Why is white pride grouped together with white supremacy by the media? Its ok to have black pride, so why isnt it ok to have white pride?
Why is white pride grouped together with white supremacy by the media? Its ok to have black pride...
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Becuase Hitler
Because British Empire
Probably because the white supremacist slogan is "white pride"?
because being proud to be white is the main belief of white supremacy, and as we all know, white supremacy is bad because we're all privileged
Its deeper than that.
Its a guilt of winning, being superior, advanced socially, economically, culturally, militarily.
It's a jewish trick.
anybody got more pics of 2nd to left? She's Euro to the max
who controls the Jew?
Serious now, what happened.
that black Nigger is not German, The nigger is a Subhuman.
Because white pride will make it harder for Jews to drive us to extinction.
Shut your mouth goyim! No more questions for you!
No, but here is another hottie
Yall SHOULDA tought about all dat when you was runnin' round hanging niggers! You done this to ya'!
Because White people are oppressing Blacks. It's okay for the victim to have their pride, but it's evil for the attacker to celebrate attacking its victim.
If Blacks are oppressing Whites, then it's okay for Whites to have a White pride.
>Because British Empire
Hey thanks a lot for that you island vampire fucksticks
Because the media hates white people. That's literally all there is to it.
White supremacy isn't a movement or ideology, it's a reality.
>Because the media hates white people
There's a reason for it. A good reason. Look at your murderous past, present, and future. Blood on your hands. Violent race.
Because white nationalism becoming normalized is terrifying to the multicult.
So it needs to be lumped with white supremacy and muh nazis in order to make sure Joe Six Pack thinks it's eeeeevil.
Check the History book, encyclopedias, medicine. Its all white man/European achievements.
But why?
Literally the weather? Yes and able neighbours ready to take your shit, thats why Europe is so advanced, we've been there and done it, many times and learned.
Abo,for instance evolved to literally throw sticks at the moon, all they needed was a stick.
Why? Becuase they had no neighbours, there was no one upmanship, no arms race for them to get beat and come back for more once they got a bigger stick.
Revenge is a real motivator.
>dyed hair
>brown eyes
You've answered your own question. Pic related
Well, they shouldn't have been running around bein' all niggery n' shit.
Wrong. Jews are superior to Whites. That's why this board hates Jews. You hate Jews because You aint them.
If white suppress other races wouldn't that mean they superior...otherwise they would be equal...
I look at it and I celebrate it. Try to guilt someone who cares.
You're working late tonight, Schlomo.
Bless, implying the Anglo/European/Americans dont use the state of Israel and Jews to do their dirty work.
Keep up lad
I'm not trying to guilt you. I'm just answering OP's question why it's not okay to have a White pride. And thanks for supporting my answer by admitting you're proud of oppressing and murdering. Thanks for admitting the White race is a violent race.
Guys can we just appreciate the beauty of the two on the left, I had sex with a German girl that looks really similar to the blonde. Can everybody just be blonde?
GET THAT SHIT OUTTA MY FACE! Outside the Greek and Roman Empires, whites haven't done as much as you make it seem. I'm talking BEFORE BCE. All the Middle Eastern, South American, Asian advancements to society. That were later adopted by the strongest group of the time ( le white roman/Greeks). BIG WHITE MAN, best and greatest achievements come from 1-2017. But what them do LONG TIME FOR DAT? SHEEEEEEEET
"pride" is marxist signalling
(ex. mental disorder "pride")
***humility is a virtue, pride is a vice***
Wrong. This board is all about "Jews control the world!"
If they control the world, then they are superior. that's why you hate Jews. You can't stand the fact that they are superior.
It's the reason why Sup Forums exists. To hate the Jews who are so superior, they are killing the White race, and they are able to do that because they control the world.
We invented a means to incinerate the world. God damned right. Now we'll be teaching our children for a thousand years exactly what happens when you give the rest a chance at justice and equality.
>white pride = white supremacy
I've wondered this myself
Touche'. But now you can't have what you want. You dones this to ya!
>There's a reason for it. A good reason. Look at your murderous past, present, and future. Blood on your hands. Violent race.
Fuck off fag.
We cant use todays morals to judge history.
If you look at European history from the Romans to the medieval period is was brutal as fuck, I mean there was no police or laws, only God and your King. They really believed back then Kings were appointed by God, The Church was all powerful, to go against the Church was condemning yourself to an eternity of hell, they really did belive that.
They also believed Blacks were not even human, and we treated humans like shit anyways so what chance did niggers have?
It was fucked.
Einstein and Oppenheimer are both Jews.
Don't you dare compare that to Hitler
Fucking anglos, you're like weasel people
Because that's the only way they can fight it.
You can't love your own race without being a supremacist is how they frame the argument, therefore wytpipol assume the "correct" position to take is to hating your own.
>Wrong. This board is all about "Jews control the world!"
I thought it was political discussion, opinions and red pills with a bit of satire to boot?
Who controls the Jews? Everyone has a master who they take orders from, everyone.
it's been answered
nobody gives a fuck about Irish, Polish, Spanish pride, etc. ffs they paint some river green in some McDisplays of McMuheritage
white pride is a fucking meme. a shitty american meme. there are no such things as whites in america, the concept kept changing and changing to suit politics.
blacks on the other hand have no such luck of knowing where the fuck they came from. they were taken from their lands, forced converted and removed from their culture, history, ethnic memory, etc.
An African going to america today won't give two shits about "black pride". He has his own non-slave roots to cling to.
Because all the people in the world have the right to exist, the only exception it s us, europeans, we are eternally guilty of slavery, war's etc...
>Its ok to have black pride, so why isnt it ok to have white pride?
It's a /pol myth that whites can't have pride in their heritage. Consider Oktoberfest, a festival where germans (and other people) around the world celebrate German heritage. Or st. patricks day, or italian-american day, or... ,or.... I like /pol, but most here are highly delusional about this issue.
Because being white = and it doesn't matter that they just hate you for being monkies that you brought civilization to. They will always be hateful monkies and always want you to be ashamed, fearful, and dead.
/pols/'s Jew baiting to the contrary, they're eastern europeans with a minor genetic signal showing some middle-eastern admixture from about two millennia ago. Obviously this doesn't include native middle eastern or African Jews (in the latter case of course it's precisely the same distant admixture issue).
Wise words oldest allie
Nigger history is one of slavery and repression, genocide and the life of a 2nd class citizen.
If life was a game its already been played and white people won, they have all the pieces.
Probably because we don't need to announce our pride when we already have the best and most advanced civilizations :^)
Eastern Europeans and people from the Middle East aren't White.
What came before the Jew, from what were Jew created?
Wrong logic schlomo.
White have a weakness the other races don't especially the Jews, true compassion.
Everything you value was created by white compassion, starting with the first whites to let the Jews into Germany. Whites civilized the world and ended slavery. In America, we gave women and blacks the right to vote. They are by far the most accepting and accommodating people within Europe. We gave Israel to the Jews.
When has any other people done so much for others? Our darkness comes from our rage, when we realize everything we have gifted eventually is ruined.
Our pride is demonized because the last time a group of Whites started being proud, it took 6+ other White superpowers to stop them.
because black pride leads to nothing but white pride can literally topple governments and ruin elites
Fascinating - so we're getting quite specific in who you're mad at now. It's not Eastern Europe, it's not the Middle East (bizarrely, given the record of genocide and bloodshed that goes back many millenia there). It's some very specific subset of peoples and cultures who you're defining as "white" and okay to hate. Please elaborate.
>White have a weakness
Yes, it's called being inferior to Jews.
mental gymnastics won't change that fact.
Sup Forums is very clear on who they think is controlling and manipulating the world. Sup Forums is very clear on who they think is the perpetrator of White genocide. Don't pretend to be unaware of the Jewish question.
Because white pride is pride in being a mixed race european it's retarded. Have pride in your Scandinavian roots or whatever you are
White is just a made up concept of mixed race europeans
All humans came from Africa, scientists say. If true, then Black people gave birth to the most superior race on Earth. The Jews.
You prefer a sucker punch to a fair fight I'm guessing, because it's a "superior" strategy?
That's intellectually dishonest
Why fight someone at all if you can convince the goyim to fight each other
Is it fair to invade, mass murder, colonize, and steal the resources of innocent nations who are just minding their own business and aren't a threat to you?
It's one way (((they))) can shame white people into destroying their own countries. It has worked, apparently.
Scientists are now suggesting that humans actually evolved in Europe.
Again, the compassion
Help me goy, I'm being victimized!
>not knowing the difference between race and nationality
stupid ameri-bro, you nigged when you should have nogged
We didn't. Our government did. Get over your ignorance.
>Sup Forums is one person
But you didn't answer my question - which specific nationalities is it okay to hate?
You can be proud of being whatever ethnicity you are. Nobody ever says that's not ok. Black people don't know their country of origin because of the whole slavery thing. You do. Being proud to be "white" isn't a thing. There's no actual "white" people.
Invading and murdering another country to steal its resouces is not compassionate act.
It isn't, it led to our current crisis and they don't appreciate the food, medicine, or electricity they received as a result.
Bullshit. The historical records and genetics are quite clear. The vast, vast majority of American blacks with slave ancestry came from West Africa, primarily around Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Liberia, and Guinea.
>There's no actual "white" people.
whites = europeans, that's a biological reality... not some invention
He says using the white mans invention
I didn't say every act was compassionate. The existence of non-whites in general is compassion.
Mental gymnastics again. Anything to deny your murderous genetics.
When a Black person commits a crime, you say "Blacks are violent!" When one Islam bombs something, you say "Kill all Muslims"
When a few White boys commit school shooting, "it's an isolate case. Not all White do that."
But when a couple of White people from you government commits genocide, "it's just the government who are genocidal, not the White race"
When one White person invents something, "All white people are inventors, we contributed this to the world."
Hypocrisy, contradiction, and mental gymnastics won't change the fact that The White race as a whole is genocidal and violent, and inferior to the Jews.
The black panthers slogan is "black pride" or even "black power". Mexicans have tons of pride. Only white people aren't allowed to be proud. Why is that?
Don't care. Law of iron. We took it. Deal.
So now they know if they're from a massive distribution of people! Awesome. So which culture is theirs? Oh, it got wiped out.... So now their smallest ethnic identity is once again.... black!
What's the biological cut off? Please state the correct "real" cutoff.
British women are ug-
>inferior to the jews
The people who leave nations they are majority in to live in white societies to experience a higher living standard than they can offer themselves anywhere in the world...superior?
>What's the biological cut off? Please state the correct "real" cutoff.
Source paper me, buddy. That doesn't mean anything in itself.
Who controls the world? Jews. Yes, they are superior. that's why you hate them.
Because communists want white people to disappear. It's literally that simple.
non user but read up on these and get back o me cuck
Also, who's killing the White race. Who's the one behind White Genocide today? Who's the master of banking system? Jews.
then why cant they produce living standards as good or better than whites?
IS the guy who steals money from your wallet when ur not looking superior to you?
answer this question
just because they sit at the higher echelon doesnt mean they are superior. they have used the societies whites built to profit in malicious ways. true they are very slippery, but white societies run by white people are infinitely better .
In fact I'd take it one further and say it's their corruption that collapses societies. They're parasites feeding on our compassion. Christianity was a mistake.
Dude that site links random ass sources for no reason....
The one for example saying "does it matter for stem cells or marrow transplants" is clearly there to fluff when it doesn't mean what they imply it does. The human immune system has what's called the HLA class system. There are lots of different HLA subtypes that adjust one's immune system. That's why it matters the race. It gives % chances for certain types that would cause issues with certain other types or drug classes. It's a blurry line and used merely as a hunch in the field when making ER choices or long term treatment / transplant considerations...
LOL each of these source are offical m8
you have no argument period.
>S. Italian
Look, I know you really want to justify calling yourself white, but these are sandniggers and so are you
Is murdering and stealing the resources of other countries who are minding their own business and not a threat to you, a superior act?
Because the media is owned by Zionists, and Zionists are religious fanatics and notorious racists, they have a way to keep blacks dumb and asians weak, they don't have anything against the mediocracy of whites to give them a disadvantage so they feed this bullshit to the masses as part od their plot for supremacy.
The "officialness" isn't an issue. The reason and purpose of the study doesn't claim what you think it does... They do this multiple times to propose a case that clearly is based on poor understanding of those studies' purposes...
Because white pride is associated with nazis and not white cultures.