What is this meant to symbolise?

What is this meant to symbolise?

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He's letting off steam.

Suppressed sexual desites


I would claim typo, but the truth is I just didn't pay attention to the screenshot or the filename.

They are farts

Gods don't fart

I'll give you 15 lain for the password


a crossing of boundaries, the line between the real world and the wired becoming indistinct

It symbolizes her influence on the things around her.


Semen coming out of your fingertips, so masturbation

But now the semen has turned into dank smoke?

To represent the high you get from a good fap


Nothing. It is just pretentious bullshit.

You mean the good fap you get when high?

I'm so fucked up

Nah like when you fap so good you feel high and let out an ahoge

She's vanishing from the real world into the deam of having my cock on her

The most important thing about that scene was the sound.

>let out an ahoge
Don't do this. Very dangerous.

Did they died?

Information going into the wired. Its the same reason that the shadows are all filled with those red splotches everywhere.

Standing by idly while a whole planet gets nuked

She's hallucinating about that Futurama episode.