Watched this shit recently. So is she supposed to sound like a foreigner or talking like a retard is just "kawaii"

Watched this shit recently. So is she supposed to sound like a foreigner or talking like a retard is just "kawaii".

Other urls found in this thread:

She is supposed to sound like a foreigner, she is from a different country with a different language.

She is from a different country. They never really addressed it even when she and red chaika were lone.

They addressed it when they ask her if she knows the language of the Gatz empire in the episode where they run into those bandits pretending to have the real Chaika.

Anyone happen to know if the LNs have a sensible ending or if it's just as rushed in those as well?

I found some answer in an archive about how there's a failsafe regarding being unable to destroy the last owner, but I don't know if that was a ruse or not.

I see. This make me appreciate her character a little more. I've seen too many moe girls talking retard just cause japanese guys get hard on mental disabilities.

Overall it is a pretty good show.
Aside from the end of season 2.

She does not know the language that well.

Some interesting premise but not very well implemented. Anyway, this show introduced the most useless character ever.

It's cute.
She's retarded for plot reasons and she's still a lot smarter than the rest of the mani cast if a little naive.

She is useful as comic relief and keeping my dick up.

Also this scene was probably her best.

>looks like a little kid
>flat as a board
>is retarded
Pedobait is the only correct answer.

She was strong as fuck, so the author needed to stop her in every fight.

It's kind of hilarious how she's blatantly written out of nearly every fight because she breaks the plot.

Exactly why she's a bad character.

Being retarted is cute though user!

Being useless for plot reasons is still useless.

She was useful in the final fight.
And a few other fights here and there.

Season 1 is alright.
Season 2 is almost all bad all the time.

No she did the same thing as always even in the end.