I played the beta, fucking SJW's everywhere

Who has played the beta, female solders storming the battlefield with you, no swastikas, black Nazis.

WHY! must politicize and ruin everything I love, I guess that is just progress.....

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Did you see the intro for the french resistance where the commander is a nigger speaking with a french accent?

ya, I rolled my eyes so fucking hard, what does this achieve? why must they rewrite history to include everyone, even if they where not their?


Political correctness of course, doesn't matter much though as the game is ass. It looks bad and runs bad, they just tried to over compensate with "muh diversity"

didn't work for Mass Effect, hopefully it doesn't work for them either

>why must they rewrite history

"He who controls the past, controls the future"

It is literally about writing white people out of history, they want not only to destroy us, but also our memory. There's a quote from an EU bureaucrat about how Europe was never homogeneous.

Black Nazi is accurate
Females and no swastika is bullshit

Find me a picture of a black Nazi from 1940, please.

inb4 5 Afrikan Black wehrmacht soldiers from North afrika

Explain this then.