Are we headed towards a permanent collapse of western civilization, caused by liberals?
Are we headed towards a permanent collapse of western civilization, caused by liberals?
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Yea like that will help
Patton lost his mind years ago
It really kicked into overdrive after he murdered his wofe
>50 people die
>How can I turn this tragedy into more Trump bashing?
I'm surprised these people haven't been murdered by some psychopath yet
>caused by liberals
I don't remember paddock being a liberal do you?
More Americans die by a gun every day than in this mass shooting, so why the outrage now by liberals?
The kike spokesjews live in gated communities behind tall walls and guarded by private security. They work in buildings with security checkpoints and multiple armed guards. They're hard to infiltrate, and few people are willing to die just to kill one kike puppet since it would be a one-way trip in. It's a waste of resources. Now why no one has gone after their handlers, that's harder to say. They're under even heavier guard, but those would be worth the loss of men.
I blame social media more than anything else.
Liberals only care when white people die. The daily dead niggers doesn't even register.
It's fun to troll BlackLiesMatter Twitter with this fact. More black kids die in Chimpcago every weekend, and libs say nothing... but some white folk die and Talcum X is up in arms. Coincidence, of course.
Keep your dumb thoughts to yourself.
How about kill yourself you worthless faggot
Isn't this guy an actor? Does he just tweet about trump in-between each take on set?
The redpill none of you wants to take
>western civilization is already dead
>the killing blow came over a century ago
>we represent it's twitching corpse
It can't be saved. The only thing we can do is try to build a new civilization, based on a new common culture.
Your normie friends and family can't be saved any more than the old civilization can be. There's no happening that would be significant enough to change their views - not even God making an appearance on Earth. They're lost. Our countries are lost.
The only question is, how would we go about building a new civilization from the old one's ashes? Where would we build it? What national myth would underpin it's identity - what religion?
wew lad
that cant be real
>not on his timeline
Fake and gay
100%. Anon5 was correct.
Depends. How hard are they going to work to strip the power out of people and leave civilization dependent on leadership? The strength of capitalistic civilization is in being a self-directing system without need of elite leadership. Those who would weaken the public before their "betters" will discover the quality of what they have elevated and enabled.
I'll see your msm hypocrisy, and raise you one.
You preach hatred
You post death threats on Twitter
You riot and destroy your own community
You assault people
You declare free speech dead on campuses
You declare our children should be forcefully removed
You tear down statues representing history
You attempt to silence all opposition
You lie, demonize, preach propaganda
You preach death to our leos, our service men and women
You joke about ''mass shootings at Country Music Awards''
And for what reason!?
Because we voted differently to you.
>nothing interesting ever happens
>the jews are killing society
>the nukes wont drop
>you just happen to be born into the worst timeline
Considering republican dominated states are unable to sustain their economies and basic public services without blue state tax dollars generated mostly in liberal urban areas, i'd say probably not. you're welcome to refund the yankee tax dollars you've been squandering any time, however.
the damage done by the occasional mass murder is trivial in comparison with the damage done by liberal education and culture
I'd say absolutely. They're working towards a global government where everybody's a varying shade of brown, countries are the equivalent of states, and developed countries harm their own citizens for the good of the citizens of other countries.
They want to destroy all individual cultures for "multiculturalism!" and "diversity!"
Leftists, christians, neocons, and republicans. You can thank all of these people.
The economy would be healthier if you would kindly kill the farming subsidies. Your state to state tax balance would improve, too.
I hope so. Just so I get to witness them massacred in the streets like the sick animals that they are.
i want to believe its students giving the answers
You people are so fucking fragile you can't take a joke from a comedian? KEK. The white race is in good hands with you warriors defending us
Why on God's green earth would you include Christians in a list like that? The average American Christian is charitable, kind, hard working, literate, and law abiding. The vast majority of violent crime in this country is perpetrated by disaffected black males and their crimes are planned or made inevitable by leftists and their Democrat-control plantation cities.
If that's a joke from a comedian, he is the shittest comedian I have ever had the displeasure of hearing from.
kek, farming subsidies doesn't even come close to explaining why states like mississippi get 40% of their revenue from the federal government. the reality is that the per capita rates of entitlement consumers in red states are through the roof. and before you blame niggers, don't forget that 2 of the worst offenders, kentucky and west virginia, are 90 and 95% white respectively. conservacucks like to talk about "self-reliance" but the reality is they don't know how to actually BE self reliant, it's all talk. SAD. like i said, if you dont want the money, give it back you subhuman parasite.
I don't give a uck if he's funny or not. Point is you people get triggered to fuck by a little twitter post.
Like I said, thank you for keeping my race safe, you fucking badasses.
I realized this while reading moby dick, seriously. The book is simultaneously the most boring and quasi-religious in it's profundity that I just started weeping. Melville could spend 10 pages talking about how a whale lulling about is a sight to inspire such awe in man, coupled with knowing he must kill it and live with it, I just saw America in that whale.
We don't even attempt to follow in the greatness of our forebears and as soon as I realized that, I knew history had already "righted it's courese" against our great ideals before I was even born.
18 times more people care about what tropicana is doing right now. Let that sink in.
I wish those graphs were labeled.
Not saying its wrong, just seems kinda important.
>be a leftist cuck
>something happens
>trumps says nothing
>blame trump
>trump says something
>blame trump
The leftists are a bunch of nutjobs.