Damn, the French are really upset about the Las Vegas shooting. They mourn in solidarity with Americans

Damn, the French are really upset about the Las Vegas shooting. They mourn in solidarity with Americans.

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Yes, the "French" indeed

looks like trump was proved right again about muslims laughing at american mass atrocities.

it's an act of love

Ze enternal frog. Our arch nemesis.

>France 24 Arabic

It's the Arabic language service of the news channel. Different audience, different service.
It's like saying BBC Africa or BBC Middle East is representative of the British BBC. Stop with the bait

No bait here, only facts, fuck france.

Then why did you gas the jews instead of the French Hans?

Only people who watch France 24 in arabic are arabs visiting France of Franco-Arabs traveling abroad... These international news sites are a cess pool, whether CNN, the Guardian, RT, all the comments are toxic...

Isn't Sup Forums the place where people cheered the most about what happened? I mean you guys love happenings, and this one isn't an exception. Posting memes and shitposting about the dead and wounded is technically the same as mocking what happened. You utter hypocrite

I don't believe anything from France
Cause France is no longer France (shrugs)