramm, Kiryuin Satsuki, something.

So Sinbad?

>He fucked over Aladdin and Alibaba though.

I don't what you're on about aladdin but how can you not see Sinbad is basically trying to treat him like a son since he's reminds him of his younger days and just showing him and cruel trading can be.

>following a shitty trader who's naive as shit

If a leader isn't intelligent or atleast has a aspects of a leader then he's not worth following then. You are like those braindead shounen side characters who follow idiot MC's just because he's nice.

>Tried to fuck over an entire country because he was treating Alibaba like a son

True, Alibaba did learn from Sinbad fucking him over but his method is not good at all since millions of people worked hard for all that. Alibaba still managed to get what he wanted though but Sinbad was a dick anyways.

>>following a shitty trader who's naive as shit
I don't think you've read Magi but Alibaba revived Kou even after Sinbad fucked over him. In fact he learned from that and was hyped about this new age. Also he was never a shitty trader, the guy is basically a jew.

>If a leader isn't intelligent or atleast has a aspects of a leader then he's not worth following then.
Good thing Alibaba is both intelligent and a good charismatic leader, he also happens to care about his people so add an extra point.

>You are like those braindead shounen side characters who follow idiot MC's just because he's nice.
Nah you're just a retarded Sinbadfag sucking his cock.

> intelligent
>failed several times to know cassim was deceiving him
>even after time skip power up he didn't think about the consequences of the magic teleportation from Kou being revealed to the civilians

Sinbad didn't fuck Kou either, hakuryuu was the one who did then fucked off.

The dragon god king of the fury, Touya Shiun