If you were tasked, with creating a counter terrorism campaign that would be 100% effective...

If you were tasked, with creating a counter terrorism campaign that would be 100% effective, and end all terrorism worldwide.

How would you do it? Let's say, your money, political power, and legislative influence was completely an infinite pool, and any idea you had, could be and would be implemented.

What would you do to permanently end terrorism?

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kill everyone who embraces islam, worldwide.

execute muslims on stream until they listen to me

Nuke Mekka

Look up what the savage anglos did to the boers in south afrika. Repeat.

>What would you do to permanently end terrorism?
Feed every terrorist to starving wild hogs, dead or alive.

Keep israel out of geopolitics.

Kill all humans.

this is the face of antifa. fear us bitches.

Depends, will you hire me for my work mr. CIA man?