Is Richard Spencer a closeted gay man?

Is Richard Spencer a closeted gay man?

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He's pretty in the open, this deep state humpty dumpty doesn't represents ME.

No, he's out and loving it.

He's a cringeworthy cuck that attempts to delegitimizate Trump with his 88 rhetoric.

He follows Aleksandr Dugin whose 4th political theory literally calls for the end of civilization. He jumped ship on Trump to support Tulsi Gabbard for 2020 after the Syria strike, and he married a fucking RUSSIAN WOMAN when his only sense of identity is white nationalism. No one on Sup Forums should condone this guy

Most people are gay especially on the right. Even Hitler too. They just don't want to be flamers.


But for those in the know, everybody knows that he's a gay man. It's an open secret.

All that proves is that these people are majority mentally ill. Not because they're gay mind you, but because it is clear they suffer from immense self loathing coupled with a psychosexual need to create an approving and domineering father figure which manifests in far-right authoritarianism

White geoncide is real.
Israel, the liberal diaspora, and traitorous white people are responsible.
Don't need a group or $$$ to tell others.

Hitler was on the left you cuck. You know, being the leader of the National SOCIALIST movement and all. Genius.

Hey fellow totally not antifa friends, I heard Hitler and Spencer both have only one ball too

>tfw when you're being gangstalked by Mossad, the CIA, JIDF, and antifa while you shitpost on an anime forum

This isn't true.

But Spencer is gay. His brown Turkish wife is his beard.

At least Jack Donovan admits it.



He definitely gets his dick sucked by dudes on Grindr and doesn't feel that it's gay

Listen, we all know Spencer is gay. That's not really the issue. I don't actually care about that.

I do care that he repeatedly goes on the corporate antique media and embarrasses white people with his bullshit. I mean, at least people like Kevin McDonald or Pat Buchanan have an IQ above 100 and know what they're talking about.

Spencer is a literal dolt, who sounds like he gets his facts off cable movies and anime boards. I just can't take him seriously.

sounds like almost every Alt Right spokesperson desu

No. People like Jared Taylor or Tara McCarthy tend to be quiet and classy, and reasonably well-informed.

Spencer sounds an actor portraying a shill portraying a meme artist. I just don't trust him

Also this

Tara McCarthy is a retard who thinks plants are racist.

>Tara McCarthy
How anybody takes that boring thot seriously is beyond me.

But they are. Everyone knows that

They are controlled opposition too.

Hey kike, does the 4th theory threaten your shitty system?

>Jared Taylor
>controlled opposition
kys, he's one of the few tolerable white nationalists out there

Trump delegitimizes himself with his retardation and sperging over stupid shit like the NFL. Nobody except r/the_ptg supports Trump.


How can Jared Taylor be controlled opposition?? He's been doing this for 30-40 years.

It's Spencer that just showed up yesterday in curious circumstances

I like Spencer. He gets too autistic-philosophical sometimes but other times he's good.

>muh controlled oppo
He's not doing a very good job then

He's literally CIA

Nah, he's been around for a while, he's just a bit flimsy when it comes to his public image.