Is Britain powerful? and if not can Britain ever become powerful again


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Apparently we have a lot of "soft power"

i guess but what does that get us?

Fuck all, sadly. It would mean we're on course for a cultural victory in a game of civ, but that means nothing in the real world

I don't understand why the fuck you can't accept that you aren't an empire anymore.
Get the fuck over it and move on.

i'm pretty sure that the UK is past the point of no return. I just wonder which will turn into a copy of South Africa first. Will it be UK, Canada, or the US?

Nah, Nigels love to fantasise over how big their empire once was, but all that's gone now I guess.
Their very homeland is being overrun by foreigners and pooftas, and they love it.
Bit of a disgrace to the western world now lol



No, we don't hold much power anymore. Our navy is tiny compared to what it used to be. The army and airforce have seen serious cuts over the past 2 decades too. All we really have now is Trident. Whilst we can still maintain the impenetrable island through early warning radar and missile defence systems, we have very much been set back to joint operations with NATO as opposed to being able to go out on our own and rule the world like we used to.

Financially; we have been falling behind ever since 2008. The Conservatives keep on digging us further and further into a financial hole that it looks ever more difficult to escape. Whilst I fully support Brexit on the grounds of Social Policy, it is economic suicide in the short term (10 - 30 years). That being compounded on top of the shit show our economy is already in and sharp rises in crime, it makes me fearful for the future. Our economic power is dying too.

Multi-culturalism is stripping away our ways of life throughout the 4 countries of the UK. Terrorism, rapes, rape gangs, female genital mutilation, etc. is all becoming the norm here and quite frankly it's not okay.

Theresa May's government wants some very tyrannical legislation to be implemented... and a tyrannical government running a dying country never ends well.

The country is a shitshow and the empire has been dead for half a century now...

Rule Britannia. God Save the Queen.

You seem quite big brain.

1. Do you think Brexit will actually happen?
2. What is the elites endgame on the Muslim question?
3. What do you know about the City of London?

I think Brexit will happen in name only until the Eastern European nations start to leave and the European Union falls apart.

Islamic terrorism and related crimes is how the government is able to justify the police state that they are creating and in the very near future will use it to justify the erosion of people's rights. i.e. voting and freedom of speech. The end goal is for the government to consolidate its grip over the country and its people.

London isn't even white, never mind English anymore and hasn't been for a few years now. As of 2015 only 45% of the population was white. I don't really consider it a British city anymore, it has become too diluted with other cultures to be one.

We're about to sell HMS Ocean to Brazil, apparently.

I mean the 'City of London', not regular London.

Have a redpill:

I agree. The big split in the EU, if there is going to be one, is going to be between the nationalist east and leftist west.
That's why the most important elections in the world at the moment are probably those in Eastern Europe. They are practically determining how much of Europe will remain European. So if, for example, Slovakia were to go for a Western style party at some point in the next couple of decades, then that portion of Europe would be lost to multiculti just as Western Europe has been.

Mountain jews and anglos have entirely different worldviews that are practically inconceivable to each other.
Anglos have a insatiable urge to explore, expand, and bring order to the world. The Swiss on the other hand, have only one guiding impulse; acquire more gold.


No, we don't.
We don't love it.

Britain is powerul in europe however lacks previous power which it once had globally

Well we're a nuclear state and permanent member of UN Security Council. Allied with america. If you're comparing us with the average country we are powerful. But no where near what we used to be in the good old days

>Increasingly influential in Pacific affairs but need to hone its diplomatic skills to appear friendlier to the outside world. Also needs to tone down attitudes to migrants.
lmao good luck cunts, at least we beat Canada

No. All the European powers are extremely weak. You guys are akin to any of our individual States. If it was an one Euro country gainst the United States, it would be nothing bigger than the Iraq War.
USA, China, Russia, and maybe Australia are the only relevant nations.

>If it was an one Euro country gainst the United States, it would be nothing bigger than the Iraq War.

It's never one nation against each other.

Not any more.
Can it become powerful again? In the right hands, easily. Even in current affairs now with Brexit, we have an opportunity to form our own tariff-free economic union within the commonwealth. This inevitably boosts our economy. Due to the fact that we spend a specific percentage of our economy on arms, our armed forces will inevitably get stronger as our economy does. All we need to do is learn from the mistakes of the EU, not interfere in national or local politics, not force countries to do anything, and try not to let the UK and Canada dominate all the other countries, and it'd be a sustainable union.

However, our current government is not the right hands to a good job of this.

Yes but the thread is about a single State

Britain might not be what it once was in the eyes of the general public, but it's elites still rule the world.

It will be the US no doubt. You are only 56% white and your minorities are angry niggers and drug lord Mexicans.

We are 87% and we have manlet pajeets and chinky students as most minorities.

One british sub with it's 8 missiles and 40 nuclear warheads could bring almost any country on the planet to it's knees

This. The world is ruled from the City of London.

And the interesting part is that those submarines do not require outside authentication codes to be able to launch.
Everyone of those Vanguard Commanders can unleash hell on earth if he can convince the ship's executive and weapons engineering officers to unlock their respective safes.

>the most important elections in the world at the moment are probably those in Eastern Europe
Bowden predicted this years ago

This is basically true - Britain has always been a maritime power, Switzerland is landlocked

An Anglo union is my ultimate wet dream


Soft power is pretty much making countries do what you want without using the military.

>that image



i would genuinely not mind getting rid of the NHS just to fund our military