>More guns save peo-
Less guns =/= More safety
Less guns=Venezuela
Brazil, Mexico and South Africa all have strict gun laws.
>marie lu
>mary lou
I hope Ivanka talks some sense into Trump after this and changes his mind about guns. Cross your fingers lads, hope for change.
Women really need to just exit themselves from politics, we gave them a chance but It's just not working out
>using =/= and not !=
How much of a fag can you be?
less guns=communism
Surely this is fake, right?
>using programming operator for something that doesn't involve programming languages
Undergrad at some shitty university detected
Well, Marie Lu, you're welcome to come try to take my guns.
It's almost like it's not the guns that are dangerous but the people that are using them...
Nah, what am I saying? That's nonsense.
this supposed to be the girlfriend?
It's not about personal safety, although it can be used for that too. Guns are about preventing a rogue government from forcing its shit on you without the ability of you to fight back.
it was a gun free zone and most cc people aren't going to win against a person with automatic weapons/rifles from a fortified position.
I thought the concert was a gun-free zone?
more government != more safety
>it's absolutely infuriating how many statists still refuse to believe this
Poor r-selected feeblings.
singapore, indonesia, china, japan, south korea, australia, malaysia, india, bangladesh, nepal, argentina, jamaica and new zealand too.
It is absolutely infuriating how many people believe that cops are targeting minorities for execution and yet want those same cops to be the only people with guns.
Thanks for listing all the places I wouldnt want to live in over the glorious US.
those countries dont have mass shootings and very little, some almost none, gun crimes.
most of them also punishes those who are caught owning a firearm without a license with capital punishments.
try learning from the success of others next time.
Mass shootings and gun crimes =/= violent crime.
Also note the lack of blacks in the more successful of the countries you pointed out.
MFW slopes have opinions.
>Blue State
>b-b-but muh gun free zone we wuz supposed to be safe n shit
really activated my almonds
Bangladesh, singapore and nepal have indians. Those are worse than blacks.
>most of them also punishes those who are caught owning a firearm without a license with capital punishments.
>try learning from the success of others next time.
lol at the pathetic authoritarian describing the proscription of basic human rights as "success"
A free society is never going to be the safest society. It's not having guns that's the problem it's a society that has too many elements that are going to chimp out or allah akbar on you.
In a decent society, a ordinary citizen can own and carry a firearm and there's not going to be a problem. Why not work towards such a society instead of abandoning freedom?
How many of these are islands and how many have had mass shootings? Mumbai had a horrific terrorist attack. Japan had some guy murder 50 old people in a retirement home.
Both sides can't argue for shit, even if people had guns they wouldnt hit the guy, and if there was no guns then the guy would of still had the guns
Leave it to faggot liberal shills to start drowning the board in muh gun control threads less than 8 hours after a shooting happened.
>the absolute state of canada
First of all Nevada has the first or second least restrictive gun laws in the nation
Second, it doesnt matter. The shooter used an automatic weapon which is entirely illegal save for autos made prior to 86
Fuckin nigger
Aren't the Las Vegas police looking for this woman?
does not change the point if you make guns illegal then only bad guys have guns. Unless you think the drug war is keeping drugs off the streets.
I pretty much said that
No, they just have terrorism, sex trafficking, and other evil.
It was at a fucking redneck hoedown and STILL the biggest shooting in America.
>and very little, some almost none, gun crimes.
people get shot here every day, you just don't hear about it because most of the shootings are gang related
guns didn't kill those people, proper tactics did
if that guy didn't have access to a high floor he wouldn't have killed more than 10
There are more guns than people in america. Its like saying. We need to get rid of these oceans. Good luck with that.