Catalan referendum

Who are we rooting for?

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your sister's cunt

Destruction of Catalonia.

For freedom.


Daddy Spain, ofc.

Catalonia = leftist commies prorapefugees
Spain = national democrats

Al dawlat al Catalunya

A Falangista called Alcázar de Velasco, which was a Nazi spy, stated:
"I proclaim the personality of Franco as gregarious among the characters included in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In its formation, unconditional service, and in the agreement of permanence in power in favor of the most hidden programs of the ONE UNIVERSAL GOVERNMENT, Franco was a voluntary instrument of blood affinity at the service of his race, already in the triumphal verticality towards the empire messianic whose capital will be the archaic Imperial Toledo, although the empire, as it once was, will now not be for the real Hispanics. Franco a patriot? Yes and no, no and yes. It was the most criminal of all those who have been powerful against native Spanish and, on the contrary, the most faithful Conservative, as a Sephardic Jew who is conscious of being one. In other words: patriot for the Jews and Torquemada for the real Spaniards."
His family name, Franco can also be traced back to Jewish roots. J. Lion Depetre, an ex-diplomat when calling Franco a Jew, stated the following: 1) the surname Franco is very abundant in both Spain and Italy. 2) In Castilla, there are many testimonies of Hebrew families changing their surnames to Franco. 3) In 1491 those called Franco in a judiciary process are, in fact, Jews. 4) After the expulsion of Jews, people with the surname Franco can be found in Istanbul, Milan, Amsterdam, and Amberes which could not be found before. 5) Last, you can spot the Jew at eyesight. He clearly is a Jew, big nose, languid eyes (black), tendency towards being obese pallid and dark skin, black hair. This also goes for his brothers, all look like Neanderthals.
In 1965 he approved the Hebrew Community in Spain. Max Mazin, the president of the Jewish community in Spain, when asked if Franco was a Jew he responded with:

Spain will win and not even close.

Ramón, the brother of Franco would always say that they were a Jewish family. Franco gave order to allow and helped economically to build the synagogue in Madrid. This is not in line with the fathers of Hispania (old Spain) and the Reyes Catolicos.

what happens to Spain's debt if Catalonia get independence?


Chaos and riots

y'all are retards for saying catalonia separatists are commies, there's a commie minority, most of the population is bourgeois

Spain. Fuck all commies.

so if Catalans were right-wing nationalists you would supporting them seceding from Spain?

Spain, obviously. I hope we get another Civil War just so the extreme right is born again.

it goes from 100% to 140%, and the eurozone would shake

No. Because im nationalist and that would mean another nationalists are against me and my country.

But the reality is like i have said. Not that hard to understand negro.

Catalonia is the most indebted region. Don't listen to catacuck lies.

The debt is from the EU central bank. In the hypothetical case they would become independent, the EU central bank would still want his money and ask Cataluña that they pay.

Catalans would have to pay, or get fucked by the Central bank.

So doesnt their seperation benefit Spain? Less debt, less leftist voters.

>Giving a free of land away for Catalans for only 40% of the national debt

No, clearly not.

If Spain doesn't want the commies, why not let them have their independence? Seems pretty reasonable to me.

we have been spending shittons of money and having ultra protectionist policies just to make that region competitive


Catalonia. Commies or not, it is their freedom to vote.

We are free men in the western world. We can be lefties if we are dumb and we can be right. But it's our freedom to pick. Because we don't live in sandnigger shithole like Syria.

If you support this kind of action against your own citizens, you don't deserve freedom your ancestors gave you.


How about a political solution instead of this bullshit drama created by Spain so we all forget how corrupt they are

Oh, that's good news. I want a costly independence process than, something that would make that figure go to about 160%. That would be nice.

Your threadly dose of Catalan culture:
The CNT-FAI set the historical precedent of Anarchism as a practical political ideal. They were the first Anarchists to have ruled over a territory in the history of mankind (After Makhno, technically), and serve as an example to every contemporary Anarchist movement, including Antifa. The modern flag symbolic of Anarcho-Communism is in fact nothing more than the flag of the CNT-FAI, for instance, and Antifa itself has borrowed everything, from methods and beliefs to slogans, from them.
Spanish Anarchism originated in Barcelona and maintained its headquarters in Catalonia until its defeat in the civil war. Unlike other European nations, the far-left tends to manifest itself in the form of Anarchism, rather than Communism, generally in Spain, and particularly in Cuckfaggotia. Bachunin sent one of his own to introduce Spaniards(Catacucks) to Anarchist/socialist ideals, and that became their very first contract with radical socialism, so it stuck. They burned churches, raped nuns, tortured and mutilated captives, assassinated political opponents and believed in free love (the very first open relationships). Their uprisings were disastrous enough to force the Spanish army to intervene and destroy Barcelona a couple of times, though they'd often conquer about 25% of the Iberian peninsula before being put down. Their lack of organization meant that they mostly relied on terrorism and bombings to achieve their goals, at least initially. The CNT was created to introduce organization as a means of political action in the anarchist sphere, and the FAI was created to oppose this stance in favor of disorganized action. They merged into the CNT-FAI to represent anarchism in the civil war.

Catalan nationalism is not ethnic, and it is hardly even civic. It is just an "emancipation struggle" against an "oppressive colonial power". Cuckfaggotia is not nationalist.

Glory to Catalonia!!! Fuck spain!!!

Isn't Catalonia the most rich and flourishing county in Spain? Sup Forums should suppot the Catalan referendum because it promotes separatism.

Isn't that a good reason to support their independence?
If they split off you are gonna get rid of those commies and can perhaps elect a more nationalist government in the remainder of Spain.

Sooo wouldnt that stop the bleeding if they just left? And the rest of spain would be more right wing than ever without them?

I say this as a right wing person, I just want whats best.

Or is Catalonia so insignificant that Spain is right wing whether they leave or not, so may as well keep the land.

catalonia, i support balkanisation

> Poland
> western world

George Orwell learned a lot while being part of that trouble in Barcelona. He witnessed both sides and decided they were both full of shit.

Looks like we're going to repeat history again

Catalonia would have to pay their debt to Spain or take on their ~20% of the debt

You are legitimately retarded if you don't think Poland is part of the "western world"

eh, at worst there might be some leftist RAF style group forming before inevitably being destroyed by the government

That sounds good, but Spain spent a shit ton of money to make that area rich, like the basques.

>being this much of an identity politics shill


If that was the case I'd ask them for help

They are ALL leftists. Do not fall for Catacuck lies.

Are Bulgaria and Romania also a part of it?

>Serbian Jew double bluff detected

Hey guise, just let communists get more power lol. So what if they live next door and start making demands!

so glad we are not part of this anymore

What I don't get about this:

Whenever California talks about becoming its own country Sup Forums is overjoyed, because if that were to happen the rest of the USA would be Republican for eternity.

In the same way, I'm told Catalan is the most lefty part of Spain, so if it were to become its own country, wouldn't that mean Spain could swing more conservative?

So couldn't this be a big win win? Kick the marxists out, forge a more conservative country out of what remains?

The catalans
Fuck sp*in


Spain, easy.
Are there any Spanish/Catalonians here who are actually rooting for the split? Because if so I haven't seen too many..

Spain would be a backwater shithole without the Catalonian jewbucks

And look at how they reward you

>Catalonia would have to pay their debt
I'm pretty sure once that happened they would invent some other grievance.

Also don't forget the CATALARPING faggots using eastern or northen countries to support commie pro-rapefugees catalans.

Pic related is feminist pro-eu pro rapefugee independist politician

Catalans deserve their own country just as any other nation. It would be hypocritical of me not to support them because we were in the same situation not too long ago.


Poland=Catholicism, there is nothing more Western than that,
Serbcuck clearly has no clue about geography economy and politics nor does he know shit about history.


Beware of the dirty CATALARPERS

For Franco, meaning united Spain.
Scatalan referendum brings back fascism back to hearts of spanish people.

Catalonia, only because it makes the Spanish (((((bankers))))) and the ((((((EU)))))) butthurt.

They're kinda already with it

Self determination was a mistake. You have no expectation to rule your home. Besides people in some far off capital do it better.

El País, that always criticizes other countries with strong leftism (includina its Brazilian version), now is shilling for unionism. I am so mad right now. fuck Spain.

Its not a law of nature that Catalunia most be lefist,
Spain under RaGoy atm is a globalist liberal country with no nationalistic party in sight so what so wrong in the indentitarian spirit giving Catalunia their freedoom, they possibly be MORE pro Soros and pro-EU

Catalonia. Fuck Spain. You don't get Gibraltar, you don't get Catalonia, you're a mess. Whereas Britain's property stays British because of the strength of our nation. We even have former colonies wishing to rejoin the common wealth and recognise our Queen, get fucked

>jewish controlled communists
>jewish controlled government

Only one place on the continent that matters. Let them destroy each other.

Qatar is literally funding a Marxist coup in Spain. Of course we side with Spain.

and please stop beating people

>LMAO just let the 50%+ spaniards that don't subscribe to this circus be hostage of Catalonia XDDD
This meme needs to die. All the money invested in Catalonia for years paid for their things. Not only that, they are the most indebted and Other regions produce more.

literally paranoid


VIVA ESPANA, spanish friends, send to hell those commie faggots, btw you have an awesome based police, please post more videos

>USA would be a backwater shithole without the Californian jewbucks

Do NOT be deceived by Catacucks!

They are hardcore Communist, left-wing nationalist and AGAINST White people! Their government is fully Zionist and is acting against White Spaniards (catalans included) living in Catalonia (forcing their displacement outside of Catalonia in order to create a leftist, Multicultural Republic).

>White man, SAGE Cucktalan Nazi Flag LARPers, they are Marxists in disguise! They are fighting against White people, IGNORE Cucktalan separatist threads! FUCK CATALUNYA!

Where are the right wingers during this vote? I didn't see any counter protesters.

Catalonian independence as it frees rest of Spain from commie freeloaders.


We all need that commie money
>Arriba España!
Arriba España!
>Arriba España!
Arriba España!
>Arriba España!
Arriba España!
>Arriba España!
Arriba España!
>Arriba España!
Arriba España!
>Arriba España!
Arriba España!
>Arriba España!
Arriba España!
>Arriba España!
Arriba España!

So what. It'd make Spain less socialist and force Catalonia to become more right wing after years of "sociallist paradise".

More but smaller governmental entities is more desirable then less but bigger because the consolidation of power -in the end- always leads socialism.

A current example of this is the EU project.

Shut up faggot. Enjoy being on the wrong side of history

Free Catalonia.

>Spain = national democrats

Spaniards are fucking liberal trash.

Spain. Catalans are a bunch of leftist cunts. If they had independence, they'd turn Catalonia majority nonwhite within a decade. Nothing fucking changes; these are the same gommunist faggots during the Spanish Civil War

Fuck Catalonia, do these leftists pigs need another lesson?

I don't really understand the reasons for separation so I would side with spain.

Are you retarded? "if you give them power, you win!"?
What would happen is Catalonia would turn nonwhite and collapse. And then the rest of spain would need to deal with an epicenter of shitskins within their own nation on top of everything else. It'd solve nothing

Catalan Estelada Flag is based on Cuban one -- it was chosen because of what happened. Are you retarded?

Who would want to be part of Spain and their ridiculously high unemployment rate? Lazy niggers all of them. Corrupt cops. The place is were Mexico gets their lazy ethics from.

that's not your flag Ricard


Violence, chaos, and destruction.

>European province wanting to be more independent will have the same fate as central designated euro refugee centers.

Ever noticed how every leftist, socialist, communist in Europe are supporting Catalonia and have been for years now? You have leftists supporting Nationalism, when Britain did it, every leftist in the world condemned them, nationalism was then evil and this was the worst thing to ever to happen.

You think the leftist are support Flanders nationalism? Northern Italy nationalism?

You people need to realize that Catalonia is not like the others.

Spanish people are so lazy they actually have a term for kipping off midday, lazy bastards.