What went wrong?

What went wrong?


She was levitating just the broom and not herself as well.

At least she's riding on the soft part. Can't believe nobody ever thought of that.

The cat*

Kiki is the least interesting Mc in a Miyazaki film.

.t babby

She's a girl though so guaranteed likes.

Widely considered the mother of moe.

Showing her underwear is always a bonus. I wanted to see it ever since I saw her knickers in the Disney promo.

Is this some sort of joke about the current season's witch anime?

Miyazaki's got a fetish for flying and planes that I entirely accept and appreciate

I love me some aircraft, and I hope he makes that Porco Rosso sequel.

While that would be nice, the unnecessary and ultimately pointless romance bullshit in Wind Rises proved that the man is past his prime.

B-but muh Spanish Civil War!

Ah, who am I kidding, you are pretty much right.
He might be some sort of producer for it when he retires, but that's to even be speculated.


I would watch that movie.


>You will never walk past the bakery everyday to see if Kiki was working
>You will never walk in and awkwardly fumble for change, buying bread that you don't need

It was still better than Earth Sea

Nothing. This is one of Ghibli's great works.

Saw this half a year ago, it was a cute movie but I'm afraid even though I'm not even close to having seen them all nothing will ever dethrone Porco Rosso as my favourite Ghibli movie or favourite movie in general