The Eternal Boomer

The Eternal Boomer

>born 1953 when America was still white
>easiest life in history of mankind
>no wife or children
>retires at age 60
>buys and imports South East Asian women into America
>kills 50 white christian conservatives

Boomers are leeches in every way

Other urls found in this thread:

He was a racist nazi trump supporter


why would a Trump supporter kill other Trump supporters?

he was watching the vietnam documentary and it triggered his warrior spirit

Probably a fucking false flag

>white christian conservatives

look I know it was a country music event but you are seriously underestimating the population of degenerates in las vegas

Never trust a boomer

Boomer genocide time has come.

East Asian Muslim converts him to Islam.
Then he kills everyone

Always bet on Islam.
She was even yelling at people in line they'd all die before she got kicked out

digits confirmed

great poster too