Rethuglicans and Drumpf cancel kids' heath insurance

I would say "impeach" but all of the white "Christian" males in the Congress agree with the Dotard.



Christians have faith in God not an insurance plan desu.

9 million illegal aliens.

9 million little brown pieces of shit with legs that should go back to Mexico.

Their parents should be investigated for being unable to provide healthcare for their children.


How is that DRUMPF's fault?
He's been ready to sign shit since he got into office but they can't agree on anything.

You think Trump has been ready to reauthorize CHIPs?


I say this with no irony: I want to make it easier for people to die.

Anyone still defending Drumpf at this point is beyond help.

The US is edging closer to fascism every day, and it is our job, as the sane, tolerant, educated people to FIGHT LIKE HELL to stop any further descent into a far-right hellhole. We have the ICE arresting innocent immigrants and citizens for their skin color, police shooting innocent people of color in the streets, and a president who openly praises Neo-Nazis. We need to stand firm against hate and racism, and fight to bring much-needed change this fucking shitty situation.

Literally nobody has an obligation to provide anyone but their own family with anything. Prove me wrong.

Too much left in one post. It's obviously fake.

Probably, guy would sign universal healthcare if it came across his desk at this point.

Don't be mad at the Donald, be mad at parents for not caring enough to work hard and give their kids health insurance.

So over dramatic it was an entertaining read.

>be American
>have health insurance through job
>get cancer
>insurance won't cover me
>need half a million for treatment
>blame Trump
>cook meth

Kids are healthy, they'll be fucking fine.

Maybe mom & dad should have gotten something better than shit-tier jobs that would have given decent insurance, or, the money to buy quality coverage, but nah, stay niggerish instead.


Does this mean that $1/pack cigarette tax used to fund CHIP is going to go away?


Wrong board. Try that IRL in any university, they'll try to prove you wrong by shouting, cryinh, and eventually hitting you.
Here most agree with you.

I want to believe someone will fight me here. And I can't do that at my university, I work for it and I can't risk getting fired. I'll do it after graduation.

REEEEEE you can't take away healthcare from the children! YOU RACIST BIGOT!!!

What's the matter? Chip on your shoulder?

Mexico has free healthcare, seems like a no brainer OP

Yes! All people who need healthcare provided for them should move to Mexico.

duh, borders are just like an old white man thing bro. Mexico has been preaching the benefits of open borders and diversity for years, I'm sure they'll welcome millions of poor people onto their public assistance programs with open arms.