Roma people ask referendum for autonomous region in Hungary

>Roma people ask referendum for autonomous region in Hungary


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Kek, at the same time the Ukrainian region of Zakarpatie with majority Hungarian speaking population wants to join hungary

We should move all gypsies from Europe to that region and soon to be country.

You think spain was bad...just wait for this one then

They've moved up from pickpocketing and are now trying to steal countries

>gypsies granted autonomous state
>state completely trashed and gypsies move into Hungary
>ask for land they inhabit to become an autonomous state
>rinse and repeat until whole EU is gypsy empire


never forget that these h*ngarian gypsoids killed our aryan god, Marian Cozma

pic related are the attackers, average hung*rians

they look more like szekely's than hungarians

>step 1: gib wasteland and tell romas to either take it or suck it up
>step 2: wait for romas to inevitably move en masse to said wasteland.
>step 3: make other countries dump their roma population into said wasteland
>step 4: nuke it to oblivion
>step 5: Profit!

gg magyarbros, you keep messing with us trying to steal our land when europe is invaded by subhuman monkeys who are gonna kill us both anyway and now your gyps are trying to take a piece of hungary looool