Be me

>be me
>be uni student who attends to top tier college in Japan
>go back to the hometown where shitty uneducated people live
>my father said "long time no see, son. How is life in college?"
>I told, "Life in college is so fucking great, I don't have to stand with retarded people anymore!"
>my father said "Don't forget that you raise in here! This is your hometown; you must come back to this place and inherit our lands."
>I told, "what? I don't need lands. It's useless in 2017. I will sell it away after you died, I want to keep living in Tokyo. I will probably get the career as the banker."
>father said "NO. NO No. you have the duty to inherit tradition. This is your hometown. Why don't you come back?"
>I told "Because I hate non-educated idiots (like you), and there is no good job in this fucking outdated small town. I fucking hatethis town. I have opportunity to make the ton of money, and why doI have to give up for what?"

I wonder why people who are living in small town tend to be so fucking idiots. Aren't they have no vision of life? No goal? no achievement?

KYS jew

muh onuri son has betrayed our honaru and traditionaru rands

>Aren't they have no vision of life?
And with that you puted this story as fake.


You're fucking retarded. you truly are, and you deserve shameful death your country once ahead if you aren't an English Teacher using a proxy or a troll. you could have inherited the land to make money with "old tradition".

>Paying for a proxy just to make posts like this


Fake story.

Fuck off back to your shitland, John the English teacher

I'll buy your land for a few bitcoins OP, your dad will probably find hanging out with me more fun than dealing with your ungrateful ass

yeah I hope my father doesn't exist.

He is so moron and shame of myself.

I have friends who has famous CEO or scientist as parent.