Terra ForMars 187
Terra ForMars 187
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Nice quads. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to them.
Checkmate. And dubs no less!
This would have ended years ago had they gassed the johjs.
>Gassing Johjs
Please, you really think it'd be that easy? Also, Chinese government.
Pic related. 2spooky.
And that's that. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Still have no idea what the fucks going on in this series anymore, but thanks for the dump.
is that an Eva?
What was even
I mean, what was that snake stuff
the fuck was that
and what about johjminator
...i love this mango.
A serious case of same face syndrome, it seems.
What has got you confused?
Less humans, more of this stylish guy.
Badass looking
thanks for the chapter, xpearse. you're pumping them out faster than lightning.
Hey Pearse. I thought you were gonna stop scanlating? Did you have a change of heart?
I like your music taste.
they tried it long time ago.
did he adopt Adolf weapons?
Good one OP
I have no idea what is going on with this series anymore. I stopped following it a long way back. Why are they working with the Formar again?
Forgot the last chapter. Did he have to eat the sucker to transform? Don't think we've seen a reptile transformations on Mars, Just insects (syringes), arachnids (Gum), Mammals (patches?), Crustaceans (smoke) and the Chinese who used nano machines.
In other words, that's the strongest (stated) animal base, planted on a roach... somehow with the same techniques and better counter-shock ability than the original human model? And why does he have earphones!?
>The lady is called something like Jinjen (??) VON VINLAND (yes, exactly like Fatima)
Snakes have an organ that gives them a "heat" sense. This is well established.
Never heard the stuff about wasabi triggering the same sensation in humans, but whatever.
Also the short version would be that the Joh/China have infiltrated Germany and stole the data on Adolf, letting them create the strongest combat (non supermutant) genesplice that we've seen so far.
We saw the Roman Johj doing stuff with the electric eel some time after they landed. He's been presumably examining earth creatures and reverse engineering their animal bases independent of any human data since they already understand how to do the M.O. operation.
Who are these two again?
Was like, the first thing they tried, if I remember...
Well, beyond just sending a rover up there to look around until it got stomped to death, I guess.
Because the Chinese are dogs who would betray their own species if it meant they got to be the most important nation.
Just you know, not on an individual scale.
If you're Chinese, I'm sure YOU'RE cool.
They should have just glassed the planet after the first mission went awry. The second mission gave the Roaches the means of getting onto earth and spreading the disease which meant the third mission had to be a retrieval mission instead of extermination.
Completely forgot that, I guess.
I tend to not read this series for a number of months.
Eels don't have those "whiskers", right? Heard it could be an electric catfish.
Nina and her husband.
Yeah, let's forget that there's a Newton in a lab coat there.
They only had the means to get to Earth, because conspirators wanted to use them as a means to upset the balance between the countries.
Not a single manned mission to Mars has been about reclaiming/colonizing it. First one was a exploratory mission to figure out what was destroying all the rovers they sent up. Second mission was to test out the viability of the BUGS surgery as a weapon. Third mission was a proxy war between the countries to show off what they had managed to do with the MO operation and its derivations, plus get a vaccine to that virus, figure out that deal with the aliens, steal each others genetics tech and maybe get Bagworm Moth and Blast Ant to waifu/husbando each other to make a supreme super soldier ass kicker.
>Nina and her husband.
If there's one thing I hate about this series. Is that it gives me a reason to care about side characters posthumously. These two deserved a happy ending.
I totally didn't see the Newton coat.
But yeah, those guys are the supreme race traitors, since they ARE humans, who see themselves as the next evolutionary step and don't mind how many corpses they leave in their wake.
Worse than Chinamen if that makes sense.
(Johj once humanity is done kicking itself in the nuts and realize they let a lion into their homes, thinking it was a cat) Newtons>Chinamen>Johj
Here she is Kawaii.
And again, we don't even know what Chinamen themselves know about this facility. After all, it turned out that they didn't even do anything until Chapters 50+(but planned to do, of course) and all previous bad things happening were entirely on Newtons and Rome.
What's this?
Are those two from the Light Novel? When is Bola spider guy going to get his chance to shine.
A special chapter that was on the Internet for quite some time, but was posted here only recently. By me.
>Isabella R. Leon
>No. 13
>Sia ferox base
>Rome Division
>Slaughtered by a buffed up roach
>Kaiko Kono|
>No. 21
>Snake base
>Squad One
>Died against Weevil Roach in Squad One's first battle
Is that Isabella? Dang it's weird seeing her not in 100 pieces and happy.
Man, I totally lost interest on this manga after they left mars, are Xi and Keiji still alive? It's my OTP.
It was some special event in August 2015, a promotion for Volume 14, if I am not mistaken.
No it's Isabella and the Snake guy who was killed by Weevil Johj offscreen.
And it was displayed in a train station, according to an user.
Yep, yep.
The hilarious part is that her biggest contribution to the mission was getting her weapon stolen and her comrades murdered.
Still better than Joseph Johj Newton.
Can't wait to see what kind of cool shit we'll get from mixing abilities