Best girl of her respective series - thread

Best girl of her respective series - thread

Other urls found in this thread:

But that's wrong, you fucking mouthbreather.


Both wrong.


most people will probably disagree with you
I don't though. I just wish she and Nano interacted more often


This, tied with Mai, is the correct answer.


Good taste OP



Correct. No love beats ass-love.


Not even close.

That's a pretty wide face

Wide you say?

both wrong


How wide is too wide?

hahaha, not even close



whoops, wrong setting while saving

No such thing as too wide.









Haven't even seen AgK but seems you're right.

Not just her anime but best girl of that year.

you're fucking wrong


I see there are a good amount of people with good taste in this thread.



Is this a YLYL thread?

I really hope there's someone who uses multiple monitors to display this as his background across them

that's not Umi though

She's a naggy, brown-eyed cunt.
Nah senpai, I'm not in love with her, and never will.
Honoka is just something else

so much wrong in one thread


Best by default.




Has Asuka ever had Shinki inside her like mommy does?


>yfw 3DPD trash wins





There wasn't much competition to be fair.

Posting best seacat.

>That fucking tooth shit

Kill me

Eehhh... Are you quoting someone? I don't think so, so you should stop using the green arrows for that.

>Greens arrows.
>Implying they're not meme arrows.

Also best Monogatari related.

Man hands
Absolutely disgusting


Nujabes, I think.


>There wasn't much competition to be fair



Stupid fucking whore

You sounding pretty mad there user

Best girl in any series


I'd agree, but she shares that throne with Karen.

Unfortunately you're not one of them.


Quality evidence in the contrary there user.

No need to get defensive.

Amazing taste.

Get out of here, Nano



Hey, I wasn't trying to be an ass, just saying you should at least provide a pick of your choice if you don't agree with mine.

Seriously, there is no need to be so defensive.





Pretty sure my posts don't follow under the definition of defensive, and so I do believe you're not using that word correctly.

The purpose of this thread is to post best girls, you disagreed with mine but didn't bother to post another girl from that series in response like say these anons did.

Pretty simple concept to grasp honestly.



Impeccable taste.


Alright. However, you're still coming across as incredibly defensive.






Do you want (you)s that much?