Debate anrcho communism

Debate anrcho communism

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good thread going eh?

Daily reminder that all the world's problems would be solved if nobody was allowed to be richer than anyone else.



is everywhere

will win

It's an oxymoron. nuff said.


The most retarded ideology of them all.
>people are naturally equal and it's only government power that makes them otherwise


i love it how nazis turn liberal after a punch

It's fucking dumb.


lol, cool

but you keep crying moralfag

You'll win a face full of pepper spray and a full body baton massage.

Why don't commies lift?
Why are you all lanky trust fund kiddies?

you sound mad, pour yourself a glass of milk


we lift chins

it's the most retarded of all the lefty branches
>Everyone is equal but there's no state to efficiently enforce this equality

How anyone can think this doesn't just amount to mobs of pozzed warehouse squatters and robbing each other is absurd. I'm no lolbertarian but for all the Mad Max jokes it's ancom that's more suited

Check this out, I stole the hat!

anarchy is a joke

communism is jewish trick

why would I debate a joke whose answer is a jewish trick?

try lifting weights

It's retarded like the people who believe in it

haha can i save the hat please??

It is only capable of working inside the hypothetical bubble where nothing can go wrong—much like communism as a whole.

It sounds like some weird paradox

oxymoron, communism precludes voluntary interaction, anarchy is voluntary interaction.

time for debate has passed. there's only gravity now.

shut up faggot


Communism in it's ideological form works, but doesn't account for human application. It's literally 2nd only to anarchy as a completely unfeasible governing system. So... why not combine the two put a bow on it and say point and say THIS, THIS WILL WORK DA BESSS.