Why Sup Forums wants the commie catalans to be independent?

why Sup Forums wants the commie catalans to be independent?

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so that Franco can come back and send them to hell

because Sup Forums is filled with retard americans who thing "muh independence" is a good thing

Sup Forums tends to be on the side that would cause the most chaos. Hence happeningfags and praise Kek.

Its like cutting out the cancerous part from Spain.

Let the commies have their utopia, and watch the fireworks.

if it is so cancerous then why spain is in full damage control?

>giving up sovreign territory, infrastructure and industry without a fight
Gee, who knows, right?

Because the alternative is having those commies live together with you.

Any protest where the Soviet flag is waved should be treated the way Soviets treated protests.

I'll remember this. Good one user.