Any redeeming qualities Sup Forums?
Berserk 2016
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the intro was pretty nice
Eliminates the need to argue over which is the worst show of the season.
Sone of the voice acting's alright.
When I see shows of such low quality you have to wonder what is going through the mind of the animators, directors and producers when they see the final product and think.....
Yes....yes this is good. We couldn't have done better.
It actually happened
>Yes....yes this is good. We couldn't have done better.
This is not what they are thinking. What they are thinking is "this what we could do with the money and time we had".
Hai Yo will be good and Puck makes me rock hard, but everything else is terrible.
It was better than the movie's cg stuff but jesus christ I don't understand why it's so hard to pull off
Ni No Kuni did it flawlessly
Wasn't the budget of the movies movies lot higher than of the show? So why do people complain about the animation? Sure the 3d is as good as it could be, and it'd be better with 2d, but it's good regardless
In all likelihood, this is nothing more than a cash grab. I'd be surprised if they gave a damn about quality or making sure Berserk is represented well. The '97 anime had a shoestring budget, but was clearly made with heart and appreciation for the series.
The only thing I like about it is that it's so shitty you don't get many apologists.
There have been so many adaptations I've disliked, and yet people around me would just look at how much they clumsily copy/pasted from the source and say IT'S LITERALLY THE SAME THING YOU FUCKING CONTRARIAN.
Not with this anime though. Here everything is so wrong so hard that it feels like the entire web is united in taking a fraternal dump on it, and whomever tries to defend it will be justly laughed at and dismissed with joyful contempt. It's refreshing, really.
>better than the movies
>but it's good regardless
It is a source for excellent reaction images such as the one pictured in OP's post
My name is gotz i like to cut things with my big sord
That's not Sup Forums, those are shitposts.
This shit will be unwatchable for people unfamiliar with Berserk. There's no reason for them to watch the second episode
It's literally 200% quality: The meme
Which kill la kill episode is this?
Theres no difference, user.
I hope the rest of the anime is as much of a meme factory as the first episode was. I'll just think of it as Mayoiga Season 2
You're not wrong.
I liked it, fuck off.
No you didn't.
The rabbit.
The memes.
why rabbit has only 4 fingers?
>Puck makes me rock hard
Glad i'm not the only one
We should become priests
Probably...the soundtrack....which itself should be pretty good as a stand-alone but is used badly in the first episode...
Also, hopefully we get more Berserk merch.
That's literally it though. Makes we wonder how the hell they're going to handle this fight in the arc.
Maybe Guts should have stayed on that boat.
That rabbit still frame is pretty funny.
>the op animation is better than any of the cg
I know that's Kotaku and I should expect such retardation and I saw it last night but that article still pisses me the fuck off.
Berserk fans are weird, everytime something happens with Berserk all they do is want to watch it fail.
Don't get mad when Mirua gives it a half ass ending and abandons the cancer.
I like it, sorry.
Excited for episode 2
>think it can't get any worse
>this scene happens
Why does it sound like he's swinging a fucking girder lol
Not really as bad as people say.
The animation does give me a headache, though.
He has a big metal clip attached to the sword, so when he swings it it makes a metal on metal clang.
Sure is a funny meme though.
Like half of the ost sounds good, and the voice acting is pretty solid for everybody. The best part of it is the threads though. Everything else about it is terrible.
Will there be fire masturbation, though?
I would love to see new berserk things succeed, but this was clearly going to be a failure when the first PV came out.
I enjoyed it and have literally no problem with anything about it so far. The cgi looks good at 60 fps.
The opening was garbage though.
Judge me to be guilty for my incurable sins
>clang happens to coincide every time with the sword hitting something
Why are user this retarded?
The CG isn't done by him, it's done by Egawa Hisashi and Satou Atsushi at the studio Gemba and those guys have nothing to do with Teekyu.
The only staff member who worked on Teekyu is Itagaki Shin (the director of Berserk) and the studio Millepense, which handle the 2d. You can see that the 2d was pretty fine in the opening even there were some few QUALITY. (Best part of Episode 01)
The real problem is the use of CGI and the one who does the Series Composition Fukami Makoto and his assistant Yamashita Takash because the pace they chose is terrible.
There is also a problem with the sound directing which is going to be fixed in the next episodes, hopefuly.
You know what, I didn't knew about until much recently and I seriously tried my best to try to enjoy... Whatever the heck episode 1 was. I enjoyed the manga, I admittedly haven't seen any actual anime adaptation of it. I mostly prefer mangas since I can skim through the story much quicker and no matter how crummy the art style may be, it's actually something done by the author itself, which I admire in most manga works.
I just couldn't. Every time I tried to give it a chance, the CG animation managed to look REALLY off and awkward every fucking time afterwards.
This might have been okay.
If it were a PS4 game and these were CG cutscenes for it. And even then, I'm not sure.
Otherwise, to use this technique on a actual animated series? Just fucking forget about it because at least to me, it just doesn't work.
It's not to say this couldn't have looked nice with CG animation in mind. But this feels like it was made with barely any love to it, the animations just feel too erratic for my own good, more like it was simply made to make people remember Berserk is still a thing.
I'm not saying Berserk is some mesmerizing masterpiece that have this magnificent piece of work dedicated to it because it isn't, it definitely has its flaws, but of all ways they could have done to pay tribute to the manga, this definitely wasn't one of them.
The point is his sword sounds fucking hollow you rampaging asshole. Have yoy nevet played with a metal pipe as a child? Solid metal doesn't make resounding clangs like in this anime, it has a deeper noise.
2 pasta at the same time
Sasuga Sup Forums
It's a fucking mess
But at least it's an interesting mess
When you hit something, your sword will slow down.
This would cause the clip to flip up due to the sudden stop.
But because it is connected it would end fly off, it would smack the sword.
They had an episode of Bill Nye talking about the principle.
>Explains what the noise is
>Desperately tries to protect his funny meme
As a metal worker, you're a cunt and you need to stop explaining things you do not understand. A giant slab of metal would never sound like it does in this episode no mattet how you hit it, metal ring attached or no.
>censored to shit
>entire first scene has been redone so Guts punches a dude instead of cutting his ass in half
Yeah, fuck this. Dropped.
>The VAs were decent
>Fight scenes were okay
>Music was good
>The OP is good
>CG is shit
>Sounds are crap
>The way the music cuts is very jarring and doesn't fit well
>The animation is very stiff and not very well done
>All those changes because they want to rush to Tower of Conviction story
>Don't even get the female apostle in the beginning to kick things off. We go straight to the pub
>Probably gonna either skip the Count, or combine his story with the Snake Baron again
>Skipping the Lost Children
>Makes me appreciate the Golden Age movies as something that was made with some care.
Well as a animated I feel like I have to tell you, It's a cartoon dumbass.
He can make it sound like however he wants it to sound.
I was just explaining why it sounded the way it did.
>mfw reading the comments on nyaa
Actually, mine's not a pasta, just dumb opinions, but eh.
I clearly made some typos here and there too.
*Didn't "knew" about it until much recently
*That "should" have this magnificent piece of work dedicated to it because it isn't
Missed a few words
Then we can agree it sounds bad and lessens the impact of the strikes and continue making fun of it, yeah?
>music was good
everything but the battle music
that sounded like fucking ass
The number of changes they've made to reduce violence is baffling. I'd of preferred having black shadows, mosaics and other bullshit everywhere then having an uncensored disc release. As it stands now the disc release is going to be a neutered show that downplays everything that makes Berserk into Berserk.
Shit is super disappointing and makes me appreciate the movies we got so much more. I wish Studio 4C had been contracted to make more Berserk instead of getting this toned down baby shit. I'm so sick of Japan being such gigantic pussies now.
> Every animated series has frames that look bad.
Someone should go trough ep 1 and count the frames that look good.
The single frame Judeau was in looked gorgeous because Judeau.
7, 4 landscape stills and 3 character stills. But by modern standards the stills arnt anything special, not to mention all the stills are 2d's so they arnt representatuve of the show at all
>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>"Yup, that's me. A rabbit stabbed by a knife. Here's how I got into this situation."
>Also, hopefully we get more Berserk merch.
Enjoy your CG posters and figurines.
>no rapehorse confirmed
>no lost children confirmed
>bar murder scene reduced to bar fight scene
What the fuck are those paws
>i'll rape you scene cut
>replaced with puck just saying "take responsibility"
>In all likelihood, this is nothing more than a cash grab.
>implying anime makes any money at all unless it's good
>The '97 anime had a shoestring budget
It cost 50% more per episode than the average anime at the time
Fun fact: The upcoming Berserk Musou game will also be censored in Japan. All the dismemberment and extreme gore will only be in the US version. The CERO rating system in Japan has become a de facto censor.
Anyone who grew up in the 80's or 90's can feel just how toned down anime and JP games have become. The only thing still allowed to be edgy is manga and even that's at risk of being censored soon.
>woman's opinion on anime
pans should be counted as single frame
I would assume women like a big, broad-shouldered protagonist.
Or want to be raped by prettyboy griffith.
You never know.
Too violent for most women. They would rather watch something like Free!
N-no delicious moth-loli apostle?!
Puck's voice.
This anime will kill any interest in animating Berserk since it is already crashing and burning so hard. I suspect we get another 5 years at least before it is animated in any form again
>Showing a naked loli get brutally murdered on TV
>Arc without a reason or place in the plot
We've lost nothing worth the runtime
This is honestly nowhere near as bad as Sup Forums is making out to be apart from cutting out pretty damn important arcs.
The movies already flopped, Berserk just isn't popular enough in Japan to sell properly.
most people don't watch anime in the first place
>defending the cut of the best arc in all of Berserk
sure kid keep telling yourself that
why did they choose this to quote with?
Divine Gate did well because it had limited goodies for it's game bundled with the BD
It's because of the liberals and hardcore right wing activists in the west.
>Best arc
Just because it has a monster girl naked loli doesn't mean it's best arc.
I just realized my standards are way too low
Hai Yo full song fucking WHEN?
I need to expand my Hirasawa collection and this song is the animes only saving grace.
Why isn't his other arm in the pillory? Couldn't he free himself?
>Guts' left arm