Who the fuck is /ourguy/ here

how do i think here


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The EU wants fragmented countries as they're easier to manipulate.

Catalans are just the kikes of Spain but they wouldn't even exist if it weren't for Spain as a unified entity

Since when less central government it's the enemy?

All small countries inside the EU work perfectly fine.

Spain without a doubt.

EU bootlickers detected. also
>unironically supporting authoritarian silencing of a democratic vote


EU shills and siestacucks will call Catalonians commies while they have a Center-Right government in Barcelona.

I actually think that Portugal should be absorbed into Spain to form one iberia

Difficult one, the Catalans are from what I understand leftist/sjw'ers but on the other hand I'm a big supporter for referendums and the choice to secede from a country.

lmao you have no clue what you're talking about DeMarcus

Catalonia. Build a wall.

yea ok whatever never mind that only being only 14% of the population they make up 40% of the Spanish tax base and I'm sure that they don't have Moorish blood has nothing to do with that.

If Catalonia get's independence, we could genuinely see the resurgence of a Fascist Nation. Nothing makes them pop up like losing some territory.

you would be until regions of the Netherlands pulled this shit

that's why they want to leave they're greedy jews that could care less for their countrymen because of their tourism $$

Nope, if a region decided through a referendum it would be fine with me

My guy is Spain because I am a proud Hispanic and Catalonia will become Sweden if Spain gets removed

Independence for Groningen, no more muslims.

Catalan politicians are unironically commies who support Venezuelan politicians. That kind of people. A lot of catalans are afraid of expressing themselves while their totalitarian agenda and ideology spreads brainwashing a lot of people.

This doesn't mean Spanish people are in a better situation. We're fucked with this (((democrat))) system and being part of the EU. But we need to be united to fight this alltogheter.

Thanks to this circus, VOX will soar, and those are /ourguys/.

And btw, the only people who has work thowards this referendum are the "jordi anons" here.... and Soros antifa. Who were beated hard by the spanish police.

Being said this, if they manage to independice themselves, I would be happy, because it is true that most of the commie vote comes from Catalonia and the Basque Country. Without them, we, the people, have it easier to vote ar ight wing party.

I don't understand why you support secesion. This is not about a regional goverment vs the central one, is about respecting a law that has THOUSANDS of years, the only law that has given Spain territorial integrity. They can't just disobey the law. If they want a referendum they have to pact one somehow. Which kind of madman tries to secede from a country using an ilegal way? Only terrorist groups.

If we start breaking the law, what prevents me from getting a rifle and start shoting on the street? What do you think it will happen? Yes, the police will come and arrest me. What a surprise.

Well, that's what actually happened.

i think south america should be absorbed by the usa to form one america and all the niggers spics and filth are allowed to go straight to the north

this is your logic,stop

lol, I know who you are
can't believe you post here

>most of the small countries in Europe are rich and stable as fuck
I think you got it backwards m8


sheshh, they don't know how cool I really am.

Spain is our guy, OG muslim hunter


>All small countries inside the EU work perfectly fine.
No. Just no. None of them would have a voice. Poland and Hungary have been bullied - imagine how easier it'd be if they were a quarter the size

Kike shills are out in full force today. Spain must remain united.


i wonder who is behind this
>Catalonia has 50% of the muslims inside Spain.
>"We will all vote for the Islamic parties because we do not believe in left and right. This will make us win local councils, and as we begin to accumulate power in the Catalan autonomous region, Islam will begin to be implemented."
>t. Abdelwahab Houzi, Salafist preacher, Lleida.

>they make up 40% of the Spanish tax
> I'm sure that they don't have Moorish blood has nothing to do with that.
Are you people from the American continent unable to understand anything without racial context? Also, Andalusians from the south are closer to Basques genetically (pure Iberians) than Catalonians and they're all as distant to Africans, fuck off.


A thousand year old rule that holds no meaning anymore thanks to the EU fucking every single country it has laid its hands upon, remember that Catalan has been looking for independency since 1922

Luxemburg, Belgium and Estonia do perfectly fine, Poland it's full of pollacks that's why it doesn't works.

Does this answer your question?

Bullshit. Merkel's CDU is also marked as Center-Right. The party in power in Catalonia is JxSi which are a coalition of parties that include socialdemocrats and other lefties, the "centre-right" party you're talking about are socialdemocrats.

Video related is a propaganda video from JxSi, you don't need to understand what they say to understand, just watch

Neither. Both sides are shit and bootlickers, but this whole scenario is perfect because it exposes the lies of both sides. I hope it disintegrates and shows yet another fuck up of the EU.

funny thing is if we did that for palestine they would get mad

Both are corrupt as shit and I hope everything sinks into total chaos

Because of money laundering

But the Pope supports Spain

Belgium is an absolute dump. Luxembourg isn't a real country. Estonia is alright but they're irrelevant - as soon as Brussels decides to relocate Arabs there they will be powerless to stop them.

And give us back the gold you stole after you guys go down flames. Viva la Raza

That's a no-brainer. Catalonia.

This board is obviously more right than left therefore more pro-nationalistic.

The Catalonian people, a distinct people with their own language and identity, want to be separate. The Spanish constitution says that that it is a priori, ipso facto illegitimate even to hold a referendum on the matter. In other words it's a revolt against a cruel and perverse species of oppression and slavery.

Ancient Greece, the founder of our civilization, was made up of many independent states. It was those independent states that resisted Xerxes' army of five millions of men with mere tens of thousands.

Any weakening of statist tyranny and of the E. U. as well as reinforcement of the principle of national self-determination is good for Britain, good for Europe and good for humanity.




I often hear the meme that "The Jews want to divide and conquer us". Not really. The Jews want all of us to hold hands and sing Kumbayah. They want fewer countries, not more countries. They want more race mixing, not less race mixing.

>respecting a law that has THOUSANDS of years
40 lmao

Remember this jews, my bloodline will always hate you and given the chance, it will be worse for your kind tham in the past.

Thank you for trying to destroy my country.

Remenber me, remember Spain.

keep dodging those acid attacks Nigel
surely brexit will solve all your problems

Every major city in Europe has a Jewish population. What is your point

There are ways to modify the constitution. Everything is possible, but inside the law.

Either way, do you know that catalonians voted IN FAVOR of the current spanish constitution?

reminder that the spanish goberment is the one handing passports to jews

I learn Catalan in a week, barely qualifies as a language. It is like finding the difference between Norwegian and Swedish

Why does he support Catalan Independence Sup Forums?

The last constitution has 40 years.

Spain territorial integrity exists since the Catholic Monarchs and it was integarted on every constitution, Mr. Clever.


Der Juden cooked in it's flavor.

>Belgium is an absolute dump.

They look fine from here.

Exactly, you can't accuse them of being any more jewish than Madrid.

Because CIA niggers

catalanist here
that was called aragon crown not catalan empire but people were called catalans


Separatist movements that want to be independent but also want to be in the EU are shit.

I am amazed that people like don't understand that the Communist plan always has been an enormous state, and that breaking down state power weakens leftism. What does he think the U. S. S. R. was, the E. U. is? If secession became popular, conservatives could simply go their own way and leave leftists to their fate. They would no longer be able to drag us down. Imagine the enormous boon to America if California alone were to secede. Or again, imagine an America of fifty countries in which conservatives were to at last to create their own states free of leftist influence.

Nobody gives a fuck about the spanish goverment, that's what you fail to understand. This is not about the spanish goverment, is about spanish territorial integrity, which is NOT something related in any way with the current goverment.

He sounds like a rebel without a cause at this point. Also, he is probably a bit insane now. But everyone would after being so many years jailed in a room.

so when are you joining spain?
they are center right you are full of shit
spain is already sweden
the ruling party will allow teens geting their dicks cut without parent consent

>anglos having anything to say against slavery and oppression
Free the welsh and the scotts and all the amerindians and blacks in your overseas territories and then talk.


If Spain is balkaniced the juden will die everyone of them in the fucking world.


I don't think it's support Independence as much as oppose authoritarian centralised states wielding power to obstruct democracy.


catalonia was never a thing, only a county of the ARAGON KINGDOM...

>Your Vote has been Counted!
>You have already voted on this poll.
Already has more legitimacy than the referendum

Don't bother, catalans are not people. Will you guys take foreign volunteers when civil war breaks out? Really want to kill some xarneg... I mean catalans.

Isn't all the small countries leaving the USSR what caused their collapse?

>1002 votes
>470 inhabitants

Personally i support neither side, just the principle of self-determination and democracy. If the Catalans want to be indy then that's their choice. The crackdown from the central govt is a total shitshow. It should never have come to this. Raiding polling places in balaclavas, the guardia civil clubbing people...not good.

Just talking and talking

When the white mans of the world will make a stance at these ((((((((((rats)))))))))))

Just kill them, we neeed to allied ourselves and kill them, no more letting they infiltrate the RIGHT!

What do you want, my country will be destroyed, next will be yours.

Just kill them stab them on sight!!!!

Remenber this Spain its going to be balkaniced, so say goodbye to my country or DO FUCKING SOMETHING!!!!

you are under the eu man it's not like you are sovereign
why do you care about your unity when you are but a province of the eu with a southamerican army?

Can't believe nobody has said this yet:

>how do I think here

Why don't you try thinking for yourself? Or did you spend too much time at university for that?

>Globalists want more independent, sovereign nations with strong senses of identity

they are dumbtards

>never mind that only being only 14% of the population they make up 40% of the Spanish tax base
Are you retarded user? They make up 16 percent of the population and about 19 percent of the tax revenue due to having an important port and tourist city (Barcelona). Madrid and Basque country habe a higher GDP and Navarre and Valencia are pretty close.

aragon crown and kingdom is separate

closed shools from other towns

Yes they voted, but that was 40 years ago. Or is the constitution like the holy bible now? It was send by God and cannot be changed?


Chaos is /ourguy/ here.
We want Spain to crush the Catalans
And then get kicked out of the EU for it.

spanish eu shills are persistent that's for sure

Yes, like Sweden, right?

Especially Amsterdam

We gave the Scots a referendum; they voted to stay. The Spanish government is afraid to accord one to the Catalans because they know they would lose it. Our overseas territories overwhelmingly wish to be with us.

The vote to ratify the constitution took place about 40 years ago. A new generation demands a new vote. You can't chain a people to your state on the basis of what their ancestors wanted. You might as well try to ban divorce by that mode of reasoning. If you make people whether as individuals or in the collective so unhappy that they want to leave you then you must not chain them up to stop them from going, else you are a mere slave-master. The only exceptions would be if it were for their own good, or if justice demanded a different course: if the Catalans owed you a debt, for example, I could understand forcing them to stay, but they owe you nothing; they are net contributors.

How is the internet in the deep deep south?

>One flag cancels out the legitimacy of the exercise of every western democratic principle.
If it was a swastika they would be justified in pursuing independence? Does the waving of that flag negate everything? Does the waving of the swastika justify everything?
Imagine being so unburdened by binary logic, must be great not having to think.

So basically UK is a nice loving papa and Spain is an abusive drunkard father?

Pretty much globalists balkanizing sovereign nation state with secession movement full of libtards, cucks and even commies, ignoring laws and constituion that was approved by plebiscit. Possibly being funded by soros. Eu has alot to gain. Gets Spain on knees, gets pocket puppet state that perfectly represents all "european" values like homoperverts, multiculti, import of muslims, gets stick that can be used against other disobedient member states, gets to push their agenda about european police and that similar situations would be better solved in Brussells.

But also something to lose - russia tries to use the situation against eu, as even liberal mainstream now blames eu for not acting, putin must be laughing hard and his trolls are in full force literally going "but but muh human rights are more than constitution." Funny how self determination is no longer right when it comes to kosovo or kurdistan, just when its crimea and now catalonia. Fuck them both, just wanted to show their hypocrisy. Best outcome would probably be eu changing stance, supporting catalonia and spain waking up and going full franco, cant see any personality who could lead them against eu though. Worst outcome, catalonia gets independence, eu cucks spain hard enough not to vote catalonians admission to eu, catalonia revs up import of migrants, eu gets its europolice and starts using secessionist movements against disobedient members.

The thing that you fail to understand is that people in favour of independent Catalonia, are not lefties not commies. Everybody supports it, from leftis, to fucking commies, right wing, there is even an anti immigration party who is pro catalan. Also according to spanish polls, the higher you rent the higher the support for independence.

So yeah, fucking poorfags in Catalonia think they can say something in our nation

These people are the descendants of Burke. They ought to read Paine's Rights of Man.

Last time jews died in mass was when the opposite happened and Hitler created a pan european empire

Spain is already an obedient vassal of the EU. Catalan independence won't change that.

Not gonna lie, former Independencia voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Catalunya crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the referendum ballot papers.

Sweden it's fine in the stats.

Not the government fault what the swedes like to do with their bungholes.