I'm off the libertarian train

I always hated taxes and collectivism, but now I realized people are dumb and as soon they get money, they will waste it in dumb shit.
Most people are retarded and deserve only enough to not starve.

That was the last ideology I thought it was worth fight for.
I feel empty pilled, there are no pills, everything is shit.

Cuckservatives are Jew ass kissers.
Democrats are nigger ass kissers.
Nazis are a low-IQ, white mass killers, universally despised minority who can't go outside.
The alt-right is filled with cringe retards, underages and civic nationalists.
The left are full suicidal prideless trash.
White nationalism is mostly despised by whites themselves.
All the relevant religions are shit, and secularism is even worse.
The normies, the silent majority, are all crypto-Marxists.

I don't know anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:


What happens to people who waste their money on dumb shit when there's no welfare?

They die off. Natural selection.

Nobody deserves "not to starve". If you don't want to starve, get some food.

You user sound like somebody who mistook libertarianism for something it's not.

o wow, my will is so broken, I guess this is it, confiscate guns, raise taxes to 100%

Stop being an ideologue

No one gives a fuck about your feelings or thoughts, snow flake.

>people are dumb
Yeah no shit that's what keeps the economic machine turning. Don't shake your values, take comfort that there will always be some shmuck to give you their shekels for your product/service

>confiscate guns, raise taxes to 100%
Trust me pal, the plebeians deserve that.

This, exactly this.

The welfare state needs to die off and the rest of the needy flock will follow it.

I know your feeling

idk why i quoted you, I meant op

You seem to be hating both sides, Welcome brother to the (((Centre)))
Here your brain might explode even easier.

And no one gives a fuck about your feelings or thoughts, snow nigger

Holy fuck lolbertarians are the most simplistic retards ever.
Yeah, they ALL die off, that's why there were no poor people before welfare states. You fucking cretin.

Your problem seems to idealism. Libertarianism is the most far flung idealistic position with un-ironic Nazism at a close second.

Just adopt a old school pragmatic conservative position. Low taxes, Immigration controls, embrace high culture, help the poor not smother the in welfare.

And why would we need them if they aren't contributing to society?

user listen there is still hope.
The one true path.
Look upon your new prophet, and know that your salvation is upon you.

healthcare is a right tho

Look you 80 iq balkanigger

Poor is a relative term. You're poor compared to average person or the richest person. The definition of poor is different in varying countries, and has changed in countries over decades.

I don't think you're being sincere, nor were you a libertarian.

People are stupid and dumb, but all the dumb people I know have money for food.

You would like the book Might is Right

And who are you?
First, people who contribute literally nothing and just sit on their ass whole day are a huge minority in any society.
Second, once inequality becomes too great, shit happens. No one starves alone in some dark corner. Why do you think communists managed to seize power in so many poor states?
I never said that poor isn't a relative term, but even if poverty is relative, inequality is not.
And inequality bothers people a lot. It's not as linear as you think it is.

Yes, because in the free unregulated market you die only if you deserve to.

No, you don't have a right to anybody's labor.

Libertarianism is entirely invented by kikes, it is basically perfect environment for Diaspora to flourish, so full of atomized individualistic goyim that wont have anything to do against united collective efforts of the tribe. The only exception is Hoppe version of libertarianism, it is kike-proof in most aspects.

And all this talk is fucking pointless. You people lack any EMPIRICAL proof your theories work. You just have ramblings of your idols who base their ideology on a ridiculously simplistic social models.
Just read fucking Ayn Rand, she was an autistic butthurt Jew who couldn't write a human character if her life depended on it. There is no humanity in her characters, probably because she herself was a shrill sociopath and thus couldn't understand other humans.
No libertarian society ever existed, and few that approached it in some aspects usually ended catastrophically.
See high medieval Iceland, see early modern Poland, see even Holy Roman Empire for what happens when you decentralize everything. Iceland is perhaps the best example, since they came very close to libertarian ideal.

Very few people will die.
Many people however will be poor and angry, while a small group grows richer and richer and soon monopolizes power.
Your society is self-defeating and you know it, and furthermore you have no idea how to achieve it or means to achieve it.
So by any means, keep sperging about your escapist ''ideology''.

>Nazis are a low-IQ, white mass killers, universally despised minority who can't go outside.
I don't think you've ever been to one of our meetups. Find one in your area, we don't bite.

B-but user!! M-muh Free Market will ensure society naturally progresses towards utopia!

do you consider yourself

1) a well-read person
2) an intelligent person

this isn't a trick question, I'm genuinely curious.

also, do you think you have all the available information right now to be making such strong claims?

And MMMUH PHYSICAL REMOVAL, who will remove undesirables?
You need hierarchical organization to accomplish something like that. That organization will use violence when it thinks it's necessary. You literally need a state you retarded moron. You just don't want to call it a state.
You people are so fucking dumb and cringy my head hurts when I read your childish pathetic fantasies.
Fuck off somewhere else and pollute some other board.

The option is obvious:

>Crypto white nationalism

It only takes a relatively few number of highly dedicated people...

Fascism forever. The plebes need a strong hand.

Well my IQ is 144 (measured), and I read a lot, so yes on both accounts.
But I don't think it means I'm always right, or that I can't be deluded. I probably don't know a lot of shit and I'm probably wrong about many things.
But unlike these retards I actually spent a lot of time reading about history and society, reading literature and philosophy, and unlike them I left my home here and there and met people, so I have a better grasp of how they work.
Their ideas are childish fantasies. Furthermore I suspect they all presume they would be alpha dogs in such society, which is honestly ridiculous.

This is the truth. Libertarian thought only works with people that are high functioning and above average intelligence. The weak among us need an authority or they cut their cocks off.

Pretty much, but fascism isn't a solution either. It's at best a short-term solution with awful side-effects. Like any extremism for that matter.

When you accept the burden of accepting that human beings must be ruled, you can finally grow up. Freedom is a cop-out for those to cowardly to contemplate the nature of good rule, and the nature of power, hierarchy, peace, and order.

Read Being and Time

fair enough.

are you familiar with the ethical dilemma called "the tortured child"?

if not, it's accesible here, #7


>judging a band by its fans
That's your mistake, OP. Reminder that all alt-right views are entirely rational and pro-science and Jared Taylor has never lost a debate.

>White nationalism is mostly despised by whites themselves
burger detected. Kill yourself my man and fuck of with your new world muh whites shit. Real nationalism is on the rise in the old world cunt.

So do you want my answer?

Lol ancap is the only moral system.

Fuck you cunt noone will submit to your bullshit hierarchy majority is dumb and shout not rule over smart people

I don't believe in democracy

I feel the same way. Im not fascist myself, but what else is there besides shitty communism and whatever the fuck we're experiencing right now?

Kinda have the same problem desu. I've tried associating myself with all these fringe ideologies but I eventually realize they're all irreparable dead-ends filled with the biggest cringelords imaginable. Eventually I just end up sinking back into my default "all sides suck, including my own" nihilism. I call it the Sam Hyde position.

Lol so dictator is better. Chances are hw is most likely gonna be a retard like kim. No thanks I take my guns and my freedom.

I don't know. But I sure know it's not fucking lolbertarian autism.

>he finally took the blackpill
>he genuinely thought there would be a happy ending to all of this

Good, dont kill yourself though

feel free to share your answer, but I posted the dilemma for another reason.

Everyone owns their own body. Forcing them to join a state is immoral since it violates his property right to control his body. (this is Locke + Kant + Nozick)

We anarchocapitalists don't care whether anarchism is expedient or more effective than other modes of organizing society (even though it seems like the more free a market is the better it performs), all we care about is preserving the freedoms and dignity of our fellow travellers. We cannot bring ourselves to force anyone to share a society with us, un less they willing choose to do so. We would never torture the girl in exchange for goodies.

do you now understand why we are ancaps?

Dictators ruled humanity for most of human history. Democracy has made for shorter-lived, more capricious, and less stable governance. Natural aristocracy constrained by the constant threat of rebellion as a consequence of poor governance is what keeps things honest enough. Anarchy is a denial of the nature of power.

Who am I? Just a jerk off on the internet
Well if people are contributing to society why do we need such a bloated welfare system that bleeds the economy dry?
Who cares about equality, equality gave us nothing but ruin in the last 100 years and it only makes us speed our way to a collapse.

You're an escapist. Having good thoughts doesn't mean your actions are good.
Your actions would harm your "fellow travellers", and ultimately demolish freedom.
Freedom is just a nice word. It doesn't exist on it's own, and unlimited freedom is just impossible.


>And MMMUH PHYSICAL REMOVAL, who will remove undesirables?
Whoever wants them off his property.

>You need hierarchical organization to accomplish something like that.

>That organization will use violence when it thinks it's necessary.

>You literally need a state you retarded moron.
The state is not the only hierarchical institution, senpai.

>You just don't want to call it a state.
Why, what do you call a voluntary hierarchy of private property-owning individuals?

>You people are so fucking dumb and cringy my head hurts when I read your childish pathetic fantasies.
t. 50 IQ mountain nigger

you'd kill the girl, well done.

be wary of utilitarianism


I thought you were a worthy sparring partner. read a couple hundred more books and then perhaps we'll be able to talk like equals.

Don't worry pal, "myself" is the only thing I have left.

that's really simplistic though

If everything is basically no-holds-barred there is nothing inherently good about outcome for the average participant. You center everything around Might Makes Right, and at that point you may as well go back to Feudalism. Man isn't great how we can all be serfs for Walmart? How convenient that its proponents are here to explain to me I deserve such a lowly fate, too.

Howabout: some regulations are good. If you don't agree, maybe consider Pharmaceuticals regulated by the FDA, vs Dietary Supplements regulated by fuckall.

inb4 "Yes please totally sell people awful compounds and not inform them of the dangers, it's the average person's fault if they don't know that Vaccinium Macrocarpon is just Cranberry and (1R,2S)-2-(methylamino)-1-phenylpropan-1-ol is going to give them fucking Psychosis."

This game of only caring about endpoints and fuck what happens in the interim would be stupid and harmful to any society, and no amount of shitass religion is going to sway people to make better decisions because the prerequisite for faith is being a dumbass.

Guess what that leaves: people telling each other shit they can and can't do. If you want ultimate freedom, feel free to leave civilization.

You have no tribe. You have no army. You have no territory. You have no resources. You have nothing but self-aggrandizing fantasies, and resentment. People like you were simply killed, relieved of valuables, and left to rot for all of human history.

That is so cute coming from canadacuck who lives in welfare state and probably sees himself being in higher caste of that truth.

Hey Op your statement is very passion aggresive...reminder the high score is now FIDDY KILLS

I'm just a scared white boi

my morals hurt

I don't support democracy, but I also don't support freedom.
Can I ask you what you're religious beliefs are?

Of course I would. And yes, I'm utilitarian.

>the FDA has never poisoned anyone

>That was the last ideology I thought it was worth fight for.

thats the trap, no ideology is worth fighting for

>fighting for ideologies is fucking cuck tier

at most, study the different ideologies that interests you and incorporate any beneficial ideas into your own life

but never fight for an ideology, thats a futile effort.

fight for yourself, your family, your community, etc not an ideology.

>flawed regulations are worse than no regulations

The more you support a problem through wellfare, the more that problem will spring up.

There were fewer numbers of unwed mothers actually. Local churches took in unwed mothers. Mothers did not have a back up plan for their careless fuck up so they were less inclined to have kids without a care.

I once saw a mother of 8 children in a courthouse who was their to sue her ex for child care, who tried to run off to Mexico. All were feom different fathers. Each father was getting billed for child care.

Humans tend to like helping other humans and by doing so communities become closer.
Look at how many thousands donated and volunteered to a charity that brings meals to the elderly after government funding was cut.

Before welfare became such a sweet pay day for lazy niggers their were far more married black couples because they could not afford to have the lifestyle and culture of never settling down. They could not have afforded that lifestyle.

Now a single mother can earn the same as a middle class family that work their was off for the same income. People who should never have children will send their smelly abused child to school once a year so their welfare check isn't cut off.

Individual responsibility for the collective goodwill of one's nation is probably the best ideology

Yeah... I don't think that memo is reaching everybody. In which case, what's the next option?

The good jew

you JUST said any regulations from not the FDA leads to psychosis

Libertarianism reduces morality into whatever is most profitable at a given point in time. Any Rand and Milton Friedman had absolutely no spiritual connection to this country or its people.

>Nazis are low-IQ, white mass killers
Skinheads, yes. However, there's nothing wrong with fighting for your people.

one group has more votes than the other group
until voting is restricted to people who actually have a stake, it will get worse

>reddit space
show me where evola derives morality then

Hmm... ending the drug war, enforcing strict border controls, tough trade deals.. replace the welfare system with a UBI, deregulate zoning laws as much as possible, look at the Japanese zoning laws as a guide, it's maybe more of an american issue but urban sprawl is killing the soul of the people and replacing it with shitty traffic and big box chains rather than a sense of community. Radical Centrists are really interested in that kind of stuff and I think it's an overlooked problem, check this video out youtube.com/watch?v=-lD7VqQbrEw dude sounds autistic but he's absolutely right on many points. Other than that man I don't have much concrete but it has to come from a shift in the collective consciousness about where we're headed as a people

Maybe some miscommunication happened here, but I'm pretty sure he was mocking how the FDA having failed before is an argument against regulating.

I was pointing out that if you apply logic to a problem and still end up being incorrect, that doesn't mean stop using logic. Flawed regulations should be Improved, not Abandoned.

Wait, that was you with a dif flag. I guess your reading comprehension has failed today buddy

welcome to the real world

looks like he's had a lot of plastic surgery

ironically you can only be an """individualist""" libertarian if the collective around you supports it

>people are dumb and as soon they get money, they will waste it in dumb shit.
You're perfectly describing the government and how they use our taxes

just be happy youre not an ancap.

just as fucking gay and morally deprived as ancoms

>imaginary nonsense
I'd torture you in exchange for goodies

Welcome to the true world friend. You aren't alone, find the rest of us and live well.
Rise above the game.

i smell a poor person who doesn't know the pain of having your £600,000 a year being taxed 40%

It seems like those people always co-opt natsoc/third position movements anyway. Even on Jared Taylor videos all the top comments are always about lynching niggers and genociding nonwhites.

There´s always alternatives...

libertarians are cancer


where did I say we shouldnt regulate?
its clear that tax funded regulators are far worse than other regulators
because the mechanism of taxes is broken when it comes to logic

Uh no is right. They will just vote for a welfare state. I swear, you don't even need doctors to diagnose autism anymore just ask them if they're libertarian. So incredibly naive and stupid.

You WILL pay for my healthcare bills due to my genetic predisposition to obesity. Stop being a bigot!

to start with, vast majority of libertarian intellectuals are/were Jewish, so that raises big alarms for redpilled people.

Secondly, libertarianism is just pure materialist ideology and therefore essentially the same as Marxism. In other words, libertarianism posits that society should be organised on the basis of an individuals material interests and their negative rights while ignoring the fundamental biological instincts of mankind, including the enduring push toward nation-building.

I think libertarianism is appealing for many people who sense that, in some respect or another, something is 'wrong' with society. So instead of addressing the problems you perceive directly, it is simply seeks to reconstitute the legalistic framework of liberalism in with the interests of the individual. Which might be good for making certain markets operate more efficiently, but equally fatal to the nation and civilisation.

Oh look, another weak-willed faggot.

The barrel of the gun.

>I always hated taxes and collectivism, but now I realized people are dumb and as soon they get money, they will waste it in dumb shit.
What a stupid reason to abandon it.