New Qualidea PV


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I am hype this for Aoi.

Look like generic chuni shit.

It'll flop hard.

Boy ranking:
Smug-kun >>> Bored-kun

Girl rating:
White > Black > Red > Blonde



>people still watch hetshit

I always get hyped for A1 shows and they just fucking let me down.

This looks like Code Geass but I am sure it will lack the strategy and philosophy that made Code Geass actually good.

And worse and less thought out power systems.

No wonder the animation is shit.

wait what.

This can either be amusingly entertainingly but nothing more or frustratingly boring and same-y

>strategy and philosophy

Watching Lulu outsmart people with vaguely expalined tactics was fun but there was nothing philosophical about CG

How is this linked to this, anybody know? Or is it completely unrelated story wise? Same writer and all.

That LN seemed to be about before the alien invasion. The anime is about the actual invasion.

I Hope they add some boss-like aliens and characters to the enemy side, otherwise it might end up being as forgetble as Strike Witches

What about the idea of lies and facades pushing society forward. What about how we perceive the world based off of perceptions with Valetta's side story. What about the chain of hatred. What about the moral dilemna of Suzaku vs Lelouch. What about all of the other philosophical messages Code Geass pushed.

Common theme in most stories, on the same level as power of friendship.

Why do they hate each other, Sup Forums?
8man vs hero guy, who are you rooting for?
Why do you link dailymotion when it´s on youtube?

Fuck that looks like generic boring ass shit.

>This video contains Marvelousqlmusic. It is not available in your country full of freedom.

I can watch it just fine though.

Non-freedom countryman detected

Your country doesnt have enough freedom.

>2 guys
I'll give it a chance.

Unless you're a dumb phoneposter or something, you should be able to install a browser addon that allows you to circumvent youtube region locking.

I love my freedom so much. Happy freedom day to all of you.

>Girl rating:
>White > Black > Red > Blonde

Canaria a cute.

I hope she and red get popular, so they get plenty of faceless old men gangbang doujins.

Kill yourself you faggot.

Looks like shit desu

They are finally releasing the fourth novel. Chiba is such a great city.

This shit is the fucking worst. Bottom of the barrel level garbage.

I hope it flops horribly.

This looks MILES better

Wrong, Berserk and Masou Gakuen HxH took that spot.

Looks good to be honest. Hopefully it will be a roller-coaster like Valvrave.

>three men
>even a fat one

Too pandering for me.

That fucking mouth though

>Looks good to be honest. Hopefully it will be a roller-coaster like Valvrave.

Ehhh, the director is nothing home to write about

The right decision was to toss aside the harem. Now if they manage to focus on other things aside the battle thing, it may be pretty decent.

>Hopefully it will be a roller-coaster like Valvrave
It doubt it will be anything like the "dumb fun" of valvrape.

It's more like boring chuuni shit.

Both look pretty decent. I don't really care which one is better.

I couldn't find them on dailymotion.

Why do you care about flopping or not?

It's Sup Forums user, when a new battle harem appears everybody shits on it while saying it's gonna flop. This isn't a harem though.

I have a Valkyria Chronicles/Princess and the Pilot vibes from it.

Looks unsurprisingly bland.

Can't really say I'm expecting much from it, but if it delivers on Aoi Yuuki being a cute lesbian then I'll probably stick with it.

Anybody thinks there's gonna be love in this?

These are just the song previews with very limited new footage ( a line by katana dyke), here are some nip links for Amerikkkans

She looks better by Kantoku

If I remember correctly, one of the first thing the group Speakeasy said in their collaboration interview was how how LNs these days lack creativity and panders too much to younger audiences.

Maybe this means the anime wont be shit. But given the limited footage we've seen so far and since nobody has found any impressions from the Theater preview on Saturday, it's hard to judge.

I think a lot of people will end up liking her becuase unlike many series, she's a pushover but does her best at what she's doing.


The three authors are aware of the current state of LNs nowadays. You can read the first lines of th very first Qualidea book:
There’s a thought that always comes to mind whenever I read light novels: “The illustrations count for everything.”

>When you have insufferable dialogue saturated with crappy moe clichés, a masturbatory power fantasy setting, characters ripped off various works by other talentless hacks, and boring prose even a middle schooler could read—no, even an elementary schooler could write—the illustrations quickly become the sole redeeming feature. Light novels are excruciating to read, but the illustrations make them readable.

But Red and Yellow would make such great friends.

Well, those are big words. I wouldnt say the PVs shown quite reflect their supposed enlightenment though.

Most of the dialogue so far are pretty generic anime lines. Like the overprotective swordswoman telling people to fuck off from her princess, the lazy sister calling her brother trash, or the edgy MC saying shit like himself alone is enough.

That's what it has me so interested. They are aware yet they still are doing this for whatever reason. I read the DAL novels and the author really has a great plot going on. I'll stick with this just because they know what LNs are considered now. Also, because this is no harem.

Looks pretty good. Who's writing?

Tachibana-sama, Sagara Sou, and Watari.

Sounds like it's set-up to fail.

Kill yourself.

It's funny how those two call the DAL author "Tachibana-sama". I laughed my ass off when I read the interview.

I hope he wrote most of it then, the 2 others never did anything good as far as I know

They split the three cities.

Dont know at this point if their stories converge or not.


>DAL author
>Never did anything good
Retard. Watari even asked Tachibana to think up the plot.

Do you seriously believe this trash is any good? Really?

For what exactly? I guess the soundtrack seems nice.

This pretty much.
Just about to ask the same thing.

Yes. Doesn't have to be good for you, just stating facts:

Editor: Was Sagara-san the one who came up with Qualidea of Scum and a Gold Coin’s structure and plot developments?

W: It was all Sagara Sou’s doing.

S: I was guided by His Lord Tachibana Koushi from above.

T: I got a call from Watari Wataru in the middle of the night.

W: I told him to think up a plot and then hung up. (laughs)

Editor: (laughs)

>but you have to read until vol 34567 and then it get good!
Please no, don't try this, especially not for bottom of barrel garbage like DAL.

Yeah there's no way this anime will be good then. Shouldn't have had my hope up.

I'm not telling you to read it, idiot. If you consider it trahs, then go ahead. I'n not a faggot who would beg you to read the LN.

Looking at the character design should've at least tells you how it will goes.
It's your fault for having hopes in that shit.

>Looking at the character design


>Character design
>That has something to do with Tachibana
My sides.

Yup, generic shit.

I want to eat red's shit.

I like the art and character design. Hope it's at least decent.

One less faggot to deal with. Looking forward to Qualidea threads.

It will be the Symphogear of the season.

Actually probably not.

They do meet apparently, I was reading how the smug make character and the 2.0 8man didn't get along that well.

I don't think so, but it'll be pretty decent knowing it's no harem. I hope there will be some development along the way. If so, it could be good.

>the 2.0 8man


This guy.

Doesn't looks like him. Doesn't act like him too.

Same author.

They dont get along probably because he is a lazy cunt while the other is a tryhard faggot.

>female combatants wearing skirts


Anyone read this? Is it good?

Can you give examples of these shows. I also left out a lot of other messages because of time constraints

The first volume is translated. Go read it.

Do you always respond to posts without reading their content?

Try it and decide yourself.
The review is good, but the reader just hates the heroine.

Yeah, my bad. I'm fucking lazy today.
It's decent, the first Qualidea book take splaces decades ago before the anime.

Didn't they have sex? The Chiba characters are their kids right?

I'd refuse to call it philosophical as a main thing, but the show does have a theme and people can elaborate on it on their own.


Fucking Harem garbage