How will "muh guns" fags defend this?

How will "muh guns" fags defend this?

By killing you if you try to take our rights.


Pretty much this.

The guns were bought illegally anyways faggot. Even if guns were banned people would still have access to them you nigger.

It's simple: We don't care what you think, come and try to take them.


i think antifaggots are trying to raid pol right now all i see is "GUN CONTROL NOW" or some title like that.

Not all gun owners do this. Quit being Gunownerphobic.

I suspect this person had some training. He had to compensate for bullet drop and range on those shots- planned out very well.

It’s also strange he had automatic weapons, those are hard to get your hands on.


>t. my ass

How did banning guns work out for France so far?
>That guy in Nice killed more people by using a truck instead of a gun.
>All the other guys used illegal AKs
Did it work in the UK?
>Bombs in subways and buses

How did it work in Aus?

>gets logical response to gun grabbing opportunist
>responds with denial

Keep it up libfag

>Even if guns were banned people would still have access to them you nigger.

Kind of like how Breivik traveled Europe trying to procure more powerful firearms illegally.. But when he failed he had to make do and use his own legally owned weapons

>states guns were purchased illegally
>provides no proof of claim

Go fuck yourself, Jamal

Can’t use logic with these people

This, in not so many words.


The same way we always do.

Come and take it.

A gun ended the shooting.

How will you ever recover?

>mass shooting
been a couple weeks at least