Crimea quits with a peaceful referendum

>Crimea quits with a peaceful referendum
>Catalonia literally oppressed with beatings and shit
>dead silence from the West


Other urls found in this thread:,_1991

Also Kosovo Talibanians didn't have referendum at all. But West supported their "independence".

Same will happen in FYROM.

Typical western double standard

Also, Black Sea Fleet have 7 submarines now.

That pic is from FYROM. That's FYROM police officer.

I really hate normalfags who don't understand that invasion of crimea was inevitable. They really think that they could have a West-organized color revolution in Kiev and turn Ukraine against Russia, without Russia securing their Black Sea base of Crimea.

you don't understand OP, spain is a tolerant, liberal EU and NATO member, the russians are evil gommies who hacked the elections

Crimea is still part of Ukraine whether you like it or not so.....

Its not even same. Crimea was invaded and having referendum doesn't mean anything. Why doesn't Russia give referendum to Chechnya and other republics then? Typical Bulgarian Russia licking brigade, how does it feel to know Russia doesn't give 2 shits about your pathetic land that you call your country. Giving Bulgaria EU gibs was biggest mistake

>didn't have referendum at all

any more alternative facts butthurt s*rvian?,_1991

Because if Kiev had tried to oppress our people in Crimea we'd have oppressed them til Kiev.

That thing was privately organised, stupid muzzie.

Well played, Atilla.

Actually there was a referendum in Chechnya.
Crimea has been Russian for centuries, with a few decades gap.

>Crimea was invaded
How? Russian military base was already there
>Why doesn't Russia give referendum to Chechnya
Ichkeria did separate. Then ch*chens invaded dagestan.

well, just because Russia is a hypocritical nation, doesnt change the fact that Crimean Russians "exercised" their self determination as they should be allowed to

well played bulgarski friend

That shit isn't wrong though, Russia is the bastion of social conservatism. Fact.

>peaceful referendum with R*ssian soldiers on the streets

There was and we know how it ended up. With war

so how about the 2008 referendum which was organized by the government? fucking retard, stop your pathetic weeping and get over it

>2008 referendum
No such thing.

>Polecuck can't get over his eternal russophobia

At least you have a reason being buttfucked inbetween Russia and Germany for centuries.

>Crimea has been Russian for centuries, with a few decades gap.
Königsberg has been German for centuries, with a few decades gap.

sure, in the fantasy bubble that encapsulates your entire nation

What? There was no referendum, just a vote in an Assembly established and commanded by the NATO occupational force. Like 100 people voted, unless you're saying there's only a hundred people in Kosovo, that's bullshit.

War caused by Chechens invading Dagestan, a part of Russia.

>Russia is the bastion of social conservatism. Fact.

>Divorce to marriage ratio: 52%
>Abortion rates per 1000 women ages 15-39: 37.28%

You realise Russia offered it back to Germany and Germany refused?

You didn't know Chechnya voted to stay with Russia lol.
Sponsored terrorists were destroyed, just like in Syria.
Chechen special forces cleaning the garbage.
One more loss for you.

You're living in a fantasy. There were no referendum in 2008. Period.

Thats now how it works. So every minority has '' right to self determination''. You realise whole borders of world would look differently

No it isn't Russia is most degenerate nation on earth

Wouldn't that mean that elections in Poland are not valid due to the presence of NATO soldiers?

there was a referendum in '91

Ukraine was unable to keep control over that territory and the referendum was backed and protected by russia and friends. Catalunia has no support and Spain uses police ti keep it in check.
Plus, dont talk shit, because you will witness Kardjali wanting a referendum on the same basis.
Инaчe кo cтaвa, aйляк ли e в Бг?

>Russia is the bastion of social conservatism

the fuck? im not one to flame them for no reason, but nigeria with snow is no bastion of anything except HIV

That thing was not organised by government institutions, dummy.

>liberals freak out

>spain basically prevents cal-exit
>liberals freak out



>propaganda, propaganda, propaganda

I see Russia doing just fine despite the embargoes? You ever actually went there? And >muh muslims Muslims are actually different in Russia than elsewhere, because they have to abide by Russian laws and have always been there. Same with our muslims not being the same as the ones the West lovingly imports.

>because you will witness Kardjali wanting a referendum on the same basis.

No chance, even the muslims that identify as Turks more than as Bulgarian citizens prefer it here than over in Turkey. Unless you mean that pomak guy who's ridiculed even by the few SJW types we have.

>aйляк ли e в Бг?

armed NATO soldiers don't guard voting points or patrol streets in Poland, especially during elections

Oh sheeeit is that a demotivator in 2k17?
Weak, Mikola, you can do better.

But NATO soldiers do guard and do support muzzies in Kosovo.

obviously not, since belgrade dissolved all institutions in kosovo before that

>dead silence from the West

Even our leftist shill media is reporting on the violence. Calm down gypsie.

Nope. Their power just got limited. They were never dissolved.

it would only be comparable if france had bases in catalonia, (((rebels))) were shilling against the central government and they had a (((referendum))) with french military to (((guarantee democracy)))

>it is the same
And you just know it is another russian cocksucker. Their abbilty to constantly switch between the state of not to be able to see similarities in obvious stuff and see similarities in totaly different things is always astonishing.

>hey germany, we are rather broke, so how about you finace the soviet union, so we can stay afloat and you get this underdevelopt land back we stole from you, now filled to the brim with potential traitors, who you better treat with best interests or we might take it back by force, which would be super easy by the way since it is an enclave for you surrounded by our puppets


is kosovo part of nato


It's occupied by NATO.

rusrat in hiding

Well, at least Spain isn't being hypocrite, as they don't recognize Kosovo

Nah just not a member of the Butthurt Belt.

>Spain isn't being hypocrite, as they don't recognize Kosovo

That's pure internal policy - see what they do to Catalogna today. That's why they can't recognize any independance in EU - if they do so they will have to do it also for Catalogna (and maybe Basque)

its because the (((west))) is a bunch of cucks and utter double standard faggots.
I hate Europeans so damn much. What I would not give to be rid of them cunts.

t. Holger

Take of your proxy moskovite I remember you from earlier

> Source, your ass
Lol only the life expectancy today is 70.3 years...