How do you look back at the early 2000s now?

How do you look back at the early 2000s now?

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All killer, no filler.

Good. Everything post 2010 is shit. The world truly ended on 2012.

Like this

for that one year in 2000 and few months of 2001 it was alright

With a warm, nostalgic, happy feeling.

It was a big decade



As though it was a fever dream. Surely, things never could have been that good.

Absolute trash, everything was shit. I almost prefer the modern world with all it's issues over the 2000s simply because of our current technolgy

heaven on earth

people were more opinionated and didn't look for others to approve their actions all the time

We have come so far since then,feminism. uhmm... it's called progress? Not that you would appreciate it sweetie.


I watched America die a slow death.

1999-2003 was good for me but culturally things were going to shit by 2002

Main thing was the rise of nigger music

Otoh you didn't see nearly as many mud sharks back then

>retarded chloting style
>no SJWism
>peak of wigger culture
>start of garbage Pop music, before this pop could actually be good

The era of the opiated masses.

Hip hop is the most listened to genre in the world.

World pre-cellphone was the only real world.

No shit dumbass

I hate whites who listen to nigger music

I love rap music tho lmao

I caused that feel.

"Never the rest i am dressed for the occasion."

>bragging about being a nigger lover
nice work

America turned to shit in the mid 1990s.
The 70s and especially the 1980s were awesome.
I feel really sad for millennials for many reasons but growing up in the 00s is a major one.

>So am I, still waiting
>For this world to stop hating
>Can't find a, good reason
>Can't find hope to believe in

Rap is the new Pop, friendo, definitely not what it used to be in the 90's.

00's was a good scene, it was the death throes of the good times. Kids that were born post 2001 though, i pity them.

>tfw you finally get a full physique and a black mercedes but douchecore is no longer in style

>>bragging about being a nigger lover

You stormfags always gotta make it sound sexual. You're a cuck. people like different music than you do, did you just discover that, autist?

people born earlier said the same shit:

America turned to shit in the mid 1970s
the 50s and especially the 1960s were awesome
I feel really sad for generation x for many reasons but growing up in the 80s is a major one

90's were great. 2000's were complete shit. Then it got even worse from 2007-2011.

Then things finally got better.

Jesus, what happened to the cunt?

You're stupid

Can't believe i miss douchecore. Even if i hated the baggy shorts.

I think everyone feels bad for the 80s

>You can't change the state of the nation
>we just need some motivation
>These eyes have seen no conviction
>just lies and more contradiction

I concur.

I also think reggaeton is gaining momentum.

Nah the 00s held nothing on the 1980s. Literally zero. In the 1980s everyone went out at least 3 times a week. Even the smallest towns had 3 or 4 discos and MANY bars, all full. There was no AIDS to speak of, everyone got wildly laid, even what would be considered neckbeards now. There were 5-10 new and great songs each week on the radio. Kids played outside till the sun went down and there were no helicopter parents. Malls were full of people. Everyone had tons of friends. it was great.

00s was shit music, shit bars (the ones that didn't slose down) (90% did after the smoking bans), shit discos (same thing as bars), the state telling you you had to be 21 to drink, can't smoke here or there or anywhere. Freedoms totally lost around the time Cobain died.

I do agree body wise. Today me would fit in better in the early 2000s than who I was. The early 2000s were nothing like the 90s though. It was a early version of current year.

>you actually miss dumb shit like this.

>people born earlier said the same shit:
No they didn't say that.

The boomers LOVED the 70s and 80s. I know I was a child and heard them all the time talking about how great progress is..

Thats a meme in your head.
My parents born in the 40s and we talked about this many times while they were alive. they and their friends all agreed that the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s were all great.

Most older adults even found alot of music in the 80s they liked..

You're wrong..sorry

Nope. You kids will never know what true freedom we had. We were like wild animals. We left the house on a Saturday morning to go outside and play. Came home for lunch, then went out to play some more. Parents had no idea what we were doing. Building forts, riding our bikes 5 miles away to find some elusive BMX track, killing birds with BB guns, the list goes on and on. No seatbelts, played touch football IN THE STREET. Parents smoked around us. We NEVER wore seatblets......

Fred Durst here. How does this Sup Forums thing work anyway?

last one was suppose to read sunblock*

Before the downfall.

>I don't wanna waste my time
>become another casualty for society
>i'll never fall in line
>become another victim of your conformity
>and back down!

Spot on. This film is the closest I have seen to what it was really like growing up back them

HUGE subdivision with housing being built. WE would go and drive the bobcats around and make bike jumps. Take the extra lumber and make tree forts. The girls would make little shacks and sell stuff in them.. Was so awesome

That film was the 1970s growing up.

Yes, the tans, the chicks and cars. Funny shit, when was the last time you've seen such people of character on TV or in the music industry?

Its all fucking faggy saddy lovesongs now, everyday all the day and they all sound exactly the same.

sure, that's why people that grew up with elvis loved punk music and rap

that's why people that watched leave it to beaver or john wayne films when they were younger loved mtv and the "films" hollywood put out after john ford

just because your parents did, doesn't mean others didn't (so the same could be said for the present day)

my point was that every generation feels this way, more or less - or that things don't -really- change

I definitely remember homes under construction as the main playground in a sub division during the 80s and 90s. We as neighborhood kids would fucking trash these places.

Have you seen this film, user? I recommend it to anyone wondering what life was life back then. Don't judge it by the trailer. It's a rather poignant look at growing up.

I lived in many places in the 1970s.
I never heard people anywhere talking about how it used to be so much better. Now it is constant. It peppers every conversation.

Hell my first Girlfriends mother was Elvis Presley's maid. She LOVED the Cure and Simply Red..

You don't have a CLUE what you are talking about. it's bullshit.

Our parents and adults all loved Star Wars, Star Trek, Dynasty even though they grew up on the little rascals.. What you are saying makes ZERO sense.

Even my poor old mom said to me in 1997. Well that decade was shit can we go back to 1985 please? It was a common feeling. I know I lived in the world and traveled all over it.

81 countries so far and every state in the union..

Over the Edge was great, though I prefer the less cynical take of Kenny & Company.

I'd say that's a farfetched but i remember me and mine friends popping all the outdoor lightbulbs and streetlights with pellet guns.

I might have when I wa a kid. I'll download it and check it out. Thanks user!
Good I miss 3pm TV after School for an hour and Saturday cartons. It was really great.

>true freedom
Last time I checked, playing football and riding bikes are still popular activities amongst the youth.
The BB guns maybe not so much, but who cares when you have VR WWII games.
>parents smoked around us
Enjoy your physical degeneration, oldfag.
>mfw you are actually proud of the 80s


>Kenny & Company
Ah looky. I'll watch it..
Remember the original Bad News Bears. God that was such a fun film.

Ever heard the expression "Standing on the shoulders of giants"? Most everything after 1993 was just regurgitated nonsense. It pales in comparison to the originators of the art. And yes, I'm strictly speaking of music. And music alone is why the 80's were better. 50's to early 90's music. Could you imagine being alive for all of that??

between the iraq war, unaffordable tax cuts and the policies that led to the financial crisis, 2000-2006 was when the GOP dug its own grave. the right has been trying to recover ever since.


What's crazy is that I really had coaches like Boilermaker when I was growing up. Great film!

quake3, unreal tournament, hitman 1, starcraft/broodwar, warcraft 3, tribes 2, black & white, thousdands of hours in non counter-strike half-life mods, guitar hero, halo 1/2 (stopped after that), star wars jedi knight jedi academy

>triggered snowflake alert
lol I'm sure you've done so much for this generation, user.
weren't you literally just celebrating your own degeneracy, "wild animal" you called yourself, and now you are acting self-righteous about it?
fuck off, if you can't see what a cliche oldfag you are then you should kys now and get it over with.

Looked like fun, i was just a little kid though.

Yeap.. I saw so many great Concerts. Every month my entire high school would goto a concert. Lynard Skynard, Led Zepplin, The Who, Rush, AC/DC, David Bowie on and on.

Must have seen 50 concerts..Man I miss stadium concerts that everyone can afford.
Mom saw the Rolling Stones with me. She had seen The Beatles in 62.

oh and i found that film !

Sum 41 had an Indian guy in the band?


Fuck off, you domesticated and neutered cat!


I remember the drunk parents in the stands during little league. yelling stuff like. The pitcher is a pansy, can't throw, were is your dress. All the other parents howled with laughter.

Can you imagine now ? Flippin police would be called and everyone would be in mandatory couciling.

>fuck off

beginning of the end

Beginning of a great leap forward in the gay and race mixing agenda. Loss of freedoms and privacy with the patriot act.

Just as shit, 2000s were a gateway to this modern day chaotic world.

Infact it began way back in the 1960s, some might even say ww2 was the beginning of the end.


1996 was the last good year anons

>this fucking newfag!

Let me tell you about the 90's...

I have a son who's 9 now, and it frightens me how much the world has changed. For fuck's sake, I walked to school, albeit with a group of friends, every day since kindergarten. Unheard of today.

I must say, well played.

not to self, don't get fat...or get a stupid haircut


Eeee by gum. When I were a lad there were non of this mamby pamby posting on /Pol. You had to scrawl your racism on the inside of a bog door - or if you were really feeling it on a Prajeets forehead.
Hand full of hot gravel then we were off t'the mill. We'd work 25 hour shift walk home and fatha would bray us to sleep with belt - if we were lucky.

OMG this is exactly how it was

My dad did that with us many times. Boys were supposed to fight.

He became an alcoholic.

Eminem got all the whites into rap and it was only downhill from there

The epitome of Sup Forums

>There was no aids to speak of, everyone got laid


>frosted tips
>newsboy hats
>808 synths
>folks being surprised when buildings/people explode

Simple times

Yeap I rode to school with 6 other 1st graders on our bikes.
Was about 2 miles away through a subdivision all the way. Parked out bikes, no locks and rode how alone after school

And check that shit out! Those kids did their own stunts in the movie!!! The damn speedwobbles on those little boards. Makes my balls shoot up to my throat when I watch it now.

>The early 2000s were nothing like the 90s though. It was a early version of current year.
2000 was like an extended play of 99, 2001 was definitely different though, even without 9/11

1992-5 were shit though.

Those were my teenage years. I hated high school, so I'm glad I got that over with more than decade ago.

College was worse however, especially since it didn't help train me for any job, it only left me with crippling debt. I supposed it's my fault for believing the STEM meme though.

That was such a funny scene!
We all said that at school the next week.
