So I just saw this artificial muscle. It constricts when they run electricity through the plastic. They could use this for everything including moving the robots faces etc(will be much more realistic compared to cervos and pullies)
Can it be put in my penis to cure erectile dysfunction?
William Ramirez
This reminded me of a thread on here the other day wehre some user claimed to be from Washington MSM and that there was a story of an AI being/android that was attempting to contact the WH and Donald Trump specifically... and the android was supposed to have "supernatural abilities"
This all also reminds me of the part of the Book of Revelation that talks about the Image of the Beast coming to life and people worshiping it.
Ryder Rivera
Dont bring NAX loot into this
Angel Hill
I'll go to the obvious...
Fake vaginas with even more functionality than the real thing, with none of the roast.
Sexbot revolution is becoming ridiculously certain.
Benjamin Cook
Natty gains.
Parker Ortiz
looks gay
Bentley Reed
Probably. The current fix is a straight up subdermal penis pump, so that'd be a definite improvement. You probably wouldn't need much artificial muscle either.
Landon Rogers
Thanks, I almost forgot how fucking autistic pol was for a second there