Black are projected to be 40% of the world population by 2100, and East Asians will be 45%. Europeans, whites, are projected to be

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

does this mean whites will be getting gibs since they're minority?

"white" people were always ~10% of the population you dweeb. Also, "black" populations are going to fall as they grew because of massive starvation from crop failure / soil depletion.

You missed one crucial point.. That asian majority isn't Chinese.. Its poos..

Fuck black pills all the do is promote suicide

If you and your entire family havent watched this video you are a traitor to the white race

no because they will say they are white supremacist and control the wealth, and whites will pretty much become the new jews scattered across the globe with no homeland.

Also to note, by 2100 population growth stops. That means immigration will cease being a major issue longterm. That means while indigenous europeans must open their homelands, the reverse will not happened due to the lack of population growth. This will result in whites being scattered with no indigenous homeland under their control, while the asian masterrace/mullato underclass control the public world.

All of this is predestined demography that nobody can change, save for widespread genocide.

The Notre Dame will have Minarets.

factually wrong. Europeans were the second largest demographic historically.

Another kang post without sauce or any statistics to back it up. Tired of the same bait

also its important to note that due to how compounding works, 50% of the population growth will happen in the last two decades of growth.

America will be

>all of my posts provide statistics, demographics and projected trends
>no sauce or statistics to back it up
what did he mean by this?


Thread immediately disregarded.

if you want to live in lala land go ahead, it doesn't change reality.

the black population isn't even growing in burger land

kill yourself

What if I told you Africa and the middle east cannot sustain their population without our food?

Should we fail, the Human Race shall bicker and scuffle among themselves until we snuff each other out. We will die on this rock. Mankind will never touch the stars

Niggers are going to die off by hundreds of millions in the future. They can't survive without massive aid. They won't be getting that for long.

did I say blacks were growing in USA? They are actually shrinking in USA, but that's not what we are talking about stupid burger.

>numbers go up for ever and ever
Okay schlomo

>American thinks he's the center of the universe

no they go up until 2100, when current demographics will remain largely static, with a slightly more decreasing white population, which is said basically non-stop in this thread. Are you just pretending to be retarded?

I'm not a kike, i'm the exactly opposite. People don't realize how truly grave the situation is.

You don't understand, Ahmed. Without tax paying whites, there's no gibs for anyone.

>Also, "black" populations are going to fall as they grew because of massive starvation from crop failure / soil depletion.
I can't wait for this to happen. They're starving as it is, and as their population grows, they'll just die off more quickly.

Asians have a negative birth rate, its muzzies that are counted as asians that create that number. Muzzies are going to have a population decline at some point. As for Africans, well, the penalty of one race relying on another to exist is that when their population dwindles so eventually does yours. Africans are about to be in for either a massive famine or disease, and it will likely occur after most westwern countries collapse, meaning there won't be a welfare state to sponge off of and the rise of nationalism and 'xenophobia' means they won't be coming here either. They're portion of the opulation will dwindle to probably 200 million.
Then, we may rise again.

They'll get wiped out.
Christians have a habit of committing genocide against their own people directly before wiping out foreign populations.
White genocide is a precursor to global depopulation.
Race mixers are the human sacrifices.

Most of the blacks in Africa will die off because they're all too stupid to feed themselves and the west will have pulled out within 10 years.

>implying that the people with the means to escape (rich white people) won't get off of earth as soon as they see fit
Only whites will get off earth; the brown people are too stupid to do the same.

>what is averages and mean
Most aren't starving which is the point. They are also having 6-7 kids for the forseeable future, which in 3 generations causes them to be a worldwide majority when whites have sub-replacement.

Genetic engineering will bring back whites.

a continent that can't currently support anything close to a population of 1bn is going to be 4bn by 2100.....i don't know about that. how long does it take to move 4bn people from libya to italy?

>causes them to be a worldwide majority
See They'll die out in their shitty continent.

which like I said, the only way to stop current demographic trends would be a genocide that would make the holocaust look like a tea party. hundreds of millions dead. bodies stretched 5ft tall for thousands of miles. Humanity won't let that happen when the west is so wealthy unless there is a technological breakdown.

You're not taking into account how powerful compound growth is.

How will blacks be alive without whites to feed and clothe them?

Even Macron of France criticized the Africans for doing this, insisting that France will not pay for their new generation of niggers.
The NWO hates blacks and is only giving them a swan song, they're getting wiped out soon.

These projections are simply epidermic.

One of the main factors of a races skin colour is the climate, which they fail take into consideration.

It amuses me how all you idiots still think that the negroes can actually survive their predicted population boom. They have no food, they will starve, if we take them all in it will definitely lead to civil war, meaning that the right wins and they are all deported. Negroes will all die of starvation before they can take our nations. We have to worry about those who are already here, and muslims. Muslims won't stop coming here, negroes will die.

we need a new hitler

is there any hope?

how is this a bad thing? it means that youll be more rare and more valued on the sexual marketplace and able to take your pick from the hordes of dark-skinned babes. im not even mad

njoy being blue pilled.

the countries with the largest populations in Africa, such as Nigeria, are rapidly industrializing, and famine in Africa is mostly a 1960-70s meme or only effecting places like Niger that have

No. It just means they will be working 80 hour weeks in order to pay for everyone elses gibs.

Sammefagging here

>implying negroes and muslims will be like white europeans and let another race cuck them and steal their women
You sure are delusional.

You won't need a genocide. They're about to die of their own doing.

We need to drop a genophage on Africa.

Or at least stop shipping them food.

You personally don't control the food shipments and the people who do want you dead. That about wrap about your argument?

>Who is that woman user I need to know for scientific research

Bioweapons that target race & sex could be used to reduce populations. "Zombie" bio-weapons can also be used.

[Archives of KB: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ ]

White populations need to invest in artificial wombs & the elimination of feminists who are infected with the "femin virus" bioweapon.

allowed starvation when it can be stopped is by definition genocide. aka holodomor but 200x worse.

uhhhh source


Literally the equivalent of Nazi "wonder weapons" at the end of the war. Not happening, not real.

This is assuming African nations can successfully maintain food and water supplies for the increasing population throughout those growth trends. Which is obviously horribly incorrect.

>Damn it user just tell us

>90,000 kids expected to starve in Nigera during 2017
>they're fine
>blue pilled
>white people please send help!!

fucking retard.

that's all you need to know about whites genetic legacy

whites cut off their dicks, are 300 pound basement swellers, ultura degenerates, or begging for sex robots.

Meanwhile J'amaal, and Muhammed have 7 kid.

As a side effect, its also why percentage of the global population identifying as atheist is rapidly decreasing. Most of the shitskins are ultra religious, and the rate they reproduce is higher than those committing apostasy.

>ssh 90,000 people are starving in Nigeria they are not reproducing fast enough
>no, that isn't replaced by the 1 million new babies
are you literally retarded kike?
>checks flag
checks out

Artificial Wombs are real, but China is where most of the advancement with them is occuring.

They may get mad but they can't do anything about it. observe two cases:

kill yourself

>the rise of nationalism and 'xenophobia' means they won't be coming here either.
nah, that won't stop them when they outnumber us 8 to 1. They'll overwhelm us

Honestly, the entire continent would have to move to Europe. When will whites just simply say "no more" and stop working. Are they projecting massive automation? This can't be a real graph.

are u actually retarded?

do you honestly think 90,000 people starving offsets compounding population growth?


Based NWO

>They have no food, they will starve,

Not anymore they won't. Most of them are developed and have rapidly growing economies thanks to massive Chinese infrastructure investment in the region. Famine is a problem of the past.

I love skinny bitches with massive tits

Did you even see that ass

2100 ends the last man-dominated century anyways. After that, Earth and all in its reach belong to the machine race

Africa is rapidly industrializing and its 1960s-70s meme that they only survive from white gibmedats. Africa is extremely large (4x the size of europe), and almost all of it is arable land save for sahara. whites only give gibmedats to sahara sand people at this point, rest of Africa is doing fine. Which is while their population will go from 9% of the population to 45-50% by 2100. (including blacks living in western world.)

Im actually amazed how blue pilled most of you are on demographics, and are resorting to strange ideas about them dying by the literal billions to pretend its okay.

This means the situation is even worse than I thought, if not even Sup Forums can into statistics and demographic trends.

The holodomor was the Soviets taking food from Ukrainians. They were able to produce enough to feed themselves but had all their food stolen to feed the Soviet Union.

What Africans are doing is reproducing faster and beyond what they can provide for their own population, even when charities, international monetary and physical (food,water, labor) aid is being flooded into the continent.

That's not a genocide, that's nature.

This is no doubt true, but hardly the fault of the majority of whites. This is due to ZOG in the EU and US governments. No other group of people would import millions of third world immigrants, massively increase welfare expenditure, poison the native population with terrible food, and simultaneously blame the native population for all the world's injustices at the same time. Only Jews really could be capable of such an amazing feat.

Black people are a massive drain on productivity and tax dollars. There won't be a society functioning enough to have gibs, let alone one where non-whites are ever as suicidally empathetic to give white people gibs.

This is the end of humanity as anything other than an animal.

again you are relying on literal falsehoods and pretending africa is still the 1960s starvation meme outside of Niger and Somalia.

>. But in reality, by 2300, or whatever, white men will be

If you want white birth rates to go up, you'll unfortunately need more whites in poverty and lower IQs. People who have 7+ children are generally speaking the poorest dumbest people in the world.

Ever heard of the Maji Maji Rebellion?
When it comes to negroes, numbers don't mean shit.

It's not arable land. Most soils in Africa are shit tier and their climate is shit as well. Even white South Africa and Rhodesia in their best years had worse cereal yields than communist shitholes in Eastern Europe at the same time.

Everything suggests we're about to see a massive die-off on a colossal scale. When you look at graphs of how many people died in the first half of the 21st century and compare it to today, you'll realise just how well technology has allowed us to sustain population growth. Unfortunately, this means when the lid does blow on the pot due to internal tensions (racial, political, and economic) the fallout will be the fall of Rome x10000.

I predict we're not that far off when you consider how rapidly whites are being displaced in formerly white countries.

>If you want white birth rates to go up, you'll unfortunately need more whites in poverty and lower IQs. People who have 7+ children are generally speaking the poorest dumbest people in the world.

The only reasons only stupid people breed so much more than smart people now is because of feminism and the welfare state

Allow to further explain. Their current numbers are reliant on what one may call White aid. Their numbers, immigration, etc, is being sustained via people not encountering them but their higher IQ counterparts that fled them 20 years ago.
The average European is beginning to understand what they are like by actually being around them by force, and the EU stifling normal people's opinions by stifling them is only going to make them more radical. The average european within the next couple years willl have opinions resembling Nazis if not more extreme soon. When that happens, coupled with the common knowledge of the crime, the rapes, etc, almost all immigrants will be driven from Europe by force. Mosques will be burned and lynchings will be commonplace. Africans fleeing will tell their relatives what they fled, and the idea of coming to Europe will be a mistake.
They will likely also attack the remaining whites making their food, and that will be what sentences them to their death.
A fascist Europe and North America will not be sending aid when that happens. Neither will India, nor China nor South America. They will be sending boats back, or sinking them. They will be entombed to their fate.

That's not an option. Nor is it particularly possible. That's why this is a genetic black pill. The by far vast majority of humans on earth will be genetically distant from you in the coming future, as is continuing every day.

Just because the chinese are getting the africans to work for them doesn't mean that the africans will have the amount of food to sustain massive urbanised populations. And since when were african nations developed? The very best of them are only just developING, and they aren't even doing it well (overpopulation in cities already, civil wars, not enough jobs to sustain population). The africans don't know how to farm the land, and if they did, they wouldn't have the technology to put the knowledge into practice. If China manages to jump on the massive food market of africa by propping up farms everywhere, then maybe africa will dominate the world, but I doubt it.

This video should put the number of deaths in perspective. We're no doubt living in the best of times and the worst of times

>providing we don't have a technological breakdown
Gee, I wonder what will happen when over 30% of the world population are niggers.

so again, in my OP i included those. Only a global technological breakdown or genocide in the billions stop the trends. Even hundreds of millions of dead Africans would be a drop in a bucket when they are 4B by 2100. If Africa grows 100M a year, and 20m die of starvation, that is still massive growth. Not sure where you think mass starve off will happen in Africa. A lot of Africa has obesity epidemic now, where the population is, where it really matters. 10-20m dead in starvation is absolutely nothing demographically.

>Everything suggests we're about to see a massive die-off on a colossal scale.

I don't understand why this sounds like a problem to you.
Humanity has already seen this type of mass extermination before and survived; not only this, but often the societies rising from those events were the brightest example of human progress and civilization, like after the black plague who saw the birth of Reinassance or WW2 after which technology development literally skyrocketed.
Don't you understand what "Happening wait" means here?

>Their current numbers are reliant on what one may call White aid.
how many times does it need to be spelled out that this is a meme only effecting countries with low populations anyway? The African countries with 50m, 100m, 150m people in 2017 are having obesity epidemics.

You're implying that the negroes actually have the capabilities to farm that arable land without help from the white man. They won't survive unless the west or China intervenes are props up farms around sub sarahan africa

There's not enough housing or welfare to provide for that kind of population growth. The healthcare system is already at breaking point here in the UK.

Things will break down long before that happens. Expect race riots and right wing death squads to take back the streets before too long. The tide is definitely turning

The countries in Africa that have positive population growth are reliant on international aid, the ones with replacement or near replacement birth rates are not. They will likely be completely fine but I can't ignore the sheer mass production of non-productive, retarded, useless africans from the parasite countries. These people will be culled, and productive African Countries will not help them. If you don't think that you don't understand how many differences there are between Africans there are. I know this due to my wife being from Togo but she refers to Congolese people as kind of lesser, saying they fucked monkeys at some point. That's not Uncommon btw.

statistics? ggo look at obesity/overweight figures in most of Africa. It is 20-40% for most countries, especially the ones with the highest compounding growth. Getting tired of you blue pilled faggots

And why are they having Obesity epidemics?

>I know this due to my wife being from Togo

*vomits on keyboard*

Begone, degenerate!

Is this the plan of the Jew world order? To flood Europe with as many third world shitskins hordes as possible as revenge on the white man for the holocaust? Are they trying to recreate world war z but with niggers instead of zombies?

1. The Holocaust didn't happened.
2. Search 'White Genocide'. Googling Kalergi Plan can be a start.

Completely wrong.
In 1900, the white population of the world was 3 times larger than the african population. 100 years later, in 2000, these numbers were reversed.

Why would you blatantly claim something you got no idea about? Like, what did you base that claim on?


Hahahhahahahha no fucking way.
Non-whites, specially niggers have an eternal grudge against whites, if things are bad even when whites are the majority, how the fuck do you think niggers will behave once they are the majority?

See Rhodesia, see South Africa, see Haiti.

Shits gonna hit the fan, unless africans got sterilized or some shit

Repeat after me:
There is NO white genocide going on.